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Bill Tieleman

Bill Tieleman is president of West Star Communications, a strategy and communications consulting firm, providing services for labour, business, non-profits and governments for the past 13 years. Previously, he was the communications director in the B.C. Premier's Office and at the BC Federation of Labour.

Bill's work is published frequently in The Tyee, and he writes a column for 24 Hours every Tuesday. He regularly comments on TV, radio, print and Internet media outlets.

Most recently Bill was Strategist for Fight HST, a grassroots organization he started with former Premier Bill Vander Zalm and others, that successfully overturned the Harmonized Sales Tax in British Columbia through a citizens’ initiative petition and binding referendum.

Bill holds a masters degree in political science from UBC.

Reporting Beat: Politics, both provincial and federal.

Twitter: @BillTieleman

Website: Bill Tieleman

Stories by Bill Tieleman


Clark’s Shots at Vindictive Trump Bring Big Risk for BC

Reckless premier risks trade retribution from thin-skinned president that could hurt business, workers.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Jan 2017


‘Wild West’ Political Fundraising Makes BC a Laughing Stock

How money changes everything for the worse in Clarkbekistan.

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Jan 2017


Costly, Ineffective Flu Shots Fail Again

It’s time to challenge the government and industry hype around flu vaccines.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Jan 2017


Will Conservatives Court a Dragon’s Den Death Wish with Kevin O’Leary?

Right-wing celeb’s quotes, deals are a ready source for other parties’ attack ads.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Jan 2017


Electoral Reform and BC LNG: Bold Predictions on Two Big Issues

Expect Petronas to approve Lelu Island project before May election, and Liberals to bail on voting change.

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Dec 2016


Liberals’ Homebuyer Plan: Short-Term Political Gain for Long-Term Taxpayer Pain

Christy Clark’s interest-free loans to buyers will inflate home prices, enrich real estate industry and lure people into risky deals.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Dec 2016


Rachel Notley: The Kinder Morgan Interview

Bill Tieleman sits down with Alberta’s premier to talk pipelines, climate change and jobs.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Dec 2016


Will Kinder Morgan Surprise BC Liberals or NDP in May Election?

Both parties face risks if pipeline emerges as defining election issue.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 Dec 2016


Trudeau’s Effusive Praise for Castro an Assault on Cubans’ Human Rights

PM is not alone; Canadians — including tourists — are supporting a repressive, brutal dictatorship.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Nov 2016


Journalists Jumping to BC Liberal Jobs a Problem for Media Credibility

Media’s corporate donations, reporters-turned-candidates and staff blur line between press and party.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Nov 2016


Canada’s New Democrats Can Learn from Trump - Or Lose

Trump won because he targeted working class voters. Will NDP finally do the same?

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Nov 2016


Will Trump, the First Anti-Hero Presidential Candidate, Win or ‘Die Hard’?

To understand his campaign, look to the movies and TV.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Nov 2016


Airbnb a Problem, Not a Solution, for Homeowners, Renters and Cities

It’s being picked on by councils around the world. And for good reason.

By Bill Tieleman, 1 Nov 2016


Eight Ways to Fix Broken Politics in Canada, Without Electoral Reform

System change won’t move non-voters and the cynical. These ideas will.

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Oct 2016


Just Like Santa, Kinder Morgan Is Coming to Town This December

While some players call pipeline expansion naughty, others find it very nice indeed.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Oct 2016


Christy Clark’s TV Ad Twists Facts on Jobs, Debt

BC Liberals’ first campaign ad sometimes strays farther from truth than a Donald Trump speech.

By Bill Tieleman, 11 Oct 2016


Trudeau Playing Part as China’s Patsy

PM’s openness to extradition pact, trade deal ignores dismal rights record.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Oct 2016


New Poll Shows Perils For BC Liberals and NDP

Clark plagued by low approval, NDP policies unknown, and Kinder Morgan a risk for both parties.

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Sep 2016


Leap Manifesto a Trojan Horse for Federal New Democrats

It’s unrealistic, and pursuing it will only lead NDP to leap further off a high political cliff.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Sep 2016


BC Libs’ Foreign Buyers Tax Fails to Cool Sky-High Housing Prices

Don’t think for a second it’s diminished demand, particularly from China.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Sep 2016


Expect a Kinder Morgan Surprise from Trudeau’s Liberals

Many signs point to ultimate approval of Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 Sep 2016


To Win, NDP Must Break with ‘Underdog Socialism’

No more whining or ‘moral victories.’ New Dems must show voters there’s another way – and they’ve got the conviction to get there.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Aug 2016


Critical Services Suffering in BC’s So-Called Great Economy

BC Liberal spin hides less-than-stellar performance on health, education, and more.

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Aug 2016


Proportional Representation Empowers the Extreme and Bizarre

That’s why I’m against it as an option for Canada’s electoral systems.

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Aug 2016


Liberals’ Housing Moves Way Too Little, Too Late to Improve Affordability

Years of inaction mean only the rich can hope to own a home in Vancouver.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Aug 2016


BC Terror Trial Verdict a Scathing Indictment of RCMP Management

Mountie-manufactured bomb plot exploited hapless addicts and broke laws in hunt for ‘success’ in fighting terrorists.

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Aug 2016


House Price Horrors: Who You Gonna Call? Not Christy Clark

Premier’s latest step won’t bust ghostly killers of home affordability.

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Jul 2016


With So Many Tragedies, Is It ‘End of Days?’

The world seems to darken with every live-streamed horror. But consider this small empirical comfort.

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Jul 2016


How Chinese Buyers Are Driving Up Home Prices

Government stats show foreign purchasers buying up real estate equal in value to all new home construction.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Jul 2016


Ignore the Elites: You Have a Right to Vote

Post-Brexit, some pundits call the referendum 'anti-democratic.' Don't buy it.

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Jul 2016


Pit Bull Ban Needed More than Ever as Attacks Escalate

Despite ferocious owner backlash, we need our government to act.

By Bill Tieleman, 28 Jun 2016


'China Syndrome' Paralyzes Politicians in Housing Affordability Crisis

Huge impact of foreign buyers can't be ignored, and raising the issue isn't racist.

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Jun 2016


Serious About Housing Costs? Ban Foreign Home Sales for Six Months

Drastic action needed to buy time to implement tax changes, rules to slow runaway home prices.

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Jun 2016


Tragically Hip Ticket Rip Predictable... and Avoidable

Governments could give fans fair shot at tickets with simple rules for sellers.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Jun 2016


Glen Clark's '96 Win, and Lessons for Today

Yes, Gordon Campbell choked. Here's how the NDP helped him do it.

By Bill Tieleman, 31 May 2016


Why Do So Many BC Liberal Operatives End Up in Trouble?

Criminal charges, convictions, and more plague the party. Why the pattern?

By Bill Tieleman, 24 May 2016


What Issue Will Define BC 2017 Vote? Early Polls Offer Hints

If results prove true, next year's election won't be anything like 2013.

By Bill Tieleman, 17 May 2016


Axing the TPP? Taxing the Rich? Wait... Is Trump Going Left?

OK, he's obviously no progressive. But next to Clinton he looks like one.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 May 2016


Christy Clark Should Share the Wealth

Premier's $50,000 pay top-up could do some real good.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 May 2016


For Whom the Bridge Tolls? Mainly Working Folks

That's why BC should terminate these unfair taxes, once and for all.

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Apr 2016


NDP Should Forget Leaping and Protests, Just Win Elections

Party should heed Occupy cofounder's new advice: real change requires electoral success.

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Apr 2016


Mulcair's Election Campaign Mistakes Were Fatal Wounds

Politics is unforgiving, as NDP's vote for a new leader shows.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Apr 2016


Pay for Play Politics in BC Must Stop

Ban on corporate, union donations only way to remove taint of big money.

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Apr 2016


Can Tom Mulcair Accomplish Political Mission Impossible for NDP?

Talk about a challenge: bad polls, a formidable opponent, and no new strategy in sight.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Mar 2016


Harper and Prentice Refugees Find Jobs in Clark Government

BC Liberals running 'witness protection program' for ousted political staff.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Mar 2016


Charges against Political Aide Highlight Liberal Integrity Problem

Treatment of whistleblower, watchdog's report suggest culture of deceit.

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Mar 2016


Forget the Praise: BC's Carbon Tax Is a Failure

Higher emissions, slow growth, regressive taxation. Sorry, what's to celebrate?

