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Michael Geist

Dr. Michael Geist is a law professor at the University of Ottawa where he holds the Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law. He is an syndicated columnist on technology law issues and writes a regular column for the Toronto Star and the Ottawa Citizen. Dr. Geist is the editor of From "Radical Extremism" to "Balanced Copyright": Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda (2010) and In the Public Interest: The Future of Canadian Copyright Law (2005), both published by Irwin Law. He edits several monthly technology law publications, and is the author of a popular blog on Internet and intellectual property law issues.

Dr. Geist serves on many boards, including the CANARIE Board of Directors, the Canadian Legal Information Institute Board of Directors, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s Expert Advisory Board, the Electronic Frontier Foundation Advisory Board, and on the Information Program Sub-Board of the Open Society Institute.

He can reached here.

Reporting beat: Technology law and policy

Twitter: @mgeist

Personal website:

Stories by Michael Geist


CETA Failure Reflects Public Rejection of Sweeping Trade Deals

Don’t blame EU unreasonableness for saying no to bad agreement with Canada.

By Michael Geist, 22 Oct 2016


Canada’s Innovation Sector Ripe for Trolls

Government should install safeguards against abuse of intellectual property rights.

By Michael Geist, 16 Aug 2016


Fight Piracy? Canadian Creators More Concerned with Fighting Obscurity

Punishing pirates a low priority for rights holders, who prefer to focus on supporting legitimate services, study finds.

By Michael Geist, 9 Aug 2016


Do You Consent? Four Ways to Strengthen Digital Privacy

Yay or nay? Often businesses don’t bother asking if you wish to share your online info.

By Michael Geist, 2 Aug 2016


Why Canada’s E-Library Is Barren

Slow going national digitization plan leaves virtual shelves empty.

By Michael Geist, 26 Jul 2016


Pokémon Go Brings New ‘Augmented Reality’ Legal Issues to Light

Not to mention the whole issue of trespassing. Play safe, kids.

By Michael Geist, 19 Jul 2016


CETA Is a Trade Deal in Trouble

Despite politicians' optimism, Canadian and European pact still faces enormous challenges.

By Michael Geist, 12 Jul 2016


Next Net Neutrality Battle: 'Zero Rating'

Canadian regulator launches consultation on ISPs exempting certain content from data charges.

By Michael Geist, 6 Jul 2016


How a File-sharing Lawsuit Could Erode Your Internet Privacy

Downloaders should pay attention to this 'reverse class action' filed by a film company.

By Michael Geist, 28 Jun 2016


Court's Ban on Some Set-Top Boxes Threat to Innovation

Ruling tips balance with injunction blocking disruptive technology with both legal and illegal uses.

By Michael Geist, 21 Jun 2016


Fixing Surveillance Starts with Spy Agencies Coming Clean

Full airing of practices needed in wake of privacy breaches, metadata sharing.

By Michael Geist, 14 Jun 2016


Let's Get Innovative, Aussie-Style

Canada should look Down Under for a roadmap to balance innovation and intellectual property.

By Michael Geist, 7 Jun 2016


Sorry, Gov't Still Secretly Grabbing Your Private Info

Despite reforms, law agencies, telecoms keep ducking transparency.

By Michael Geist, 31 May 2016


If TPP Deal Dies, Canada's Got a Great Plan B

In fact, an alternate strategy to open up key Asian markets already exists.

By Michael Geist, 24 May 2016


Liberals Signal New Telecom Policy, Promote Open Access

First sign: rejecting Bell appeal of CRTC decision on broadband infrastructure.

By Michael Geist, 17 May 2016


CanCon Makeover: Let's Get Creative

Enough with the Netflix tax. Here's how to really shake up our culture.

By Michael Geist, 10 May 2016


Digital Cancon Review: Be Wary of Old Whine in New Bottles

Canadian content policies will soon go under the microscope. Who'll benefit?

By Michael Geist, 3 May 2016


Leadership Sorely Needed on Canada's Broadband Strategy

Ongoing internet access hearing shows feds must step up.

By Michael Geist, 26 Apr 2016


Copyright Law for the Blind Needs Fine Tuning

Liberal bill responds to global movement to create and export accessible works.

By Michael Geist, 19 Apr 2016


On Affordable Internet Access, Everyone Can Help

Thousands of Canadians are still offline, owing to lack of access or affordability.

By Michael Geist, 12 Apr 2016


Out of Tune? Docs Reveal Concerns about Ontario Music Fund Assessments

Grant request for Juno Awards sparked internal controversy.

By Michael Geist, 5 Apr 2016


Liberals Move to Stop Billion-Dollar Start-Ups from Fleeing South

But we're still a long way from replicating US's innovation environment.

By Michael Geist, 29 Mar 2016


What Do Canadians Think about TPP? US Might Not Care

American demands would likely trump our concerns about mega trade deal.

By Michael Geist, 24 Mar 2016


School Copyright Ruling Strikes Fair Balance for Creators and Users

Decision largely affirms how education system has treated copying in the past.

By Michael Geist, 15 Mar 2016


Skinny TV: Fewer Channels, More Competition?

Flying under public radar, basic cable packages open door to choice.

By Michael Geist, 9 Mar 2016


America's Rotten Request to Unlock an Apple iPhone

If law enforcement win right to security backdoor, everyone's privacy suffers.

By Michael Geist, 1 Mar 2016


Provinces: Tell Us How Music Funds Help Local Artists

Details of Ontario's $30 million program go unheard as BC pledges new money.

By Michael Geist, 23 Feb 2016


City Councils Oppose Mayors in Latest Broadband Battle

Ottawa and Toronto motions support CRTC decision on open access web.

By Michael Geist, 16 Feb 2016


Do Canada's Struggling Media Need an Intervention?

Dark days for traditional newsmakers. But appetite for digital upstarts show journalism isn't dead.

By Michael Geist, 9 Feb 2016


Canada Will Sign TPP Thursday, but Deal Far from Done

Feds have promised wide consultation. Here's what should happen next.

By Michael Geist, 2 Feb 2016


Telecoms Must Defend Our Privacy, Court Confirms

Ontario decision orders companies to represent subscribers' interests.

By Michael Geist, 26 Jan 2016


Thanks to TPP, Canada Could Get Caught in Global Privacy Battle

Trade deal coupled with EU court decision could spell trouble for our laws.

By Michael Geist, 19 Jan 2016


Who's Innovative Now? Calgary Backs Open Access Web

City takes a different view than Toronto, Ottawa over future of broadband services.

By Michael Geist, 12 Jan 2016


Eight Tricky Tech Decisions Looming over Trudeau

Revamping Bill C-51, tackling his first big wireless fight... many tough calls await our PM.

By Michael Geist, 5 Jan 2016


The Year in Tech Law and Digital Brouhaha, from A to Z

The deals, bills and court cases that garnered headlines in 2015.

By Michael Geist, 29 Dec 2015


Big Pharma Rewarded as Drug Prices Keep Soaring

Trade deals bolster company patents, while consumers face rising costs.

By Michael Geist, 22 Dec 2015


Don't Ban Uber, Regulate It

How to forge a compromise that takes seriously the biggest Uber worries.

By Michael Geist, 15 Dec 2015


Three Heated Debates on Canada's Copyright Horizon

Documents suggest VPN overhaul, website blocking on gov't agenda.

By Michael Geist, 8 Dec 2015


Quebec's Online Gambling Law Threatens Canada's Open Web

New bill violates long-standing principle: 'Thou shall not block.'

By Michael Geist, 1 Dec 2015


Post Paris, Are Canada's Internet Privacy Laws at Risk?

Attacks may renew calls to go beyond Bill C-51 and restrict encryption technologies.

By Michael Geist, 24 Nov 2015


Why TPP Is a Canadian Digital Policy Failure

American-style copyright extension, digital lock rules may hamstring our innovation sector.

By Michael Geist, 17 Nov 2015


Copyright Case Spotlights Canada's Digital Lock Problem

How circumventing a news paywall became an $11,470 infringement lawsuit.

By Michael Geist, 10 Nov 2015


Under Trudeau, a Battle over Internet and Cultural Policy Looms

At stake: are web companies cultural distributors? Should they pay broadcast contributions?

By Michael Geist, 3 Nov 2015


C-51, TPP Top List of 'Real Change' Tech Priorities

Digital policies took election backseat, but action expected early in Trudeau's term.

By Michael Geist, 27 Oct 2015


Veiled TPP Deal Holds Hidden Privacy Risks

It would restrict governments from creating safeguards for your sensitive data.

By Michael Geist, 13 Oct 2015


Why Wouldn't a Public Broadcaster Air a National Election Debate?

But CBC refused, and that's not the only odd choice it made this campaign.

By Michael Geist, 6 Oct 2015


Still Time to Make Affordable Internet an Election Issue

For starters: where do parties stand on universal web access?

By Michael Geist, 30 Sep 2015


The Dancing Baby Video that Changed Copyright Law

Mom appealed and won eight-year court battle protecting internet freedom this week.

By Michael Geist, 22 Sep 2015


Fall Election Presents Three Internet Privacy Futures

Here's why Canadians should press candidates about warrantless data access.

By Michael Geist, 15 Sep 2015


VCC Ad Battle Ruling a Victory for Google

BC Supreme Court protects Vancouver Career College's ‘confusing' keyword ads.

By Michael Geist, 1 Sep 2015


Senate Reports Offer Insight into Future Tory Privacy, CBC Policies

While Duffy trial ruled the news, our upper house released several new documents.

By Michael Geist, 26 Aug 2015


How Canada Caved to US Pressure at TPP Talks in Hawaii

Negotiators dropped patent and copyright demands but failed to garner agreement.

By Michael Geist, 18 Aug 2015


Canada's Net Neutrality Enforcement Is Going at Half-Throttle

FOI docs reveal no penalties for uneven web providers.

By Michael Geist, 11 Aug 2015


'Netflix Tax' Hubbub Sidelines Weightier Digital Issues

With TPP and C-51, no shortage of questions not easily answered in a tweet.

By Michael Geist, 6 Aug 2015


Three Tough Digital Issues to Press Candidates On

What's their C-51 stance? Are they pro TPP? Good thing it's a long campaign.

By Michael Geist, 4 Aug 2015


Telecom Giants Lose Appeal to Shut Out Broadband Competition

CRTC decision lets upstarts like TekSavvy plug-in to cross-Canada networks.

By Michael Geist, 29 Jul 2015


Agriculture Issues Just the Tip of the TPP Iceberg

Trade deal could slam Canadians with rising consumer, health care and education costs.

By Michael Geist, 22 Jul 2015


The Never-Ending Story of Uber

We've heard it before: internet upstart challenges power. Will consumers win?

By Michael Geist, 14 Jul 2015


No, They Didn't Fix Telcoms Giving Gov't Your Private Info

Four ways Canada's new transparency rules fall short.

By Michael Geist, 8 Jul 2015


Quebec Is Getting Ready to Block Websites It Doesn't Like

Province's plan gambles with the open Internet.

By Michael Geist, 30 Jun 2015


TV's Diversity Die-off Has Just Begun

Why many Canadian channels may be headed for chopping block.

By Michael Geist, 23 Jun 2015


How the Budget Bill Quietly Reshapes Canadian Privacy Law

Fast-tracked omnibus bill raises constitutional issues.

By Michael Geist, 16 Jun 2015


Hey, Bell! Quit Smearing VPN Users

Canadians watching US Netflix via private network aren't 'stealing.'

By Michael Geist, 10 Jun 2015


Canadians Have Reason to Be Wary of TPP Trade Deal

Details of the biggest negotiations on the planet still shrouded in secrecy.

By Michael Geist, 3 Jun 2015


Latest Privacy Revelations Show It's Up to Canadians to Protect Themselves

The most important self-help step? Get into encryption.

By Michael Geist, 26 May 2015


Why Is Canada So Slow to Provide Affordable Web Access?

A near million Canadians are still offline, as broadband policy lags.

By Michael Geist, 19 May 2015


C'mon, Regulator: Telecom Giants Still Hold the Wireless Power

CRTC could do far more to address Canada's competitiveness problem.

By Michael Geist, 12 May 2015


Behind the Recording Industry's Campaign to Squeeze Out New Competitors

Major labels lobbied to block music start-ups from paying artists.

By Michael Geist, 5 May 2015


Canada's Off-Key, Expensive Gift to Foreign Music Firms

Buried in federal budget is a multimillion-dollar boon to recording companies.

By Michael Geist, 28 Apr 2015


Cut or Keep Rolling on Unprofitable TV and Film Tax Credits?

Nova Scotia's decision to slash support sparks dramatic industry backlash.

By Michael Geist, 21 Apr 2015


Bell's Targeted Ad Scheme Shot Down by Privacy Chief

Commissioner rules that 'opt-out' approach does not adequately protect user privacy.

By Michael Geist, 14 Apr 2015


Anti-Terror Bill Review a Bad Show of Legislative Theatre

Critics largely ignored in favour of Obama birthers, anti-immigration groups.

By Michael Geist, 7 Apr 2015


Watch Out, Serial Spammers!

Canadian crackdown on spam messages begins, with action taken against three businesses.

By Michael Geist, 31 Mar 2015


Pick-and-Pay TV to Keep Big Broadcasters in Check

CRTC decision includes safeguards against potential anti-competitive conduct.

By Michael Geist, 24 Mar 2015


How Bill C-51 Eviscerates Privacy Protection

And why virtually everyone in Canada's privacy community opposes it.

By Michael Geist, 17 Mar 2015


Behind the Scenes of Ontario's Campaign for a Netflix Tax

And why it was unlikely to succeed.

By Michael Geist, 10 Mar 2015


Mounties Stonewalled Request for Improperly Collected Data

Audit yielded trove of inaccurate information, memo says.

By Michael Geist, 3 Mar 2015


Sun News Burned by Changing Broadcasting Climate

No longer shielded by government, channels can now spark and flame out.

By Michael Geist, 24 Feb 2015


Bell's Targeted Ad Scheme Falls Short on Privacy

Telecom has far more extensive access to customer data than web companies.

By Michael Geist, 17 Feb 2015


Privacy Protection Just Got Tougher

Oversight won't fix anti-terrorism bill or growing internet surveillance.

By Michael Geist, 10 Feb 2015


An Internet Framework to Brag About

On equal access to content Canada sets high standards.

By Michael Geist, 3 Feb 2015


Return of the Netflix Tax?

Canadian government quietly consults on sales tax for digital products.

By Michael Geist, 27 Jan 2015


Could You Get Dinged for Streaming Video?

Canadian law frowns on downloading, but online streams have their own rules.

By Michael Geist, 20 Jan 2015


Beware of Loophole In New Copyright Law

Conservatives have 'duty to protect the public:' NDP industry critic Peggy Nash.

By Michael Geist, 14 Jan 2015


Canada Needs a Reboot. Four, in Fact

New year offers these key chances to hit reset buttons on digital policies.

By Michael Geist, 7 Jan 2015


The Year in Tech Law and Digital Scandals, from A to Z

An alphabet of names and moments that made headlines in 2014.

By Michael Geist, 30 Dec 2014


New Year, New Rules for Internet Downloaders

Coming copyright laws could result in a torrent of user infringement notices.

By Michael Geist, 24 Dec 2014


Telecoms Offer to Build Surveillance Tools into Networks

Nevertheless, gov't still feels the need to legislate interception, docs show.

By Michael Geist, 17 Dec 2014


Why Canada's Comms Policy Misses the Forest for the Trees

Wireless services, broadband, broadcast TV... why not regulate them together?

By Michael Geist, 10 Dec 2014


What Canada's 'Open Government' Hides

A truly open plan would release all the info to which the public is entitled, not only what the feds want us to see.

By Michael Geist, 2 Dec 2014


Uber's Got a Privacy Problem

Car service reportedly coined the term 'God View' for its ability to follow users.

By Michael Geist, 26 Nov 2014


The End of Online Anonymity?

Ontario police and Conservative senator support mandatory identification reforms.

By Michael Geist, 18 Nov 2014


More Disturbing Questions about Warrantless Data Disclosures

Privacy office finds RCMP keeps poor records on requests for Canadians' personal info.

By Michael Geist, 4 Nov 2014


Why We Need to Resist Quick-Fix Anti-Terrorism Laws

Canada's past teaches knee-jerk responses rarely work.

By Michael Geist, 28 Oct 2014


Feds Back off Patent Reform, Thanks to Corporate Opposition

Plan to fight innovation-stifling 'patent trolls' chilled after private consultation with companies.

By Michael Geist, 21 Oct 2014


Harper Wants Two Classes of Free Speech

Political attack ads may be noxious, but copyright isn't the right tool to stop them.