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Mar 2016


Canada's Climate Confab: Expect Plenty of Hot Air and Hypocrisy

Trudeau and premier meet this week. Let the greenwashing begin.

By Bill Tieleman, 1 Mar 2016


BC Libs Ruin Disability Rates Increase with Insulting Transit Clawback

Long overdue rate bump comes with a catch. And another. And another.

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Feb 2016


When Do the Needy Get to Enjoy 'Bright Spot' BC?

We'll find out with today's budget. My forecast? More crumbs for the struggling.

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Feb 2016


Let's Hope Ghomeshi Trial Doesn't Stop Others from Seeking Legal Justice

As ongoing case shows, bringing allegations to court requires bravery.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Feb 2016


What Was BC Government's Role in UBC President Purge?

Released documents paint clearer picture, but more questions remain.

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Feb 2016


Smarten up, Christy! BC Libs Show Tech Ed Illiteracy

Why educators schooled premier on computer coding promise as basic needs go unmet.

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Jan 2016


Time to End Expensive, Ineffective Forced Flu Shots

And associated fear-based campaigns that benefit pharmaceutical manufacturers.

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Jan 2016


They're Americans, Not Idiots

Canadians scoffing from our northern vantage show their own ignorance.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Jan 2016


Attacks Keep Coming, Ban Dangerous Dogs in BC Now

What will it take for politicians to find the courage to act?

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Jan 2016


Charges Against Former Exec Director a Blow to BC Libs

Laura Miller resigns, party again rocked by issue of deleted emails.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Dec 2015


Not So Fast, Trudeau: We Need a Referendum on Electoral Reform

No matter which system Liberals choose, Canadians should have the final say.

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Dec 2015


What Would Jesus Do? Close Food Banks

He'd see they're no solution to poverty, and never will be.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Dec 2015


Why BC Will Pay More for Less Liquor Choice

Local wineries could face supermarket squeeze while consumers swallow the cost.

By Bill Tieleman, 1 Dec 2015


New Twist in BC's Made-for-TV Terror Trial

Judge orders document disclosure in case deciding if RCMP entrapped bomb plotters.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Nov 2015


The Paris Terrorists Will Never Win

Not if we fight fear, keep travelling, and shelter refugees from terror's vengeful wake.

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Nov 2015


Christy Clark Runs One Ghostly, Ghastly Government

Unlike Casper, the BC Liberal version, which makes email records invisible, is extremely scary.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Nov 2015


Greens' Breakthrough Dreams Withered on the Vine

'Stampede' voting, not strategic voting, ran them over this election.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Nov 2015


Turns Out, the NDP Just Wasn't Ready

With a campaign strategy that failed to inspire, it squandered the chance of a generation.

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Oct 2015


Harper Is Gone, Will Our Harsh Divisions Go Too?

The man behind blue eyes polarized Canada like no other leader in decades.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Oct 2015


Oppose C-51 or TPP? Vote for Your Values

Two of big three parties support a bad bill and massive, secretive trade deal. One doesn't.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Oct 2015


How 'Get Out the Vote' Wins Elections

Surprise! Parties use this electoral weapon to confound polls and strategic voters.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 Oct 2015


Why Tories Don't Need a Majority to Keep Power in 2016, and Beyond

They have a clear path to stay in control, and fight another election, without Parliament ever sitting.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Sep 2015


Which Right-wing Strategist Inspired Harper's 'Old Stock'?

Cracking the coded message within Tory leader's debate comment.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Sep 2015


Liberals' History of Broken Progressive Promises

If elected, Trudeau's pledge to amend C-51 may be the latest of many party reversals.

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Sep 2015


Be Mercenary, Greens, but Be Upfront about It

Power over principle on display as party aims to beat NDP's Rankin rather than crush a Tory elsewhere.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Sep 2015


UBC President's Resignation Deserves Public Inquiry

What happened to Arvind Gupta? Scant facts point to a 'University of Cards' toppling.

By Bill Tieleman, 1 Sep 2015


Nasty, Outrageous Politics Starts with Us

Voters want it, and it works, experience and studies show. But consequences can be severe.

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Aug 2015


How Social Media Activism Could Blow Opposition's Chance to Win

Likes are not votes, progressives! UK Labour campaigners learned the hard way.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Aug 2015


Move Over May and Trudeau, BC Is NDP-Conservative Battleground

Pressure not to 'split' anti-Harper vote will hurt Greens and Liberals here.

By Bill Tieleman, 11 Aug 2015


Bring Back New West's Pit Bull Law

City has 'no plans' to reinstate vicious dog bylaw despite recent attack.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Aug 2015


Top Conservative? Harper More Like Failed Republican

With Senate moratorium, PM abandons party principles again.

By Bill Tieleman, 28 Jul 2015


TPP: Another Secretive Trade Deal Big Business Loves

But what's good for corporate Canada should be good for everyone, right?

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Jul 2015


BCers to Province: Stop the Senseless Water Giveaway

Surrey residents pay $1,630 per million litres; why not Nestle or frackers?

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Jul 2015


Drought-Parched BC All but Gives away Water

$250 fine you pay for lawn water could buy 111 million litres for Nestle or frackers.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Jul 2015


Harper's Rule Breaking Rush to Crush Unions

'Suicidal excess': A Tory says his party will pay for ramming anti-labour Act through Senate.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Jun 2015


Many Theories, No Answers from BC Gov't on Health Ministry Firings

That's why calls for a public inquiry will only grow louder.

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Jun 2015


BC Health Ministry Firings Deserve a Public Inquiry

Far too many unanswered questions in 2012 dismissal of employees.

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Jun 2015


BC Libs Order Another Round of Craft Beer Price Hikes

Latest tax grab has beer fans hopping mad.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Jun 2015


What's Behind BC's Tax Gift to Private Schools?

New exemption appears lifted from a Republican playbook.

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Jun 2015


Memo to Horgan: Follow Notley's Lead, Drop Proportional Representation

Reform would have sunk Alberta's NDP majority.

By Bill Tieleman, 26 May 2015


A Know-Who-Voted Bill? Bring It On

Forget the fear-mongering: Bill 20 aims to invigorate voter pride.

By Bill Tieleman, 19 May 2015


Notley's Big Win Holds Few Lessons for BC NDP

Rare alignment of political planets sealed Alberta victory.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 May 2015


Bad Optics for BC NDP $2,000 Candidate Entry Fee

Party brass unanimously approved charge to run in one of province's poorest ridings.

By Bill Tieleman, 5 May 2015


Memo to Ambrose: Vancouver Pot Shops Need Sensible Regulation

Fanning reefer madness flames, feds lack common sense on medical marijuana.

By Bill Tieleman, 28 Apr 2015


Closing St. Paul's a Shortsighted Betrayal

Liberals backtrack on promise to renovate historic downtown hospital.

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Apr 2015


Time for Duffy to Seek a Plea Bargain?

It worked for Basi and Virk, sparing the BC political duo jail.

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Apr 2015


No Coalition in Sight for NDP-Grits

It's risky, unwieldy and neither party wants it.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Apr 2015


Despite Recent Rough Patch, Clark Firmly in Control

These aren't the moves of a mistake-prone government.

By Bill Tieleman, 31 Mar 2015


Supermarkets Win Big in BC's New Liquor Landscape

'Machiavellian' plan could harm unionized workers.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Mar 2015


Will Liquor Changes Mean Higher Prices, Slower Sales?

'Chaos cocktail' of new rules could harm industry, owners say.

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Mar 2015


School Seismic Upgrades: It's No Squabble, It's Serious

BC delays to earthquake proofing are totally unacceptable.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Mar 2015


Price Changes Threaten Lucrative BC Wine Sector

A $1-billion industry is growing 'very very nervous.'

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Mar 2015


Nestle Pays $2.25 to Bottle and Sell a Million Litres of BC Water

I repeat: Nestle pays $2.25 to bottle and sell a million litres of BC water.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Feb 2015


More Pit Bull Attacks Fuel Call for Ban

Authorities confirm six-year-old girl bitten in Vancouver, small dog killed in Surrey.

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Feb 2015


Is Stephen Harper a Social Progressive?

No, but the PM has governed in an era of ground-breaking Supreme Court rulings.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Feb 2015


With Anti-Terrorism Act, Tories again Fail to Protect Canadians

Beyond eroding our rights, Bill C-51 ignores key root causes of past alleged 'terrorist' actions.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Feb 2015


Memo to Media: Don't Broadcast 'Television Terrorism'

Or, just turn off the TV when ISIS airs executions.