By Michael Geist, 14 Oct 2014


How Much Do You Trust Canada's Wireless Giants?

The Big Three keep waving off new measures to foster greater competition.

By Michael Geist, 8 Oct 2014


CRTC vs. Netflix: Guess Who'll Win?

Threat of new regulation won't scare Internet giants into compliance.

By Michael Geist, 30 Sep 2014


Fed Web Snoops Don't Have Their Stories Straight

Gov't docs raise disturbing questions about demands for subscriber info.

By Michael Geist, 23 Sep 2014


Future of TV Hearing Turns into the Netflix Show

Does the service threaten Canadian content, as broadcasters say? Should it matter?

By Michael Geist, 16 Sep 2014


Future of TV Hearings: 'No Such Thing as Too Much Choice'

It all starts with streaming hockey games online.

By Michael Geist, 9 Sep 2014


Access to Medicines Stalls Anti-Counterfeiting Bill

US fearful that Canada's new laws would threaten intellectual property.

By Michael Geist, 3 Sep 2014


Courier Case Shows Limits to Canadian Privacy

Man arrested after package he received was found to contain drugs.

By Michael Geist, 26 Aug 2014


Leaked CETA Treaty: One Thing to Applaud

Massive, controversial EU-Canada deal manages to do copyright right.

By Michael Geist, 19 Aug 2014


Dot Ummm...

Case asks: Does anyone own a country's Internet top-level domain name?

By Michael Geist, 12 Aug 2014


Patent Complaint May Upend Canada's Biggest Trade Deal

NAFTA case hints how CETA's investor-state settlement scheme gouges taxpayers.

By Michael Geist, 5 Aug 2014


What the Recording Industry Isn't Saying About Streaming Royalties

A campaign to stir up anger over Canadian rates misses a few notes.

By Michael Geist, 29 Jul 2014


Supreme Court to Personal Data Plunderers: Get a Warrant!

Ruling strikes blow against warrantless disclosure of web and telecom subscriber info.

By Michael Geist, 22 Jul 2014


Why Now Is the CRTC's Make or Break Moment

Regulator's 'future of television' review holds potential for total overhaul.

By Michael Geist, 15 Jul 2014


Why the Secrecy on Canadian Trade Talks?

Because, as leaked documents show, there is something to hide.

By Michael Geist, 8 Jul 2014


Anti-Spam Law: Keep Calm and Get Consent

Why new email marketing rules are causing chaos in your inbox.

By Michael Geist, 1 Jul 2014


BC Wrestles Google over What Appears in Search Results

But how far should a region or country's jurisdiction go?

By Michael Geist, 24 Jun 2014


Canada Stalls on Global Copyright Treaty that Supports the Blind

In digital era, accessibility commitment a 'no-brainer.'

By Michael Geist, 17 Jun 2014


Is Your Data Safe in Canada?

Two changes to the proposed Digital Privacy Act would bring data breach law in step with other nations.

By Michael Geist, 10 Jun 2014


The Canadian Government Has Given Up on Protecting Your Privacy

Its response to widespread surveillance fears? A legislative 'meh.'

By Michael Geist, 3 Jun 2014


In Spite of Cuts, CBC Should Take Risks

An open-source Netflix competitor? How CBC could revolutionize Canadian broadcast.

By Michael Geist, 28 May 2014


Is 'The Right to Be Forgotten' Ruling a Good Thing?

As people flock to remove Google search content, remember the downsides.

By Michael Geist, 20 May 2014


Canada Veers off Internet Slow Lane

While Americans debate a two-tiered net, Canadians dodged the latest neutrality battle.

By Michael Geist, 13 May 2014


Blueprint for Restoring Digital Privacy

Five solutions to Canada's warrantless disclosure crisis.

By Michael Geist, 6 May 2014


A Makeover for Canadian Broadcasting

After decades of industry shifts, regulators are reaching for the reset button.

By Michael Geist, 29 Apr 2014


Feds Massively Changing Trademark Law with No Debate

Overhaul buried in budget implementation bill. Unconstitutional?

By Michael Geist, 22 Apr 2014


New Law Will Keep Personal Data Sharing out of Court

A law meant to stop online piracy may give companies the power to share subscriber information in secret, without a warrant.

By Michael Geist, 15 Apr 2014


Canada's Digital Strategy Lacks Actual Strategy

While there's plenty to brag about, newly-minted Digital Canada 150 report misses the big picture.

By Michael Geist, 8 Apr 2014


Without a Warrant, Companies Hand over Data

Web and phone records disclosed to gov't tens of thousands of times a year with no oversight.

By Michael Geist, 1 Apr 2014


US Still Controls the Web, and Won't Give it Up

Don't be fooled by news it will relinquish control over domain names.

By Michael Geist, 25 Mar 2014


From Lawless Cyberspace to an Internet 'Magna Carta'

The web we want is in reach, but only if we govern it right.

By Michael Geist, 18 Mar 2014


Don't Put Your Trust in the Cloud

If Canada's government can't muster faith in US cloud computing, why should you?

By Michael Geist, 11 Mar 2014


The Future of Television in Canada? More Fees

That is, according to the CRTC's vision. Is it time for regulator to get out of the picture?

By Michael Geist, 4 Mar 2014


Scared by a Downloading Lawsuit? It Might Be a Troll

And Canadian court just made it harder for unnecessary copyright suits to launch.

By Michael Geist, 26 Feb 2014


Budget Tech Goodies: Wider Web Access, Bitcoin Rules, and More

Several new digital policies found in latest budget.

By Michael Geist, 18 Feb 2014


Canadian Netflix About to Get Pricier?

Desperate to compete, CanCon producers demand new regulation of Internet giants.

By Michael Geist, 11 Feb 2014


Debate Over: Canada's Wireless Market Is Uncompetitive

Big Telecoms enjoy too much market power, competition bureau finds.

By Michael Geist, 5 Feb 2014


Telecoms, Tell Us Where Our Data Goes

Canadian companies remain secretive about what is shared with law, intelligence agencies.

By Michael Geist, 28 Jan 2014


Canadian Regulators Probe Google's Ad Model

The king of search goes under the legal microscope.

By Michael Geist, 22 Jan 2014


Internet Providers Push for Two-Tier Internet Based on Data Caps

Guard your wallet as spectre of metered usage rises from the dead.

By Michael Geist, 14 Jan 2014


Ruling Shows Closer Eye Needed on Canada's Spy Agencies

Judge finds CSIS, CSEC misled court in order to obtain surveillance warrants.

By Michael Geist, 7 Jan 2014


Tech Triggers: 14 Questions in Need of Answers

In a wireless, webbed Canada in media flux, some 2014 issues bound to affect you.

By Michael Geist, 31 Dec 2013


This Was the Year of Snowden and Wireless Warring

The ABCs of tech law and policy for 2013, and how they affect you.

By Michael Geist, 24 Dec 2013


Canada Unprepared for 21st Century TV

Broadcasters still beholden to US programming due to 40-year-old policy.

By Michael Geist, 17 Dec 2013


Feds Finally Ready to Can Internet Spam

How a new law will give Canadians greater control over their inboxes.

By Michael Geist, 10 Dec 2013


Canada Devolves into an E-Government Dinosaur

No efforts to streamline or lower costs of online services since 2005, finds auditor general.

By Michael Geist, 3 Dec 2013


Web Snooping Laws Return Under the Cover of Cyber-Bullying

Spiked after a privacy uproar in 2012, they resurface in new bill.

By Michael Geist, 26 Nov 2013


Leaked Pacific Trade Treaty Shows Countries Had Plenty to Hide

Text reveals threats to Canadian web access, expansive border seizures and pricier health care.

By Michael Geist, 19 Nov 2013


New Risks Emerge as Anti-Counterfeiting Bill Fast Tracked

Lobbyists push to amend safeguards designed to limit wrongful seizures.

By Michael Geist, 13 Nov 2013


Pricy Wireless Shuts out Poorer Canadians

Stats show just one-quarter of lower-income residents use the wireless web.

By Michael Geist, 5 Nov 2013


Is Bell's Plan to Monitor and Profile Millions of Canadians Legal?

Privacy commissioner launches an investigation to find out.

By Michael Geist, 29 Oct 2013


Open Access to Canada's Research Nears Tipping Point

Shift reflects the notion that taxpayer-supported findings should be free for the public.

By Michael Geist, 22 Oct 2013


The Great Canadian Personal Data Grab

Companies like RBC, Aeroplan use aggressive new tactics to understand customer habits.

By Michael Geist, 16 Oct 2013


Feds Enlist ISPs in Cybercrime Fight

New service provider code of conduct would spur a more proactive front against malicious software.

By Michael Geist, 8 Oct 2013


Shouldn't Digital Access to Our History Be Free?

Contract to bring 60 million Canadian docs online includes potential paywall, exclusivity rights.

By Michael Geist, 2 Oct 2013


How Canada Can Put Digital Consumers First

Speech from the throne offers a chance to set things right, starting with wireless pricing.

By Michael Geist, 24 Sep 2013


Canada Helped US Crack Open Encrypted Data: Reports

Officials may have aided NSA effort to create a 'backdoor' to protected info.

By Michael Geist, 17 Sep 2013


Hint of an End to Roaming Fee Madness?

Regulator asks wireless companies to reveal more about how they profit from your out-of-town cell use.

By Michael Geist, 10 Sep 2013


New Rules Ease Campus Copyright Costs

Students, profs will have access to more material under 'fair use' guidelines.

By Michael Geist, 3 Sep 2013


The Privacy Question Canada Ignores

Rogers, Bell customers are subject to U.S. surveillance, but regulators keep to the sidelines.

By Michael Geist, 27 Aug 2013


Is Your Private Data Lost in the Cloud?

US surveillance revelations highlight risks of and regulation questions about storing info online.

By Michael Geist, 20 Aug 2013


Canada's Move Toward Total Broadcast Overhaul

Is there hope for Sun News Network? Regulator's ruling hints at a new path.

By Michael Geist, 13 Aug 2013


Breaking Through Canada's Wireless Static

Foreign competition wouldn't mean a 'bloodbath' as telecom giants claim, but better rates for consumers.

By Michael Geist, 6 Aug 2013


Should the Serial Spying US Government Run the Web?

With NSA revelations, who will the global Internet community trust to lead them?

By Michael Geist, 30 Jul 2013


James Moore, Digital Hero?

New industry minister has a shot at creating a competitive, privacy-respecting, less spammy Canada.

By Michael Geist, 23 Jul 2013


A 'Miracle in Marrekesh' for Visually Impaired Readers

Canada leads landmark treaty that improves access to copyrighted electronic works.

By Michael Geist, 16 Jul 2013


A North America with No Roaming Charges

It's possible, as Canada and US inch towards a shared communications market.

By Michael Geist, 9 Jul 2013


Eight Canadian Digital Wins

From squashing surveillance laws to net neutrality, several triumphs dot the policy landscape.

By Michael Geist, 2 Jul 2013


Will Tories Can Their Own Anti-Spam Law?

Long-awaited regulations still mired in delays and government dithering.

By Michael Geist, 26 Jun 2013


Canadian Laws Can't Handle Modern Snooping Tech

Why today's legal protections are too puny to protect your privacy.

By Michael Geist, 18 Jun 2013


Copyright Stymies Access to Digital Works for Visually Impaired

And a UN treaty to fix that could be undermined by lobbyists.

By Michael Geist, 11 Jun 2013


Can Canada's Wireless Industry Be Rescued?

New caps on cell phone contracts are a win, but competition still lags.

By Michael Geist, 4 Jun 2013


Why Can't Canada Innovate?

Failure to invest in research and development is breeding an economic crisis.

By Michael Geist, 28 May 2013


Canada's Powerful, Obscure, Broken Copyright Board

Time for the feds to fix it.

By Michael Geist, 21 May 2013


Fear Not the 'Netflix Threat'

The online video service is a boon to consumers and creators both.

By Michael Geist, 14 May 2013


Trade Talks? Only Business Insiders Invited

Everyone else excluded by two-tier status secretly established by feds.

By Michael Geist, 7 May 2013


Your Information Is Not Secure

Thousands of government breaches point to need for reform.

By Michael Geist, 1 May 2013


Broadcasters Must 'Compete Like Any Other Sector'

That's the new theme from CRTC chair Blais. Is he serious?

By Michael Geist, 23 Apr 2013


Behind the Big Canadian Wireless Breakup

Divided over competitiveness, industry's association falls apart.

By Michael Geist, 17 Apr 2013


Why Canada's Digital Divide Persists

Nation's broadband failure lies in both access and adoption.

By Michael Geist, 9 Apr 2013


When Digital Small Print Flashes on Your Screen

Are you liable? Quebec court says no to Ebay's online contract.

By Michael Geist, 2 Apr 2013


Why'd the Feds Push to Ratify Four Treaties Without Debate?

Government makes up support for provisions found in two major proposed trade deals.

By Michael Geist, 26 Mar 2013


Sorry, Canadian Wireless Users Are Still Suckers

It's no time to declare victory in fight for wireless competition.

By Michael Geist, 19 Mar 2013


What's Fake about Canada's Anti-Counterfeiting Bill

Bill C-56 seems natural to support on surface but hides dangerous measures.

By Michael Geist, 14 Mar 2013


Lights! Camera! Kickstarter!

How Internet crowdfunding is changing the way movies are funded.

By Michael Geist, 5 Mar 2013


Shelving Bill C-30 Didn't Save Your Privacy

Internet surveillance law is dead but not Canada's telecom transparency gap.

By Michael Geist, 26 Feb 2013


You Have the Right to Google a Lawyer

When in custody, now you are entitled to much more than one phone call.

By Michael Geist, 19 Feb 2013


All Out Blitz by Pro-Spamming Lobby

Business groups wage extraordinary campaign to keep clogging your inbox.

By Michael Geist, 12 Feb 2013


New Wireless Rip-off Safeguards Too Weak

Canada still lags; CRTC should be bolder with consumer protection code.

By Michael Geist, 5 Feb 2013


Why You May Soon Pay for TV You Don't Want

CRTC to consider new rules that could make 'niche channels' mandatory.

By Michael Geist, 30 Jan 2013


Honouring Aaron Swartz, Internet Activist

Digital rights advocate's death places spotlight on more open access to info.

By Michael Geist, 22 Jan 2013


Spam Clogging Your Inbox? Thank the Tories

Harper gov't caves to lobbying pressure by watering down anti-spam law.

By Michael Geist, 15 Jan 2013


Online? You May Be Subject to US Laws

Courts adopt aggressive approach in cross-border Internet jurisdiction cases.

By Michael Geist, 8 Jan 2013


Twelve Ways 2013 Likely to Be Big Digital Year

Key monthly moments ahead for tech law and policy, via my crystal ball.

By Michael Geist, 1 Jan 2013


Letters of The Law: The Year In Tech Law and Policy

An alphabet of key moments for digitial media in 2012.

By Michael Geist, 26 Dec 2012


Six Steps to a Digital Economy Strategy

Harper's gov't promised to create one but never did. So here's a tax-free gift.

By Michael Geist, 18 Dec 2012


TPP: Another Flawed, Hush Hush Trade Deal

Secrecy the standard as Canada enters Pacific treaty talks.

By Michael Geist, 11 Dec 2012


Mass File Sharing Lawsuits Could be Coming

Lucky for you, downloaders, there are caps on the damages you're liable to pay.

By Michael Geist, 4 Dec 2012


Telecoms Push to Treat Web Like Phone Service

At UN meeting, companies to discuss controversial changes to how we pay for the Internet.

By Michael Geist, 27 Nov 2012


Supreme Court to Big Pharma: 'No Games'

Viagra judgment serves stunning reminder of the patent 'bargain.'

By Michael Geist, 20 Nov 2012


What the New Copyright Law Means For You

Good news: a range of user-oriented provisions legalizing common activities.

By Michael Geist, 13 Nov 2012


Thank a Geek for Stronger Digital Policy in Canada

While gains remain to be made, rising public interest in web regulation should be celebrated.

By Michael Geist, 6 Nov 2012


Do You Forfeit Computer Privacy Rights at Work?

A little, but not completely, shows a recent top court ruling.

By Michael Geist, 31 Oct 2012


You Decide How Wireless Companies Should Behave

With consumer-oriented shift, CRTC invites public to create telecom code of conduct.

By Michael Geist, 24 Oct 2012


Internet's About to Go Dot Crazy

Digital poobahs are poised to approve hundreds of new dot-whatevers. But a fight is brewing.

By Michael Geist, 16 Oct 2012


Web Two Point Doh!