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Jan 2015


Memo to Clark: Public Education Just Won Big in Washington State

BC should take careful note of its neighbour's mistakes.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Jan 2015


Denying a Dog's Danger

Pit bulls are bred to 'fight and kill': plastic surgeon.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Jan 2015


Enough with Attacks, BC Must Ban Pit Bulls

Baby, 250-pound man, and therapy dog all mauled in last two months.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 Jan 2015


A Heartfelt Holiday Note from a Mellowed Columnist to Clark and Harper

The holidays got Tieleman thinking that we shouldn't demonize political foes.

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Dec 2014


While NDP Fiddles with Electoral Reform, Ottawa Burns

In pushing pro-rep over and over, Opposition misses key chances to nail the government.

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Dec 2014


No Joy in Happy Hour for Independent Bar Owners and Consumers

Liquor law changes force some bars to hike prices, emails to province reveal.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Dec 2014


Are Flu Shots as Effective as Billed?

Vaccines provide 'moderate' protection,' studies show. So why are they pushed on the public?

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Dec 2014


BC Libs' Liquor 'Modernization' Will Cost You

Don't be fooled. This is 'unhappy hour' all over again.

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Nov 2014


Vancouver Progressives: Divided, They Fell Short

Centre-left risked disaster, lost school and park boards with split votes.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Nov 2014


Could NPA Be Burned by Vision's Defamation Suit?

And how far can politicians go in attacking each other? Case could set a new precedent.

By Bill Tieleman, 11 Nov 2014


Vancouver Election Is a Tale of Two Cities

Surprise, Bill Tieleman supports Vision. But he's got more to say on the campaign so far.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Nov 2014


Burnaby, Surrey Shirk Responsibility to Help the Homeless

Meanwhile, Vancouver made it a priority to create shelter for those in need. What gives?

By Bill Tieleman, 28 Oct 2014


Desperate for Deals, Political Leaders Quiet on Hong Kong

Aiming to amp up resource exports to China, Harper and Clark choose trade over democracy.

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Oct 2014


In Dangerous Times, Why Lower Our Best Defence?

What connects Ebola, ISIS and drought to BC's shrinking food production?

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Oct 2014


Christy Clark's No Pro at LNG Poker

Energy giants gamble that marks from BC are ready to lose their money.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Oct 2014


Lock Up High-risk Sex Criminals Forever

Teen Serena Vermeersch's death should be a wake-up call for the justice system.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Sep 2014


Should Teachers Be Satisfied?

Why they might just find they got what they need.

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Sep 2014


With Two Charged, Will 'Quick Wins' Scandal Take off?

Liberal insiders accused, but investigation is far from over.

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Sep 2014


Why Binding Arbitration Would End the Strike

And why the BC Liberal government so quickly thumbed its nose.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Sep 2014


Teacher Strike Reality Check Needed as Mediator Walks out

Valuable life lessons for students in ongoing dispute.

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Sep 2014


Three Reasons Teachers Must Keep Picketing to Keep Pressure on BC Gov't

Strike strategy veteran Tieleman's advice: Only a fair deal for BCTF should bring down picket lines.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Aug 2014


Breaking a Media Blackout, Education Minister Hurt the Deal

His public chatter jeopardizes negotiations at a critical juncture.

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Aug 2014


Vancouver Gardens Railroaded By Mean Tactics

CP Rail removes plots, pressuring the city to pay more for its private land.

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Aug 2014


Trudeau Should Avoid Emery Support

Support from the fickle prince and princess of pot could burn the Liberal brand.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Aug 2014


With Parent Payout, Clark's Harpooning of BC Schools Continues

In senselessly spending strike savings, it's clear our premier's channeling Ahab.

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Aug 2014


Why Set Minimum Prices on Booze At All?

They don't fix the abuse problems they're meant to solve, and gouge the rest of us.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Jul 2014


BC Libs Give Secret Payouts, but No One Pays for Breaking the Rules

Don't expect much more than a 'tut tut' for these taxpayer abuses.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Jul 2014


Why BC Libs Push to Privatize Public Education

The political equation driving Christy Clark, solved.

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Jul 2014


Dumb or Devious? Liberals' Pricier Happy Hour

New rules mean less real price competition for big chains. Hmmmm.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Jul 2014


How Did BC Screw up Happy Hour?

The province didn't 'modernize' liquor laws; they 'Liberalized' them.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Jun 2014


Only Election Votes Can Stop Northern Gateway

Pipeline petitioners miss fundamental flaws of BC's 'citizens' initiative' process.

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Jun 2014


Memo to Ontario: Strategic Voting Fails to Win

Thursday's election a preview for BC municipal, federal contests.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Jun 2014


Teachers and Gov't Need Relationship Counselling

For the kids' sake, here's one option the quarrelling partners should consider.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Jun 2014


Don't Forget Who's in Charge of BC's Teacher Troubles

There's no way you can call her inexperienced.

By Bill Tieleman, 27 May 2014


With Teacher Ultimatum, BC Libs Just Kicked the Hornet's Nest

And the angry teachers are coming out.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 May 2014


Locked out for a Year, Richmond IKEA Workers Won't Back Down

But can a small group of workers ever take on a global giant?

By Bill Tieleman, 13 May 2014


Clark's Gas Gamble Now Risks Your Kid's Education, Too

Premier bets more than money on dicey LNG industry.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 May 2014


Why New Democrat John Horgan Can Win BC's Next Election

He's absolutely the best person to challenge Clark's formidable Liberals.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Apr 2014


Vancouver Is Right to End Chainsaw Massacres

Cutting down healthy trees for selfish reasons just isn't neighbourly.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Apr 2014


Bill Bennett: My Constituents Wanted Farmland Changes

ALR move is no Liberal 'conspiracy' to pave over the province, minister responds to Tyee column.

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Apr 2014


BC Libs Protect Farmland? Horse Manure!

You can bet the farm they'll sell out the Agricultural Land Reserve... again.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Apr 2014


More Porsche Sales, More Poor Children in BC

When luxury car sales and unemployment spike simultaneously, something's amiss.

By Bill Tieleman, 1 Apr 2014


On Gay Rights, NFL Has No Kluwe

The Tyee talks with principled punter Chris Kluwe, who says social activism cost him his job.

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Mar 2014


Get Ready for Hard-to-Swallow Supermarket Booze Prices

BC Libs' changes will simply increase total sales by making it easier to buy, not cheaper.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Mar 2014


TED Talks: Permit My Rude Interruption

'Big ideas' gabfest is a money magnet but what's really being sold?

By Bill Tieleman, 11 Mar 2014


Going Green Browned Off Key NDP Voters

And if BC New Dems continue to reject the resource sector, they will lose. Again.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Mar 2014


Past Trudeaumania Faded Fast in BC

How will Justin's Grits grip the West? After all, Pierre's never could.

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Feb 2014


Has LNG Become Political LSD in BC?

Any government that thinks liquefied natural gas is a fix-all is clearly hallucinating.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Feb 2014


BC NDP Leader Hopefuls Get Ready in the Shadows

Don't be deceived: A behind-the-scenes battle for Dix succession is well underway.

By Bill Tieleman, 11 Feb 2014


Trudeau's Senator Sleight of Hand

Ironically, it's not the Liberals who've shown true senatorial grit of late.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Feb 2014


What's Up with Harper's Closed Door Ethnic Media Presser?

Premier Clark and Mayor Ford do 'em too, and they're an insult to all journalists.

By Bill Tieleman, 28 Jan 2014


A Plea to Legalize 'Death with Dignity'

As Canada revisits a ban on doctor-assisted suicide, I think of my mom, who died in needless pain.

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Jan 2014


Farewell Kamloops Daily News, Hello Future

Despite some untimely deaths, newspapers can make the digital transition.

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Jan 2014


Jack the Tax on Tobacco, but Make It Prescription-Only Too

Follow Iceland's lead and help prevent the scourge of illness caused by smoking.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Jan 2014


Vancouver Demolishes Its Past

Inhabiting a changing, unsure city as heritage disappears.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Dec 2013


Minister Moore's Hungry Kids Scrooge Up

Children living in poverty need help, not heartless cabinet ministers who later apologize.

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Dec 2013


Christy Clark's Jobs Plan Isn't Working

Another number one for BC: The worst unemployment rate in western Canada.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Dec 2013


More Evidence Against Forced Flu Shots

It's an expensive, intrusive public policy that's not backed up by adequate numbers, say researchers.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Dec 2013


With Senate Scandal, Will Harper Meet Harcourt's Fate?