Canadian government's strangely haphazard demands that social media be censored.

By Michael Geist, 9 Oct 2012


Tell Us Which Websites Improperly Share Private Info

One in four top sites leak personal data. Expose the culprits, privacy commissioner.

By Michael Geist, 2 Oct 2012


Push for Tough Copyright Reforms in Secretive Trade Deal

Lobby wants Canada to crackdown on infringers as part of TPP.

By Michael Geist, 25 Sep 2012


New Era of Open Access to Public Funded Research

While world makes ambitious plans for next decade, Canada lags behind.

By Michael Geist, 18 Sep 2012


CRTC Chooses Access over CanCon Rules

The days of emphasizing Canadian content are over, as commission reveals new priorities.

By Michael Geist, 11 Sep 2012


Canada's Digital Strategy Feels Like a Seinfeld Episode

Time to put some substance into the Harper government's 'Penske File.'

By Michael Geist, 4 Sep 2012


Want to Reverse Canada's Media Oligopoly?

How to work against media convergence if the Bell-Astral mega-deal is approved.

By Michael Geist, 28 Aug 2012


Toews Exit Could Allow Internet Surveillance Bill Restart

Likely Public Safety shuffle offers chance to correct Tory government's big blunder.

By Michael Geist, 21 Aug 2012


Billions at Stake if Canada Caves on Drug Patent Demands

Gov't quiet on Europe's reform push in trade talks.

By Michael Geist, 14 Aug 2012


Competition Bureau Ready to Take on Media Convergence?

Bell Media, one of four media giants dominating Canada, has huge designs on Quebec.

By Michael Geist, 7 Aug 2012


Harper's Website: A Cookie Caper

PMO website's privacy policy may incorrectly state how your visits are tracked.

By Michael Geist, 31 Jul 2012


Goodbye $300 Million for Local Programs, Hello New CRTC

Era of feds charging Big Media to pay for diversity experiments appears over.

By Michael Geist, 25 Jul 2012


Top Court Shakes Foundations of Canadian Copyright

Five rulings, relevant to gamers and educators, aim to balance user and creator rights.

By Michael Geist, 17 Jul 2012


Europe's Copyright Drama Muddies Trade Deal

Documents reveal plans to weave unpopular intellectual property treaty provisions into CETA.

By Michael Geist, 10 Jul 2012


All the News That's Fit to Link

Federal Court ruling clarifies legal risk around sharing information online.

By Michael Geist, 3 Jul 2012


Shell Game: Why Canada's in Trans Pacific Partnership Talks

It's more about changing farm sector regs here than opening up markets.

By Michael Geist, 26 Jun 2012


The Domain Name 'Gold Rush'

How staking out extensions like dot-NFL and dot-Gucci might foster web innovation.

By Michael Geist, 20 Jun 2012


What Rumours of a UN Internet Takeover Suggest

Challenge to US domain dominance shows need to retool web governance.

By Michael Geist, 12 Jun 2012


Social Media Privacy Fears Are Legit, Let's Act

Massively grabbing data on you and me, social media firms fail to self-regulate. Four action items.

By Michael Geist, 5 Jun 2012


End of Copyright Debate Sparks Many 'What Ifs?'

Bill C-11 likely to pass soon, but questions about what got left out linger.

By Michael Geist, 29 May 2012


Big Telecoms Glad to Play Big Brother

How Canada's telecom companies secretly supported Internet surveillance legislation.

By Michael Geist, 22 May 2012


The Future of Education Is Here...

It's just not evenly distributed. Canada needs to wake up to competition.

By Michael Geist, 16 May 2012


Is There a Better Way to Spend $750 Million?

Media merger payouts are huge. Are we putting them to the best use?

By Michael Geist, 8 May 2012


Web Domain Agency to Public: We Don't Trust You

Planned changes to board election process of Canada's dot-ca registrar weakens members' role.

By Michael Geist, 1 May 2012


Students Get Stuck with Bill

Why AUCC signed the priciest copyright insurance policy in Canadian history.

By Michael Geist, 24 Apr 2012


Feds' Quiet Cut to Community Web Access Program

Omitted from the budget, a 17-year initiative providing Internet to the disadvantaged gets unplugged.

By Michael Geist, 17 Apr 2012


Should You Be Forced To Pay for TV Channels You Don't Want?

Case allows broadcasters to keep resisting giving consumers real choice.

By Michael Geist, 10 Apr 2012


Internet Voting Under Siege

Cyberattack at NDP leadership convention highlights risks of web balloting.

By Michael Geist, 3 Apr 2012


Flaherty's Budget: What's In It for Tech?

Direction of Canada's digital future will be written in the fine print.

By Michael Geist, 27 Mar 2012


Feds' Lost Opportunity on Telecom Policy

Newly-announced 'go-safe' approach misses a chance to shake up the market.

By Michael Geist, 20 Mar 2012


Copyright Bill Hits the Home Stretch

New site blocking powers? iPod tax? Various lobbying fronts make their final appeals to government.

By Michael Geist, 13 Mar 2012


Game Over for Canadian Sports Gambling Site

How US Internet 'superjurisdiction' led to the shut down of

By Michael Geist, 6 Mar 2012


Lawful Access Signals Canada Is Open to 'Big Brother Inc.'

Bill could trigger massive web rehaul to enhance surveillance, encourage sale of spy tech to gov't.

By Michael Geist, 28 Feb 2012


Toews Caves, Now What?

Searching for compromise amid the Internet snooping cacophony.

By Michael Geist, 21 Feb 2012


How the CRTC Helped Stifle Internet Throttling

Hear hear, commission, for standing up to bully telecoms in defense of net neutrality.

By Michael Geist, 15 Feb 2012


Could SOPA Pervade Canadian Copyright Law?

Media industry lobbyists push for Bill C-11 to increasingly resemble besieged US net piracy bill.

By Michael Geist, 7 Feb 2012


On Auction: Chance to Boost Digital Canada

Industry Minister to reveal terms of selling off highly valuable spectrum in near future.

By Michael Geist, 1 Feb 2012


The Day the Internet Fought Back

Digital blackout protest clearly upset SOPA laws, but don't cry victory just yet.

By Michael Geist, 24 Jan 2012


What's in a Domain Name?

A surprising link between new web address extensions and the future of Internet rule.

By Michael Geist, 17 Jan 2012


Are Canada's Digital Laws Unconstitutional?

Why a recent Supreme Court decision may spur challenges to e-privacy laws.

By Michael Geist, 10 Jan 2012


The Year Ahead in Tech Law and Policy

Using my latest crystal ball app, here's what I see happening in 2012.

By Michael Geist, 3 Jan 2012


The Year in Tech Law, from A to Z

'Twas a lively 12 months of copyright battles, CRTC controversies, and lawful access debates.

By Michael Geist, 20 Dec 2011


The Lawful Access Deception

Feds say bill requiring ISPs to release customer info will help fight web crime. Others cry foul.

By Michael Geist, 13 Dec 2011


Big Week for Copyright at Supreme Court

Canada's top court to review five 'highly contested' copyright concerns in coming days.

By Michael Geist, 6 Dec 2011


In Global Digital Economy, Canada Lags

Compared to peers, our digital policy is about as advanced as dial-up. Why not upgrade?

By Michael Geist, 29 Nov 2011


Indie Net Providers Win Freedom to Compete

Major ISPs can't slam smaller providers with usage-based price scheme, rules CRTC.

By Michael Geist, 22 Nov 2011


Your Website Under American Rule?

Proposed, 'aggressive' US laws to halt web piracy could affect Canadian sites, too.

By Michael Geist, 15 Nov 2011


How Serious Are Feds About Net Neutrality?

Complaints mount against Canada's big ISPs, testing resolve of enforcers.

By Michael Geist, 8 Nov 2011



Canada’s anti-spam law languishes in limbo as lobby groups seek new exceptions.

By Michael Geist, 1 Nov 2011


Supreme Court of Canada Stands Up for the Internet

In ruling on defamation risk when hyperlinking, judges favour free speech.

By Michael Geist, 25 Oct 2011


Is the Feds' Open Initiative Now Closed?

Officials tout value of open government, but Canada's data and info website has been virtually abandoned.

By Michael Geist, 18 Oct 2011


CRTC's Online Video Report Leaves You Out

Consumers' persectives ignored as regulator wrings hands on behalf of broadcasters.

By Michael Geist, 11 Oct 2011


New Copyright Bill Keeps Flawed Digital Lock Rules

Why? Mainly to satisfying US pressure, not Canadian public opinion.

By Michael Geist, 4 Oct 2011


Peering Closely at Tories' Online Spying Wishes

Public debate on lawful access misses real dangers to what Conservatives want.

By Michael Geist, 27 Sep 2011


Download Wrong Film, You Might Owe $20,000

Why lawsuit against 'Hurt Locker' file sharers could hurt everyone.

By Michael Geist, 20 Sep 2011


Parties Take Note: Digital Policy Is a Provincial Issue

Yet so far digital issues are largely missing from Ontario's election campaign.

By Michael Geist, 13 Sep 2011


Wikileaks Show Canadian Officials Caving to US Pressure

Former minister offered to violate secrecy, leak copyright bill draft in advance.

By Michael Geist, 6 Sep 2011


Transition to Digital TV Offers Huge Opportunities

But will Canadians miss them? And more questions as switchover deadline arrives.

By Michael Geist, 30 Aug 2011


What's Souring Our BlackBerry Maker?

RIM's woes are partially a product of Canadian telecom policy.

By Michael Geist, 23 Aug 2011


Telecom Giants Lure Tory Ex-Ministers to Boardrooms

Why Bell pulled in Jim Prentice and Telus nabbed Stockwell Day.

By Michael Geist, 16 Aug 2011


New Rules for Web Domain Disputes

It worked for Now, more ways to fight for your trademarked site.

By Michael Geist, 9 Aug 2011


Secret Identities Online and Defamation

Ontario court grapples with legalities of anonymous postings on the Net.

By Michael Geist, 2 Aug 2011


On Campus, Last Chapter for the Print Coursepack?

Canadian universities switch to tech savvy online alternatives.

By Michael Geist, 26 Jul 2011


Myth of the Clogged Internet

CRTC right to be wary of Big Telecom claims about congestion on the net.

By Michael Geist, 19 Jul 2011


Net Neutrality: A Failure to Enforce

Two years after CRTC's high profile hearings, the worst predictions have proven true.

By Michael Geist, 12 Jul 2011


Canada's Broadcast Laws Are Broken

Regulators don't seem to understand the key to fixing the system: competition.

By Michael Geist, 5 Jul 2011


CRTC Faces Charges of Bias

Regulator makes it hard for consumer groups to weigh in on issues related to online video.

By Michael Geist, 28 Jun 2011


Is Internet Access a Human Right?

A UN report says so, and Canada looks better than many other countries.

By Michael Geist, 21 Jun 2011


Cloudy Forecast for Music Cloud Services in Canada

Exciting new way to access tunes? Not here.

By Michael Geist, 14 Jun 2011


Minister from Abbotsford Holds Key to Health Care Costs

Ed Fast, Canada's new minister of trade, has a hot file on generic drugs.

By Michael Geist, 7 Jun 2011


To Do Memos for the New Ministers

'Mandate letters' the PM should send his cabinet members in the digital era.

By Michael Geist, 31 May 2011


Can Canadian Broadcasters Compete with Free?

No-charge streaming over the Net threatens satellite and cable TV models.

By Michael Geist, 24 May 2011


Web Surveillance Laws Require Study, Not Speed

Proposed, unvetted 'lawful access' bills raise red flags for privacy.

By Michael Geist, 17 May 2011


Harper's New Power to Make Digital Policy

Tory majority gives Ottawa a crack at breaking the tech-law logjam.

By Michael Geist, 11 May 2011


Apple and Sony Privacy Woes Point to Legal Holes

Millions of Canadians awaken to risks from undisclosed tracking and security breaches.

By Michael Geist, 4 May 2011


Parties Compete with Digital Policy Surprises

Tories focus on security. Grits on culture and connectivity. NDP would ban usage-based billing.

By Michael Geist, 26 Apr 2011


Why Don't Tories Like RIM's PlayBook?

Conservatives' copyright plans create hidden cost for Research in Motion's new tablet.

By Michael Geist, 20 Apr 2011


The Boxing Day Shopper Who Upended Canadian Privacy Law

What's personal information and what's not?

By Michael Geist, 12 Apr 2011


Streamed Broadcasting Will Make New Winners

You don't have to love college basketball to see the Net is opening new channels, profit possibilities.

By Michael Geist, 6 Apr 2011


How to Vote for the Internet

This is your chance to ask candidates about key digital issues. Here are ten.

By Michael Geist, 30 Mar 2011


Everything You Know About Pirates Is Wrong

Few copyright pirates are gangsters. The market, not the law, is to blame, says report.

By Michael Geist, 22 Mar 2011


Internet Governance Battle Heats Up

Who makes new 'dots' as US threatens independence of non-profit that creates domains?

By Michael Geist, 16 Mar 2011


Time to Let Foreigners Own Broadcasters?

Think Canadian owners assure protection of our culture? Think again.

By Michael Geist, 8 Mar 2011


US Gets Serious About Making College Free, Online

$2 billion in funding for open education materials is a game changer.

By Michael Geist, 1 Mar 2011


The Biggest Issue for Canadian Digital Policy

It's the so far obscure question of how to use the 700 MHz band. Five questions, actually.

By Michael Geist, 22 Feb 2011


Music Pirates Hardly Safe Here

Canadian recording industry files massive lawsuit against file swapping site, proving our laws are tough.

By Michael Geist, 17 Feb 2011


Fixing Canada's Uncompetitive Internet

Doing that will take more than a CRTC reversal on net metering.

By Michael Geist, 8 Feb 2011


When Media Giants Merge, What's the Worry?

US regulators fret about competition a lot more than our CRTC. Check the BCE-CTVglobemedia hearings.

By Michael Geist, 1 Feb 2011


Privacy Superhero Reveals Her Plan

Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart lays out her get strong, get tough agenda.

By Michael Geist, 25 Jan 2011


Canada's Digital Library a Grassroots Effort

Feds passing up chance to preserve, share nation's cultural heritage.

By Michael Geist, 18 Jan 2011


A Year of Big Digital Decisions

Supreme Court to play lead role in tech law in 2011.

By Michael Geist, 11 Jan 2011


The Year in Tech Law and Policy

An alphabet of historic moments for Canada's digital world during 2010.

By Michael Geist, 29 Dec 2010


A Tyee Series

Idea #2: Higher Ed Reaches the Tech Tipping Point

No longer will technology be treated as just a complement, rather than replacement, for traditional educational materials.

By Michael Geist, 21 Dec 2010


Shaw's Big Switcheroo

First the cable giant fought Net regulation. Now it wants more. What changed? Its business plan.

By Michael Geist, 14 Dec 2010


Wikileaks' Mobile Home

Shifting from one cloud provider to another is a breeze, as we saw when Amazon booted Wikileaks.

By Michael Geist, 8 Dec 2010


What's Your Privacy Worth?

Canadian courts set high bar for privacy damage awards.

By Michael Geist, 30 Nov 2010


Six Key Answers to Copyright Bill Questions

Separating facts from fiction ahead of government hearings on Bill C-32.

By Michael Geist, 23 Nov 2010


New Big Brother Laws Would Reshape Canada's Internet

Three bills would mandate new spyware to scoop your info with no court oversight, and broaden police powers to snoop.

By Michael Geist, 16 Nov 2010


Canada, Lost Land of Wireless Giants

Big three carriers still control the scene, which means higher prices and limited choice for consumers.

By Michael Geist, 9 Nov 2010


The Generational Privacy Divide

Younger people online are more willing to share info. Must they give up safeguards?

By Michael Geist, 2 Nov 2010


The Big Split in Canada's Book Industry

A wide divide over foreign ownership, and how feds deal with new digital reality.

By Michael Geist, 26 Oct 2010


Malcolm Gladwell's Wrong about Digital Advocacy

Social media's 'weak ties' should not be underestimated.

By Michael Geist, 20 Oct 2010


Change the Digital Locks: Tory Law Is Too Tight

Counterfeiting treaty conclusion leaves flexibility for made-in-Canada approach.

By Michael Geist, 12 Oct 2010


Canada's Cold Climate for Netflix's Cousins

Three reasons why US Net services are slow to migrate north.

By Michael Geist, 5 Oct 2010


'The Great Firewall of America'

That's what some call the US attempt to use domain names to regulate the Net.

By Michael Geist, 28 Sep 2010


Bell's CTV Buy Based on Failed Strategy

As is Shaw's Canwest purchase. Both bet on building 'walled gardens' that haven't worked.