Secret payments kill careers regardless of who's responsible, as one BC premier well knows.

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Nov 2013


Jack Munro, BC's Working Class Hero

Labour titan's proud, lifelong defence of workers offers lessons to today's movement.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Nov 2013


BC NDP, Fight those Wavering Spirits

The party's not doomed, just depressed. But there's many a reason for good cheer.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Nov 2013


Don't Treat Wounded Vets Like the Enemy

Feds push to stop lawsuit by ex-soldiers who want fair compensation for their disabilities.

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Nov 2013


Flimsy Evidence for Forced Flu Shots

Soon, BC hospital staff and visitors must either get vaccinated or wear a mask. And that's just wrong.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Oct 2013


Latest in Tory Rejections of Science: Ban on Prescription Heroin

Treatment proven to help hardcore addicts shunned by our evidence-averse government.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Oct 2013


Why Mulcair Should Toast Provincial NDP Flops

The 'paradox of provincial power' means his MPs' 2015 seats just got a lot safer.

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Oct 2013


BC Poli, Why Can't We Be Friends?

Forum shows political nemeses can set aside acrimony for harmony and tackle issues together.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Oct 2013


MLA Must Step Away from Justice Role During 'Quick Wins' Probe

Why is former minister mired in Liberal outreach scandal still working for BC’s attorney general?

By Bill Tieleman, 1 Oct 2013


Brian Topp Spins BC NDP's Election Loss

Leaked report shows former campaign manager shoulders some of the blame, but not nearly enough.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Sep 2013


Canadian Taxpayers Federation Demands Accountability, but Not for Itself

Not-for-profit scolds government for dubious spending, but keeps its own books tightly shut.

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Sep 2013


Seniors Still Spun by BC Liberal Wheelchair Tax

FOI request shows government allowed the maintenance fee to be imposed in 2010.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Sep 2013


Spot the Political Weasel Words

Keep elected officials and journalists that cover them honest. Call out these slippery lines and clichés.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Aug 2013


Accused's Lawyer Believes Leg Bomb Plot Involved RCMP Sting

Questions mount after Nuttall and Korody's recent court appearance.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Aug 2013


A Chance to Change BC's Pot Laws

This fall, Sensible BC launches an ambitious initiative to decriminalize marijuana.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 Aug 2013


For Pot Campaigners, Lessons from Fight HST's Playbook

Vander Zalm's chronicle of BC's anti-tax initiative is a citizen changemaker's must-read.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Jul 2013


Columnist's Insite 'Insights' Show Willful Ignorance

Once again, for the benefit of the fact-averse: Vancouver's safe injection site saves lives.

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Jul 2013


Tough Questions for RCMP on BC Bomb Plot

Was the accused duo, troubled and poor, really capable of such terrorism? And more uncertainties.

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Jul 2013


Ask BC Hydro's Board of Liberal Pals to Explain Rate Hikes

Because it's consumers who'll pay for the Crown corporation's fiscal fiasco.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Jul 2013


A Luongo-Term Contract Lesson for BC Teachers

Canucks goalie's plight shows how decade-long deals spell trouble.

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Jul 2013


Could Premier Clark Go from Safe to Sorry in Kelowna's Byelection?

It's a long shot, but recent events suggest she could botch it.

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Jun 2013


Cash Grab from Wheelchair Users Gets Worse

Disabled seniors must pay new $300 fee; BC Liberal political staff get rich pay raises.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Jun 2013


BC Liberals' Wheelchair Tax: What's Next?

Seniors in care homes now pay the price for government's balanced budget vow.

By Bill Tieleman, 11 Jun 2013


Defending Mike Duffy

The Senator who will bring real change to Ottawa!

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Jun 2013


What Beat NDP? Dog Whistle Politics

Libs knew how to call back their crowd with a sure fire signal.

By Bill Tieleman, 28 May 2013


How the BC NDP Blew the Election

A series of unfortunate events, indeed.

By Bill Tieleman, 21 May 2013


After HST Betrayal, Why Trust Libs on Oil Pipelines?

Christy Clark's plea to 'trust me' is all she is offering.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 May 2013


BC's Unbelievable Premier

Clark's credibility slides with statements on BC's 'balanced' budget, job creation.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Apr 2013


Christy's Magical Mystery Tour Just a Bad LNG Trip

The longer you look at premier's claims, the more you freak out.

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Apr 2013


Why Isn't Christy Clark More Popular?

She's gone from charismatic to crashing ratings. What happened?

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Apr 2013


Negative Advertising Fails

That's what research and British Columbia's experience shows.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Apr 2013


Another Lapse in Clark's Judgment?

Premier meets with ex-candidate Sukh Dhaliwal despite his facing six tax charges.

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Apr 2013


HST Casts Long Shadow over May Election

The tax is officially dead, and so are the BC politics that spawned it.

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Mar 2013


Trudeau Beats Harper! Murray Unites Grits with NDP!

And other Liberal fantasies fueled by social media.

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Mar 2013


Why Ethnic-gate Won't Blow over Soon

Actions, and names, involved add up to more than mere stupidity.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Mar 2013


Should Clark Go to Save BC Liberals?

The obvious place to look for an answer is... Manitoba.

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Mar 2013


Who Gets the Oscar for BC Politics?

Egos, epics, overblown performances! And the winners are...

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Feb 2013


The BC Budget Speech We Won't Hear

What if Finance Minister de Jong loosened his tie, then his lips?

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Feb 2013


BC Gov't 'Domino' Ad Falls down on Facts

Three self-congratulatory claims fail to stand up to scrutiny.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Feb 2013


More on Backers of $1 Million Anti-NDP Ad Blitz

Skeletons in closet add up for group behind heavy duty negative campaign.

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Feb 2013


Who's Calling about Your BC Vote?

A national polling firm wants to probe your political leanings, but it won't say who it works for.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Jan 2013


Bailouts for BC Film Industry? Cut!

Politicians, resist being seduced by Hollywood's subsidy hungry hype.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Jan 2013


Right-wing Group Plans 'Blanket Coverage' Ad Blitz against BC NDP

Million dollar campaign supporting BC Liberals helped by federal Liberal lobbyists.

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Jan 2013


Ice Ice Baby, Whose Fault Is Port Mann Crash?

Experts raise questions about gov't decision to blame drivers, chill out on builders.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Jan 2013


Why Jesus Would Be Angry This Christmas

He'd be mad about all those charity requests as wealth inequality grows.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Dec 2012


If China Can Have State-Owned Energy Firms, Why Can't We?

Question looms after Harper's sell-out of Canadian interests with CNOOC, Petronas takeovers.

By Bill Tieleman, 11 Dec 2012


Unite? Greens, Grits Are Not 'Progressive'

Why I'm not buying into an electoral cooperation pact with New Democrats.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Dec 2012


Christy Clark Exiting Highway to Hell

But can she pass on the right as polls show NDP still well ahead of BC's political traffic?

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Nov 2012


BC Liberals' Ad Nausea

Christy Clark propaganda starts here, with $15 million BC government ad campaign.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Nov 2012


Only in BC, You Say? Conflict Commissioner Conflicted

Fraser's job is to watchdog premier but his son has key role working for Christy Clark.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Nov 2012


What Obama Didn't Change: Corporate America's Power

Progressives should note his Wall Street advisors and corporate-backed campaign, among other unfulfilled promises.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 Nov 2012


Miners Could Have Been Trained Here Easily

Longwall coal mining is hardly the rare, elite skill politicians want us to believe.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Oct 2012


China's Mounting Challenge to Our National Sovereignty

Foreign-staffed mines in BC, Nexen on the block and the FIPA giveaway... wake up Canada!

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Oct 2012


Chinese Temp Miners, Pawns of Racism

BC kills jobs by importing foreign coal diggers. Will it kill workers too?

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Oct 2012


Big Oil and Gas Pumps Money to Christy Clark

BC's premier criticized Alberta publicly while fundraising oil money there in private.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Oct 2012


Canada's Omar Khadr Is No 'War Criminal'

He's a former child soldier and needs rehabilitation, not further punishment.

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Oct 2012


Leaderless van Dongen Seeks New Allies

After quitting BC Conservatives and rejecting Cummins and Clark, the MLA's open to a 'range of different options.'