By Michael Geist, 21 Sep 2010


Millions at Stake in Education Copyright Battle

Teachers and students are pushing back against rising fees for course packs.

By Michael Geist, 14 Sep 2010


Prying Loose the Grip of Broadband Giants

Three key competition concerns driving CRTC Internet provider policy.

By Michael Geist, 7 Sep 2010


Conrad Black Case Targets Net Defamation Standards

Courts ponder where it's right to try suits, given Web is global.

By Michael Geist, 31 Aug 2010


Big Win for Copyright Collectives

But court ruling also shows copyright fair dealing fears greatly exaggerated.

By Michael Geist, 17 Aug 2010


Did You Know There's a Telecom Complaints Czar?

Most don't. Yet phone and cable companies want its power cut.

By Michael Geist, 10 Aug 2010


Americans Now Digitally Freer than You

US permission to pick digital locks on DVDs, smartphones, e-books leaves Canadians locked out.

By Michael Geist, 3 Aug 2010


Digital TV Could Lead to New Divide

Feds ignore US aid example, refuse help for transition.

By Michael Geist, 27 Jul 2010


Protecting Pizza, Port and Parma™

Parma ham, by any other name, would smell sweet to EU trade negotiators

By Michael Geist, 20 Jul 2010


Court Whacks Plan to Boost Canadian Content on Web

Federal ruling deals blow to funding by taxing Internet providers.

By Michael Geist, 13 Jul 2010


Get Used to Geo-Blocking Online

The digital marketplace rewards businesses who do it, and don't expect politicians to change that.

By Michael Geist, 6 Jul 2010


Developing Nations Oppose Anti-Counterfeiting Pact

India, China, Brazil place Canada between a rock and the United States.

By Michael Geist, 29 Jun 2010


Unlocked iPhones Could Herald True Mobility

Finally, in July, you can buy one and not be tied to a specific wireless carrier.

By Michael Geist, 22 Jun 2010


Six Ways to Open up Canada's Digital Economy Strategy

It means opened government, academia, investment and more.

By Michael Geist, 15 Jun 2010


Mr. Clement, Loosen Those Digital Locks!

Canada's long-awaited copyright reform plan is flawed but fixable.

By Michael Geist, 9 Jun 2010


Internet Ad Words, a Rough Game

BC Court backs Vancouver Career College's aggressive buying of ad keywords.

By Michael Geist, 8 Jun 2010


Warning! Hackers Got Your Info!

You'd want to know. But new bill won't make hacked firms announce when they've failed to protect your data.

By Michael Geist, 1 Jun 2010


Sneak Peek at Canada's New Copyright Bill

Digital locks will make it hard to copy your CDs and DVDs. And what about snooping Internet providers?

By Michael Geist, 25 May 2010


Canada Needs a Digital Hero

The feds have finally made the digital economy a priority, but we need real leadership to overcome a decade of policy neglect.

By Michael Geist, 18 May 2010


Canada, Piracy Haven? Arrrgh

Keelhaul those lobbyists saying we're soft on copyright infringement! It's not true.

By Michael Geist, 11 May 2010


CRTC Stomps on the Music

Regulator won't let audience decide if Quebec needs a new TV music station. Emerging artists lose.

By Michael Geist, 4 May 2010


Your Privacy Ends at the Border

But the Google Buzz slam by 10 governments may signal a new day of global privacy protection.

By Michael Geist, 27 Apr 2010


Harper's Closed Windows

Most federal departments fail to provide transparency, but open data sites offer hope.

By Michael Geist, 20 Apr 2010


Secret Copyright Treaty Talks Spring a Leak

A leaked draft of the anti-counterfeiting agreement confirms fears about what it could mean for Internet freedom.

By Michael Geist, 13 Apr 2010


US Car Insurer Could Bring down Canada's Privacy Law

Court will decide if spied-on customer can demand info from State Farm.

By Michael Geist, 6 Apr 2010


Canada's Bizarre New Broadcast Policy

CRTC defends 'industry to detriment of consumers who remain powerless': dissenting commissioner.

By Michael Geist, 30 Mar 2010


Rockin' Proposal for Tunes Sharing

NDP MP Charlie Angus shakes up the Canadian copyright landscape.

By Michael Geist, 23 Mar 2010


Amazon, Friend to Canadian Authors?

Online bookseller restrictions are about limiting competition, not enhancing culture.

By Michael Geist, 16 Mar 2010


Why Voting by Internet Is a Bad Idea

It seems like a boon to democracy, until you examine the dangers.

By Michael Geist, 9 Mar 2010


Ottawa's New Chance to Join the 21st Century

Parliamentary restart offers opportunity to prioritize digital agenda.

By Michael Geist, 2 Mar 2010


Tech Giants Defend Canadian Copyright Law

Biggies like Microsoft and Google are fine with it, but not US government.

By Michael Geist, 23 Feb 2010


Net Throttling Hasn't Stopped

Canadian Internet service providers fall short on net neutrality rules, testing CRTC's patience.

By Michael Geist, 16 Feb 2010


Advantage, Little Guy

Ontario court says consumers can't click away class action rights.

By Michael Geist, 9 Feb 2010


Way to Open up, NFB!

The National Film Board's super-accessible Screening Room hosted 3.7 million film views in its first year.

By Michael Geist, 2 Feb 2010


Global Deal Might Let Officials Unplug Your Internet

Secret summit to focus on how to punish suspected copyright violators, even if proof is lacking.

By Michael Geist, 26 Jan 2010


Dinosaurs Laughed at Facebook Revolt

Critics misjudged the power of digital advocacy as anti-proroguing backlash grew.

By Michael Geist, 19 Jan 2010


A Yes Men Double Fake?

Did shutting down activists' fake website lead to another hoax?

By Michael Geist, 12 Jan 2010


Canada's Digital Power List

Ten players who will shape Canadian tech law and policy in 2010.

By Michael Geist, 5 Jan 2010


2009, a Digital Flashback

An A to Z review of very active year of tech law and policy.

By Michael Geist, 29 Dec 2009


Europe the Trade Bully

Leaked draft of intellectual property deal targets entire Canadian economy.

By Michael Geist, 23 Dec 2009


C'mon Canada, Open Up!

Compared to US and others, our government drags its feet on open data initiatives.

By Michael Geist, 15 Dec 2009


Canadian Recording Biz Faces $6 Billion Suit

Late jazz great Chet Baker at centre of massive copyright infringement case.

By Michael Geist, 9 Dec 2009


The Right Way to Fight Child Porn?

Legislative proposals signal new policing requirements for Internet providers.

By Michael Geist, 1 Dec 2009


What the Broadcasters Really Want

It's not just about adding new cable fees to help their profits. They also want to block US signals.

By Michael Geist, 24 Nov 2009


Who Gets to Own a Telecom Firm in Canada?

Upstart Wind Mobile wants to compete with the Big Three. But foreign investment rules might stop it. Is that old-fashioned?

By Michael Geist, 17 Nov 2009


Canada's Most Secret Treaty

Why don't they want us to know about the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement?

By Michael Geist, 10 Nov 2009


Those TV Ads Where TV Companies Bash TV Companies

What's that about? Welcome to the 'fee for carriage' fight, and how to solve it.

By Michael Geist, 3 Nov 2009


Did Net Neutrality Just Die in Canada?

Some people are reading the CRTC report that way. Not so fast.

By Michael Geist, 27 Oct 2009


Canadian Universities Closed Minded on Open Access

It seems a no-brainer. Let the public see the research they pay for.

By Michael Geist, 20 Oct 2009


'Do Not Call' (Unless You're a Huge Corporation)

Thousands complain about telemarketing by wireless and banking giants, but CRTC is toothless.

By Michael Geist, 13 Oct 2009


Spammers Have Lobbyists! And They Might Win!

Who knew? In Ottawa, the anti-spam bill is down to the wire.

By Michael Geist, 7 Oct 2009


Police Want Your ISP

Do they really need a law giving them access to your Internet profile?

By Michael Geist, 29 Sep 2009


Why .ca Stands for Failure

Agency that oversees Canada's country code has shirked its public mission.

By Michael Geist, 23 Sep 2009


Privacy Law, Canada's Latest Export

Facebook ruling will affect 250 million users, but there's more.

By Michael Geist, 15 Sep 2009


Digitizing Our Heritage: Why Leave It to Google?

Did someone hit delete on Canada's digital national library?

By Michael Geist, 8 Sep 2009


You Wanted It, Tony Clement Killed It

How telco lobbyists stopped a tool to help you save cell phone money.

By Michael Geist, 1 Sep 2009


Where's Canada among Wireless Leaders?

An OECD report says we are expensive. But we have other hurdles, too.

By Michael Geist, 25 Aug 2009


Will Copyright Bill Be Obsolete on Arrival?

Designing one to last is Minister Clement's core concern.

By Michael Geist, 19 Aug 2009


Legal Smackdown: Bell, Rogers Fight over Net Speed

Titans square off in court over Internet service provider claims.

By Michael Geist, 11 Aug 2009


Open Government? Vancouver Leads

Digital 'crowdsourcing' and other promising civic experiments.

By Michael Geist, 4 Aug 2009


Bad Chapter for the Kindle E-Book Reader

Amazon reached into some people's devices and erased books.

By Michael Geist, 28 Jul 2009


Testimony Exposes How Firms 'Throttle' the Net

Four ways Ottawa might regulate the controversial practice.

By Michael Geist, 21 Jul 2009


No More Free TV

Over the air broadcast is over. Feds ok new cable and satellite fees. An era ends.

By Michael Geist, 14 Jul 2009


Battle for Digital Democracy Moves to the Hill

At hearings, big telecom, cable firms fight creator, consumer groups.

By Michael Geist, 7 Jul 2009


Tories Clement and Moore Get It!

Bolder, more inclusive digital future embraced by ministers.

By Michael Geist, 30 Jun 2009


Less Private, More Neutral, Low Spam

This is the future of the Canadian Internet if a trio of recent events are any indication.

By Michael Geist, 23 Jun 2009


Ottawa, Our Internet Is Down!

Canada badly needs a digital action plan. How to build it.

By Michael Geist, 16 Jun 2009


Is Canada Really the Illegal File Sharing Frontier?

And why that Wild West myth deserves some vigilante justice.

By Michael Geist, 9 Jun 2009


Oh So Slow Canada

Our high-speed Internet is pricey and pokey, global report says.

By Michael Geist, 2 Jun 2009


None of Your Business!

Should Amazon be able to patent 'one-click' shopping?

By Michael Geist, 26 May 2009


War on Spam: Victory Is Within Our Grasp

At last, Ottawa is primed to pass a law with serious teeth.

By Michael Geist, 19 May 2009


Secret, Sweeping Treaty with US in the Works

Battle over anti-counterfeiting agreement heats up.

By Michael Geist, 31 Mar 2009


Prepare to Download!

Songwriters' bid to legalize file sharing gets a rewrite.

By Michael Geist, 24 Mar 2009


Online Privacy Snatched by Courts

Decisions OK giving personal info to police without warrants.

By Michael Geist, 17 Mar 2009


Weather Network Thunders at Feds

Claims unfair restrictions mar Canada's wireless industry.

By Michael Geist, 10 Mar 2009


Old Ideas Won't Fix New Media

CRTC's online content hearings need to get serious about our future.

By Michael Geist, 3 Mar 2009


A Chance to Open up Canada's Wireless Market

Digital TV transition clears the way to 'WiFi on steroids.'

By Michael Geist, 24 Feb 2009


Plug in Our Digital TV!

US is two years ahead on switch over. How that hurts Canadians.

By Michael Geist, 17 Feb 2009


Canada's Dumb Scrap with China

US bullied us into an ill-founded trade complaint. Now we look silly.

By Michael Geist, 10 Feb 2009


Canada's Do-Not-Call Disaster

How a good idea to protect your privacy was bungled.

By Michael Geist, 3 Feb 2009


How Canada Post Censored Union Vids on YouTube

And why our laws need to catch up.

By Michael Geist, 27 Jan 2009


Fire Up the Digital Jobs Machine

Flaherty budget needs to broadly define 'infrastructure projects.'

By Michael Geist, 20 Jan 2009


Bright New Day for Music Sharers

Industry backs down on its digital crack down.

By Michael Geist, 13 Jan 2009


Crystal Ball for Media Activism

A guess at when and how big digital decisions will go down in 2009.

By Michael Geist, 6 Jan 2009


Fate of Canada's Net Content Coming into Focus

Two visions for Internet weighed by CRTC.

By Michael Geist, 16 Dec 2008


Launch Your Own Blockbuster

Longer indie films seek big audiences on the Web.

By Michael Geist, 9 Dec 2008


Canada, the New Spam Haven

Tough laws are proven to trim the flood of e-junk. We opt to be lawless.

By Michael Geist, 2 Dec 2008


Copyright Bill: Born in USA?

Industry urging feds to follow Washington's lead.

By Michael Geist, 6 Feb 2008


Locking Down the Internet

The push to make service providers police content.

By Michael Geist, 29 Jan 2008


Law Eases Net Snooping

Privacy watchdog fears new copyright regs.

By Michael Geist, 22 Jan 2008


Global Online Ed: Where's Canada?

World embraces 'Open Courseware' but only Capilano College joins.

By Michael Geist, 15 Jan 2008


Heads up, Digital Wonks!

Eight tech law issues to watch in 2008.

By Michael Geist, 8 Jan 2008


The Letters of the Law

The ABCs of a 'rarely dull' year in tech law.

By Michael Geist, 25 Dec 2007


This Was the Year of Facebook

Citizens use social media to create social change.

By Michael Geist, 18 Dec 2007


How Next Billion Users Will Reshape the Internet

It's an open source future.

By Michael Geist, 11 Dec 2007


Tories' Cellphone Misdial

Canadians deserve a wide open wireless market.

By Michael Geist, 4 Dec 2007


Private E-mail Not Hush Hush

Why BC firm gave clients' 'hushmail' to US cops.

By Michael Geist, 27 Nov 2007


Slaves to TV Ads?

All I want for Christmas is a legal TiVo.

By Michael Geist, 20 Nov 2007


Digitize Our Memories!

Canada's info strategy trails US and others.

By Michael Geist, 13 Nov 2007


They're Shrinking the Internet

More control for broadcasters, less for Canadians.

By Michael Geist, 6 Nov 2007


Why a Great Music Site Died

Global library of musical scores caught in copyright limbo.

By Michael Geist, 30 Oct 2007


Feds Offload Do-Not-Call List

Will outsource phone privacy protection to telecoms.

By Michael Geist, 23 Oct 2007


Music Biz Wants Crackdown

Misguided industry pressing PM to nail music copiers.

By Michael Geist, 16 Oct 2007


The Internet Grab

Big providers want to force a 'two tier' Net.

By Michael Geist, 9 Oct 2007


The End of Privacy?

Laws can't keep pace with digital advances.

By Michael Geist, 2 Oct 2007


Stop Protecting Broadcasters

Feds should end free ride for Canada's Big Media.

By Michael Geist, 25 Sep 2007


False Alarm on Counterfeiting

RCMP's dire data is fatally flawed.

By Michael Geist, 18 Sep 2007


Making Health Info Free

Feds' new health research policy a win for 'open access.'

By Michael Geist, 11 Sep 2007


Unlock My Cell Phone!

Why can't Canadians switch our devices to other carriers?

By Michael Geist, 4 Sep 2007


Overhaul the Federal Culture Engine

Canadian Heritage must face up to new digital reality.

By Michael Geist, 28 Aug 2007


Canada's Path to Digital Competitiveness

Hint: Deregulation isn't the silver bullet.

By Michael Geist, 21 Aug 2007


Cracking Open Social Networks

The world's new 'walled gardens' online.

By Michael Geist, 14 Aug 2007


iPod Levy May Yet Face the Music

Unpopular new ruling reveals flaws in current copyright system.

By Michael Geist, 7 Aug 2007


Clicking Away Your Rights?

Top court Dell decision sets standards for online contracts.

By Michael Geist, 31 Jul 2007


Slow Canada

Mobile internet is powerful, but we're losing the race.

By Michael Geist, 24 Jul 2007


New Media's 'Defining Challenge'

Job one for new CRTC chief: ensure 'net neutrality.'

By Michael Geist, 17 Jul 2007


Silencing Sports Bloggers

2010 Olympics may test limits of corporate control, free speech.

By Michael Geist, 10 Jul 2007


No Stopping Canadian Telemarketers

CRTC: Your call for a 'Do-not-call' registry is important to us, really.

By Michael Geist, 26 Jun 2007