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Sep 2012


More 'Stonewalling' about $6 Million for Basi and Virk

Auditor general, van Dongen battle lawyers to get to bottom of legal bill payment by BC tax payers.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Sep 2012


Will You Join the Hockey Lovers' Revolt?

Fans hatch plan to boycott NHL owners' businesses if they lock out players and risk season.

By Bill Tieleman, 11 Sep 2012


For Clark, It Keeps Getting Lonelier at the Top

BC Liberal exodus is a non-confidence vote in premier's leadership, no matter the spin.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Sep 2012


Elections BC's Dangerous Censorship

Outrageous $3.2 million fine levied on BCGEU shows big problems in election advertising laws.

By Bill Tieleman, 28 Aug 2012


Stand up to Russia

Canada fiddles while Putin bans Pride parades, imprisons Pussy Riot protestors.

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Aug 2012


Which Way Does Your Political Compass Swing?

Online tool sizes up your worldview, even if it runs in all directions like mine.

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Aug 2012


Piping Crude? 'There Is No Leak Proof System'

Alberta's atrocious record of pipeline leaks a strong warning to British Columbia.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Aug 2012


Christy Clark's Pipeline Poker Bluff

With few chips left to support her strong stand at premiers' meeting, it's all luck now.

By Bill Tieleman, 31 Jul 2012


Cheers for BC Liberals

Why new wine corkage rules in restaurants could be revolutionary in British Columbia.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Jul 2012


Retirement Season for BC Liberals

Clark's MLAs line up for gold watches before time runs out. Who's likely next?

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Jul 2012


BC Booze among North America's Priciest

That's even before privatization of warehousing that may boost your bill.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Jul 2012


Carbon Tax: Empty Promise for Enviros

Fuel sales still status-quo while emissions-heavy industry booms under BC Liberals.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Jul 2012


Christy Clark's Newspeak

Got a political problem? Easily solved with one word: 'Semantics!'

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Jun 2012


Justin Trudeau, Liberal Boy Wizard?

He'll need to cast a significant spell to enchant voters and vanquish You-Know-Who.

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Jun 2012


The Premier's Good Shepard

Veteran CEO Jim Shepard publicly exalts Christy Clark, but his rescue mission takes the wrong approach.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Jun 2012


Among Protesters in Montreal, Visions of BC Unrest

Tyee columnist Bill Tieleman dives into Quebec's pot banging revolt and files this dispatch.

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Jun 2012


You're Going to Get Zapped

Why you shouldn't believe Premier Clark's claims her government just spared you from big Hydro rate hikes.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 May 2012


Who Mowed Down the Premier?

Cosmetic pesticide issue pits Cancer Society versus BC government in no-win situation for Christy Clark.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 May 2012


'Cagey' Clark's Pipeline Prevarications

Premier won't take position on Northern Gateway but calls NDP concerns 'goofy' and 'gobbledygook.'

By Bill Tieleman, 15 May 2012


Risky for BC Liberals to Change Brands

Christy Clark is fine with pursuing a new name for her party. Good idea?

By Bill Tieleman, 8 May 2012


YVR Makes You Pay so Foreign Flyers Whisk Through Free

International travelers briefly connecting get the benefits without charge.

By Bill Tieleman, 1 May 2012


Clark's Slippery Footing

BC Lib powerbrokers appear to be plotting against her after byelection losses.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Apr 2012


Which Team Changes Manager First, Canucks or Libs?

In a rough sport, Christy Clark faces pressure if her party loses both byelections.

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Apr 2012


Even the Wealthy Abandoning BC Liberals

Add this to Clark's miseries: NDP pulling more strongly among $100K voters.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Apr 2012


A Fix for Ugly Politics

Force the vote and halt devious robo-calls, attack ads and apathy.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Apr 2012


Mulcair Is Ready to Rumble!

His NDP victory promises a battle royale in Parliament and trouble for Liberals, Conservatives, Bloc Quebecois.

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Mar 2012


Why the Delay, Premier?

With byelection deadlines near and the NDP ahead in the polls, Clark launches into campaign mode.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Mar 2012


Christy Clark's Conservative Conundrum

Poll shows dip in BC Lib support as 'iron snowbird' premier spreads her right-wing.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Mar 2012


Thank You BC Mary, Railgate Watchdog

Mary Mackie's blog on the Legislature Raids was essential reading. She'll be missed.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Mar 2012


Find Out About Endometriosis

This invisible disease that badly hurts young women needs more attention.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 Mar 2012


Teachers Face Dirty Dealing BC Gov't

BCTF is playing poker against opponent with ace up sleeve in contract negotiations.

By Bill Tieleman, 28 Feb 2012


The Case Against an NDP, Liberal, Green Coalition

Teaming up to defeat Harper's Conservatives is undemocratic and won't work.

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Feb 2012


'But You're the Premier!'

Christy Clark returns to radio to reveal you're not very powerful when premier of BC.

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Feb 2012


Who Pays Huge Power Bills for Clark's Gas Plants?

Turning natural gas into liquid sucks electricity. Ratepayers, guard your wallets.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Feb 2012


No Way, YVR!

Vancouver airport's improvement fee hike, set by unelected officials with BC Lib ties, should be grounded.

By Bill Tieleman, 31 Jan 2012


Why I'm Voting Peggy Nash

Tenacious and gracious, the NDP leader candidate is Layton's most worthy successor.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Jan 2012


Ethical Oil My Gas!

Enbridge pipeline cheerleaders full of hypocrisy in criticizing 'foreign intervention.'

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Jan 2012


Running Uphill: Five Contenders for NDP Leader

Front runners don't triumph every time. Meet those counting on an upset to win the race.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Jan 2012


Who's Best to Lead the NDP?

My look at the leadership candidates begins with Topp, Mulcair and Nash.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Jan 2012


How BC Rail Was Made to Disappear

Eight years later, looking back at the BC legislature raid, and where we've arrived.

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Dec 2011


Deck the Halls of Power

With BC's own political Christmas carols this season.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Dec 2011


Dix Dials It Down

NDP leader prepares for government by moderating plans and expectations.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Dec 2011


Federal Govt Plays Deadly Politics of Salt

Health panel wants life saving, sodium lowering policies. Tories say no.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 Dec 2011


Railgate? Asked and Answered, Says Clark

Premier calls me out as she rejects Basi-Virk inquiry. Yet questions do persist.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Nov 2011


Reading Vancouver Voters' Minds

City's voters teach all parties lessons about what matters in elections.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Nov 2011


Vancouver's Top Election Issues, if not Pre-Occupied

Gambling? Bike lanes? Transit? Sanitation? Poll shows voters still care about such things.

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Nov 2011


Occupy Vancouver Turning off Its Power Source

Impossible demands, conspiracy theories risk alienating broad range of supporters.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Nov 2011


NDP Wants New Probe into Heed Spending

Kash Heed campaign manager Barinder Sall, admitting guilt, alleges more campaign overspending. Heed issues denial.

By Bill Tieleman, 1 Nov 2011


Signs of BC Lib Implosion

Why are backbenchers rebelling against Clark? They're watching their backs.

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Oct 2011


Unlikely Ally of Occupy Movement: Billionaires

The world's richest offer their surprising two cents on widening wealth disparity.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Oct 2011


Mystery Still Shrouds Payments to Heed's Election Team

New report from MLA Kash Heed mum on $6,000 paid by his gov't office to campaign staff. NDP's Yiu wants probe.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Oct 2011


Oh, the HypoChristy!

Auditor-general rips BC Liberals for honesty, but premier says municipal governments are what need auditing.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Oct 2011


Facebook Aims to Kill One of Its Largest BC Groups

NO BC HST has 125,000 Facebook members, but not for long it seems.

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Sep 2011


A Tale of Two Attack Ads from BC Libs, NPA

Both efforts blow up in their faces, but negative advertising can work.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Sep 2011


Sky's Not Falling Just Because HST Fell

Time for the BC Liberal government to stop its Chicken Little squawking.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Sep 2011


How Did Gordon Campbell, Ken Dobell and David Emerson Get BC's Highest Honour?

Given their records, clearly British Columbia is out of order.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 Sep 2011


Voters Turning Back HST Teach Key Lessons

Now we'll see if BC's government and business leaders are listening.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Aug 2011


Jack Layton: Triumph and Tragedy

Canadians were right. He was the real thing, committed to making their lives better.

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Aug 2011


BC Attorney General Penner steps down, won't run again

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Aug 2011


What the BC Hydro Report Hides

Premier's team deftly obscures the real fix, and what drove up costs: BC Lib decisions.

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Aug 2011


A Skeptic's Guide to BC Smart Meters

From dubious cost-effectiveness to health concerns, here are a few reasons to question them.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Aug 2011


You're Poorer than You Think

Latest stats confirm vast gap between ordinary folks and pension-rich CEOs.

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Aug 2011


Layton's New Cancer Changes National Politics Again

With the future of NDP in balance, his pick for interim leader is puzzling.

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Jul 2011


Christy Clark by the Numbers

How does British Columbia's new premier add up so far?

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Jul 2011


BC's Carbon Tax Doesn't Work

As gas prices go up, pollution does too. Time to fix it.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Jul 2011


Secrets of the HST Referendum

What the BC gov't won't tell you about the tax and who's behind the campaign pushing it.

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Jul 2011


Rioters, and Hollow People Higher Up

Why be surprised at the Vancouver crowd's bad behaviour when the rot starts at the top?

By Bill Tieleman, 28 Jun 2011


HST Is About Democracy, Not Just Money

You'll be voting not just on tax policy, but also on the right way to make it.

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Jun 2011


HST Vote Is About Your Money

That's why government and big business are handing out misinformation.

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Jun 2011


Harper No Help to Chinese Voices of Freedom

Canada to double trade with China, whose government imprisons artist Ai Weiwei and Nobel winner Liu Xiaobo.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Jun 2011


Christy Clark Has Trust Issues

She's Lucy. The HST is the football. Are we all Charlie Brown?

By Bill Tieleman, 31 May 2011


Ding! Ding! What the HST Costs You

And why the 'smart' move is vote it down in June's referendum.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 May 2011


What's in a Name?

A political makeover for shoot-from-the-hip Christy and her BC Libs.

By Bill Tieleman, 17 May 2011


Vote Gliberal?

Christy Clark is breezy on the campaign trail, but her record is seriously flawed.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 May 2011


What Will Harper Do with His Majority?

He'd be wise to moderate his party's red meat demands. But he could throw them steaks.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 May 2011


Election of the Century?

Canadians could see a huge political realignment, with a Harper majority and NDP official opposition.

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Apr 2011


Now Starts Stanley Cup Final of BC Politics

After gruelling seasons, both teams now set for battle in the provincial election.

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Apr 2011


Only Layton's NDP Oppose 'Harper Sales Tax'

Grits and Tories guilty of contempt of BC voters, given their hypocrisy on HST.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Apr 2011


Case of the Curious Conservative Campaign

Why is Harper's team taking unnecessary risks bashing the environment and refugees?

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Apr 2011


Iggy and Jack Were Dumb to Topple Government

Now they're in danger of being crushed, giving Tories their best chance for majority.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Mar 2011


Liquor, Guns, Grits and Christy Clark

Look who the premier hired as her office staff, and brace for controversy.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Mar 2011


Clark Cabinet Tests Liberal Loyalty

Will those chopped leave for another party? BC Conservatives are hoping.

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Mar 2011


Meet Christy Clark's Hard Right Advisor

Basher of enviros and unions, Gwyn Morgan blamed immigrants for crime. What does he like? US health care.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Mar 2011


Christy Clark's Secrets of Success

Her shocking win demonstrates the Seven Habits of Highly Effective Liberal leaders.

By Bill Tieleman, 1 Mar 2011


Railgate: Was There a Cabinet Leak to Lobbyists?

Ex-Finance Minister Gary Collins told police he was surprised at 'blow by blow' description of cabinet meeting in lobbyists' memo to bidder for BC Rail.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Feb 2011


'I Want Everything Released': Basi

Convicted Railgate figure says 'Who's your daddy' wiretap comment was a joke, not about procuring sex.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Feb 2011


George Abbott, Crazy Like a Fox

Attacking Christy Clark is his best chance to win, even if it makes him look mean.

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Feb 2011


Tieleman: Blowback for environmental groups supporting Liberal leadership candidates

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Feb 2011


One Screwy Lib Leader Race

From 'Kama Sutra' to Christy's cats, BC Liberals find themselves in a strange position.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Feb 2011


You Won't Catch Me in Cuba

Take a sunny vacation there? Not while there is political repression and no democracy.

By Bill Tieleman, 1 Feb 2011


Tieleman Backs Adrian Dix

'His record shows Dix is a fighter for ordinary people. He gets results.'

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Jan 2011


Politicians Don't Like Recall? Well, Why Would They?

Recall and citizen initiatives hold MLAs accountable, and that's sorely needed.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Jan 2011


Ida Chong Gets the Recall Wrong

She says it isn't about the HST. And a few other mistaken notions.

By Bill Tieleman, 11 Jan 2011


Must See TV? Politics in BC!

Hit shows get a whole new look as the networks mine gold in British Columbia.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Jan 2011


Christy Clark's Bad Trip?

Try as she might to wave it on, her BC Rail scandal train has not left the station.

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Dec 2010


James Faced Daunting Poll Numbers

Polling veteran says low approval rating doomed BC's opposition leader. And maybe three premiers.

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Dec 2010


She Had to Go

Carole James' resignation was inevitable after NDP's 2009 election defeat.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Dec 2010


Hard Questions for Christy Clark

If she runs for Lib leader, she'll face tough queries about Railgate and the HST.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Nov 2010


BC's Year of Living Politically Dangerously

Expect serious casualties as Libs and New Dems deal with internal fights.

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Nov 2010


David Basi breaches sentencing conditions with interview

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Nov 2010


Can Carole James Win the Next Election?

Whether BC votes next year or in 2013, the question looms large right now.

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Nov 2010


Nine Years of Hypocrisy

That's Premier Campbell's legacy after resigning. Just compare his words to his deeds.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Nov 2010


The Premier's Days Are Numbered

Gordon Campbell is on his way out of office, and likely soon after multiple disasters.

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Nov 2010


Hung out to Dry

Basi and Virk are guilty of being pawns in a much bigger game that others won.

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Oct 2010


Sudden Basi-Virk trial ending will be costly for taxpayers – and BC Liberals

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Oct 2010


BC Conservatives Rising

Upstart party aims to capitalize on Campbell's collapse, but NDP should worry too.

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Oct 2010


New Dems Want Inquiry into Basi-Virk Plea Bargain

Judge accepts surprise guilty plea in political corruption trial of ex-BC Liberal aides.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Oct 2010


Surprise guilty plea in Basi-Virk trial brings call for public inquiry

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Oct 2010


James Created Her Own Crisis

New Dem leader had no justification for ejecting Bob Simpson from caucus.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Oct 2010


Gordon Campbell, Poet Laureate of BC?

Here's a bit of word play, by rearranging what the premier had to say.

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Oct 2010


Why Carole James Is Too Nice to Business

BC's NDP leader looks in the wrong place for support, blurring her party's real appeal.

By Bill Tieleman, 28 Sep 2010


Campbell Gambles BC's Economy on HST Politics

Vote pushed back a year; who in their right minds will buy a condo now?

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Sep 2010


BC Rail director questioned about fees, donations to BC Liberals

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Sep 2010


New Dems Playing with Loaded Gun

Federal NDP will pay dearly if long-gun registry is killed in Parliament with their rural MPs' votes.

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Sep 2010


Leaks could 'contaminate' BC Rail sale, court told in Basi-Virk trial

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Sep 2010


Come Clean, Premier Campbell

HST questions for BC Liberals after censored documents released draw unbelievable answers.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Sep 2010


Refugees Get More than Seniors? Not True!

A viral email says refugees in Canada get 'more money than seniors.' I checked it out, and guess what?

By Bill Tieleman, 31 Aug 2010


Rescind or Recall

BC Liberals face stark choice after court validates HST petition.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Aug 2010


Look Who's Derailing Democracy in BC

Libs, big business, Elections BC defy the people's will on HST petition.

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Aug 2010


Lawyer: HST is unconstitutional

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Aug 2010


'I Was Afraid He Was Going to Kill Me'

Survivor says life was saved by domestic violence counselling now being eliminated at Vancouver General.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Aug 2010


Despite 'Smart Policy' Spin, HST Still Hated

In last three months 72 per cent have a worse opinion of Campbell, one per cent have a better one.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Aug 2010


Why BC Liberals Love Gambling

You need only follow the money -- and the players.

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Jul 2010


'Liberalizing' BC Hydro

Top BC Liberal Party operatives help spin Olympics and Site C.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Jul 2010


BC Hydro put $100,000+ managers to work on low-level Olympics jobs

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Jul 2010


Hey Gordo, You Gotta Be Kidding!

Overspending unbelievable on pro-HST, Olympic and 'You Gotta Be Here BC' ad campaigns.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Jul 2010


Rename Stanley Park? These Are Crazy Days

An empty gesture won't truly help First Nations. But our politicians don't want to do the real work.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 Jul 2010


What It Would Take to Recall BC Liberals

Odds of recalling MLAs over HST will grow as tax hits and public feels ignored.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Jun 2010


Basi-Virk trial goes another week with no evidence

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Jun 2010


Wrong HST Question, Premier Campbell

He asks how we can afford to drop the hated tax, so he can give the wrong answer.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Jun 2010


BC Rail bidders pulling out created political problem: Brown

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Jun 2010


Kinsella never lobbied me on BC Rail: Campbell chief of staff Brown

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Jun 2010


Premier Campbell's chief of staff finds out in court Lekstrom quit

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Jun 2010


Basi-Virk defence calls Premier Gordon Campbell a 'micromanager'

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Jun 2010


Is Blair Lekstrom Brave for Quitting?

Will he and indie MLA Vicki Huntington form a new party? Will other Libs defect?

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Jun 2010


Premier's top aide threatened job of Minister: Basi-Virk defence

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Jun 2010


Premier's chief of staff on the defence at Basi-Virk trial

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Jun 2010


Bombshell allegations against premier at Basi-Virk

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Jun 2010


Basi-Virk trial now expected to last until March 2011

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Jun 2010


Jack, Don't Take that Shot!

Coalition of unwilling NDP and Grit voters will never work. But Harper would like it.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Jun 2010


HST Hits and Myths

As BC Liberals panic, denying they made an anti-HST election promise, various false claims need correction. Here goes.

By Bill Tieleman, 1 Jun 2010


Luring Campbell to the Witness Stand

Virk lawyer's bold courtroom allegations are strategically designed to prompt the premier to testify. Will he bite?

By Bill Tieleman, 25 May 2010


Who Will Fill Campbell's Shoes?

With the premier hinting at retirement, here's a list of contenders to bet on.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 May 2010


Basi-Virk trial delayed a day

By Bill Tieleman, 17 May 2010


Seven Big Questions for Heed Campaign Case

Citizens will be looking for answers from the continuing investigation.

By Bill Tieleman, 11 May 2010


Bad Week for Democracy in BC

Libs showed several ways their disdain for the public goes well beyond the HST.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 May 2010


The HST's Strange Friends

Why aren't Canadian Taxpayers Federation and chambers of commerce fighting the tax small business hates?

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Apr 2010


Publication ban on reason for new delay of Basi-Virk trial

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Apr 2010


Finance Minister Hansen Is Mad at Me

And most of the province is mad at him, for introducing the HST.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Apr 2010


Sam Sullivan for Governor General?

This one-term mayor's Order of Canada and Conservative ties aren't enough to put him in the G-G's seat.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Apr 2010


BC Liberals' 'Political Suicide Note'

What Premier Campbell won't tell you about the disastrous HST. How to help stop it.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 Apr 2010


Ann Coulter's 'Free Speech' Scam

She's the one who denied Canadian students their freedom to criticize her repugnant views.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Mar 2010


Publication ban prevents reporting on Basi-Virk pre-trial hearing

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Mar 2010


Premier's Political Minefield

Can Gordon Campbell disable all the bombs in BC Liberal Hurt Locker?

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Mar 2010


Smidgen of 'Olympic bounce' for Premier Campbell: poll

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Mar 2010


Why Car Dealers Love the Latest BC Budget

Arts, disabled groups got run over, but not auto dealers, who got tax policies they wanted after giving BC Liberals $500,000.

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Mar 2010


Disabled again on BC Liberals' Hit List

The poor and people with HIV and chronic illnesses whacked with more cuts to income and health support.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Mar 2010


Judge sets wide publication ban on BC Rail corruption case

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Mar 2010


Wakey, Wakey Taxpayer!

The Olympic party is over, and you're picking up a huge tab. Read the budget.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Mar 2010


BC Rail corruption trial to start May 3

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Feb 2010


A Political Guide for Olympics Visitors

Welcome to Vancouver, where politics is always good sport!

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Feb 2010


HST Fighting Facebook Group Vanishes

Who, or what, made the 130,000-member 'No BC HST' group blink off for days?

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Feb 2010


Mr. Transparency Now Will Guard Secrets

Four reasons FOI Commissioner Loukidelis was wrong to jump to BC deputy Attorney General.

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Jan 2010


Basi-Virk trial date to be set in early February

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Jan 2010


Accused Killers Go Free, Crime Victims Suffer

What's wrong with this picture?

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Jan 2010


Why Kill a 'Life Saving' Program?

Closing Chimo Achievement Centre for people with serious disabilities will cost lives and dollars.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Jan 2010


Basi-Virk defence drops applications to throw out case

By Bill Tieleman, 11 Jan 2010


The Quotable Gordon Campbell Quiz of 2009

When he said it, what did he mean?

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Jan 2010


This Is the Year of Decision for Railgate

After six years, the Basi-Virk case finally will be cracked open or thrown out of court.

By Bill Tieleman, 28 Dec 2009


Birth of a Revolutionary

Does anyone remember Jesus was a radical, not a Wal-Mart greeter?

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Dec 2009


Reviled HST Tax Not a Done Deal

The elites ignored the people. We can still win the day, and make them pay.

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Dec 2009


Why Pick on People with Disabilities?

They have been abused twice by BC government action, and inaction.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Dec 2009


It's Life or Death for the HST

MPs can kill legislation in parliament this week. Send a message.

By Bill Tieleman, 1 Dec 2009


Sihota's Soft Path

Is the BC NDP betting on business or social democracy to win power?

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Nov 2009


Basi-Virk prosecutor wins landmark appeal

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Nov 2009


Returning Fire on Gun Registry Critics

Last week, many Tyeesters assailed my defence of the registry. Here's why they're wrong.

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Nov 2009


Supreme Court of Canada decision on secret witness issue in Basi-Virk to come

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Nov 2009


If Long Gun Registry Is So Dumb, Why Do Police Like It?

Most Canadians want it, too. So why are opposition members helping Tories kill it?

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Nov 2009


Gordon Campbell becomes Prime Minister... in Sports Illustrated

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Nov 2009


Dissent and BC's Media

Olympic protesters may be wrong but civil liberties are always right.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Nov 2009


Ontario Court of Appeal overturns delay of trial case with BC Legislature Raid implications

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Oct 2009


Basi-Virk witness back in business

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Oct 2009


Winter Olympics: Stay or Go?

I'm torn about whether to leave town or hang around. What are you doing?

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Oct 2009


Big Oil's Big Buy: Climate Change Denial

James Hoggan's book documents how petro-money finances confusion with the planet at stake.

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Oct 2009


What the HST Pulls from Your Pocket

From phone bills to funerals, hits you'll take from the Harmonized Sales Tax.

By Bill Tieleman, 13 Oct 2009


'Us versus Them'

BC has entered a class war, and Libs started it.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Oct 2009


Broken Promises Pile Up

Add kids with autism to folks double-crossed by Campbell government.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Sep 2009


Exposing HST Myths

As thousands protest, BC's government wildly spins its Harmonized Sales Tax.

By Bill Tieleman, 22 Sep 2009


Zalm Hates the HST, Too

Why the former Socred premier and I are fighting together on Saturday.

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Sep 2009


Judge sides with Kinsella in Basi-Virk case

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Sep 2009


Inglourious Basterds! Voters' New Name for BC Liberals

Campbell's ratings dive after HST and massive budget deficit.

By Bill Tieleman, 8 Sep 2009


One Way We Can Say 'No!' to the HST

Initiative against Harmonized Sales Tax could force BC Liberals to drop it.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Aug 2009


Tax Revolt! HST Hatred Keeps Growing

More than four out of five BCers oppose it; 65,000 join Facebook protest group.

By Bill Tieleman, 11 Aug 2009


Calling Kash Heed! Hands off My Cell Phone!

Now BC's nanny state wants to ban cell phones in cars, even my hands-free model.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Aug 2009


Harmonize This!

Why the Harmonized Sales Tax is the biggest consumer rip-off BC has seen.

By Bill Tieleman, 28 Jul 2009


Defence alleges Liberal insider received $175,000 from BC Rail without invoices

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Jul 2009


Railgate Looks Even More Like Watergate

Who destroyed email evidence in the BC Legislature Raid case? And why?

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Jul 2009


Basi-Virk: Court orders disclosure of Gordon Campbell's emails

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Jul 2009


Request for Special Prosecutor on missing emails referred to RCMP

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Jul 2009


NDP wants special prosecutor to investigate missing BC Rail emails

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Jul 2009


Five years after BC Rail sale, NDP wants details released

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Jul 2009


'The Premier Has Misled the Voters'

Gordon Campbell shares his views on the need for truth in budgeting.

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Jul 2009


Carbon Tax Hike Booed: Poll

Most in BC, except in Vancouver, are opposed to the increase.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Jul 2009


Defence in Basi-Virk trial gets access to some emails

By Bill Tieleman, 1 Jul 2009


Campbell's Own Watergate?

Alleged bribes and dirty tricks, and now erased emails. Sound familiar?

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Jun 2009


NDP demand investigation into missing BC Rail emails

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Jun 2009


Back up email tapes erased from critical BC Rail deal period

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Jun 2009


Two Thumbs Up for a Summer Election

I want one. C'mon, you do too.

By Bill Tieleman, 23 Jun 2009


Basi-Virk trial delays continue

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Jun 2009


Axe the Gas Tax Won Votes for NDP

So why is leader James dropping the issue?

By Bill Tieleman, 16 Jun 2009


How I 'Demonized' David Suzuki

And the screaming-mad results.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Jun 2009


Defence alleges minister may have leaked BC Rail details

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Jun 2009


World's Fudged Budget Capital

That's B.C., thanks to Campbell's flagrantly false forecasts during election.

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Jun 2009


Basi-Virk defence wants judge to stay on

By Bill Tieleman, 27 May 2009


NDP Grabs 'Obscene' Pay Raise

That's what James called the 29 per cent pay hike when Libs took it.

By Bill Tieleman, 26 May 2009


NDP Blew the Campaign

Party's slogans, and strategy, were incoherent. Learn from this.

By Bill Tieleman, 19 May 2009


Force Us to Vote

Four reasons why BC needs to make casting ballots compulsory.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 May 2009


The Big 'Railgate' Question Looming Still

For a second election, we still don't know: Was BC Rail deal tainted by 'consolation prize' offer?

By Bill Tieleman, 11 May 2009


Debate: After six years, one question and no answer on BC Rail scandal

By Bill Tieleman, 3 May 2009


Big Ideas, Tiny Attention Span

Meet Gordon 'Five Great Goals' Campbell.

By Bill Tieleman, 28 Apr 2009


Furious Rebuke to Suzuki, Berman

Salmon advocate Alexandra Morton enraged at support for BC Libs.

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Apr 2009


Campbell Era Economy Nothing to Brag About

NDP saw higher growth. Now BC jobs are crashing.

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Apr 2009


Campbell's Challenge from the Right: The BC Conservative Party

Leader Wilf Hanni says he plans to run up to 30 candidates, and win races.

By Bill Tieleman, 7 Apr 2009


B.C. Rail execs offered incentives before sale

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Apr 2009


B.C. Rail deal comes back to haunt Libs: Tieleman

By Bill Tieleman, 31 Mar 2009


Railgate: The Kinsella Connection

Before BC Rail deal was sealed, Campbell huddled with CN Rail chair McLean, fixer Kinsella.

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Mar 2009


Railgate Bombshell: BC Gov't Ethics Scorched by Rail Firms

Angry bidders 'dismayed' by 'unfair' process in $1 billion privatization.

By Bill Tieleman, 3 Mar 2009


Document urges BC Liberal aides to avoid answers, spin the media

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Mar 2009


Basi-Virk: Lobbyists sent e-mail to deputy AG

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Mar 2009


Tieleman - the Martinite takeover of federal Liberal Party

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Feb 2009


Railgate, A to Z

Five years after the legislature raid, a who's who guide to BC's biggest political scandal.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Dec 2008


Defence alleges Basi & Virk may not have leaked BC Rail info

By Bill Tieleman, 15 Dec 2008


Coalition Not Ready for Prime Time

NDP, Liberals will pay big for what looks like a failed gamble.

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Dec 2008


Coalition? Back off Jack!

NDP is crazy to team with Liberals and Bloc. Besides, Harper won.

By Bill Tieleman, 2 Dec 2008


RCMP told 'organized crime' claim wrong: Basi-Virk defence

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Nov 2008


No medals for Gordon Campbell on child poverty

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Nov 2008


BASI-VIRK: Supreme Court secret witness decision may derail case

By Bill Tieleman, 20 Nov 2008


Greens critical of former leader who defected to BC Liberals

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Oct 2008


905: Harper's last, best hope for a majority hangs up

By Bill Tieleman, 14 Oct 2008


Prominent Green urges support for NDP, Liberals

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Oct 2008


BC Liberal MLA Dave Hayer cleared by RCMP

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Sep 2008


BC Liberal MLA Dave Hayer cleared by police

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Sep 2008


NDP Needs Some Class!

Drifting party's lesson from byelections, BC polls: Fight for the less well-off.

By Bill Tieleman, 21 Mar 2008


Railgate Enters Twilight Zone

More weird twists as Basi-Virk trial pushed back again.

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Feb 2008


Railgate Just Got Stranger

Fast ferries, secret e-mails, mystery hard drives: Basi-Virk case's wild week.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Jan 2008


Railgate: Unearthed E-mails 'Out of this World' Says Defence

'Very critical stuff' from premier's 'inner circle.'

By Bill Tieleman, 26 Nov 2007


Railgate: Secret Witnesses?

Two ask to testify beyond media glare.

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Nov 2007


Railgate: Judge Blows Stack

25,000 new pages of evidence; defence pursues dismissal.

By Bill Tieleman, 29 Oct 2007


Judge in Basi-Virk Case Rips RCMP, Special Prosecutor

Sweeping order to cough up documents.

By Bill Tieleman, 5 Jun 2007


Basi, Virk 'Hung Out to Dry': Lawyer

But Crown says aides acted on their own.

By Bill Tieleman, 14 May 2007


Wiretap Said to Tie Collins to Media Tricks

Allegations pile up as legislature raid case unfolds.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 May 2007


Premier Alleged to Know of Paid Media Scam

Phony hecklers, fake protesters paid by BC Libs, says Virk defence.

By Bill Tieleman, 24 Apr 2007


Basi-Virk Defence: Bold Allegations

Premier tipped off? Collins investigated pre-raid? RCMP 'bad faith'?

By Bill Tieleman, 19 Apr 2007


Basi-Virk Case Tests Citizens' Patience

Frustrates even trial judge with its delays, disclosure issues.

By Bill Tieleman, 12 Mar 2007


Will BC Rail Bomb Explode?

Basi-Virk lawyers allege deal was rigged by BC Libs.

By Bill Tieleman, 6 Mar 2007


To Stop Tories, Vote Grit or NDP?

Once more with feeling: Glavin versus Tieleman.

By Terry Glavin and Bill Tieleman, 13 Dec 2006


Ten Reasons to Vote NDP

Why Dion is no reason for New Dems to switch sides.

By Bill Tieleman, 11 Dec 2006


Martin's BC Boys Back Dion

Key BC Liberals helped Paul Martin overthrow Jean Chrétien and take control of the party. Now many have joined another team.

By Bill Tieleman, 30 Nov 2006


Leg Raid Hearing Intrigue

What we learned about star witness, rail deals, RCMP conduct.

By Bill Tieleman, 9 Nov 2006


BC Leg Case Lurches to Life

Defence cries foul as 85,000 pages of evidence pile up.

By Bill Tieleman, 31 Oct 2006


Bill Bennett Reconsidered

A new book and a handshake don't change an old opponent's mind.

By Bill Tieleman, 27 Jun 2006


A Tyee Series

The Dirt on Organic Wines

Are they vegetarian or vegan? And more fine distinctions.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 Apr 2006


Leg Raid Case: New Charges, New Questions

Influence peddling on big land deal alleged.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Apr 2006


A Victory that Sowed Defeat

The way Paul Martin took over the federal Liberal Party in BC and Canada will likely cost him the 2006 election.

By Bill Tieleman, 18 Jan 2006


Challenged, Martin Shows Mettle

Facing a flurry of attacks on Friday..

By Bill Tieleman, 17 Dec 2005


Spiderman in a Web of Intrigue

The Basi-Virk-BC Rail probe may yield BC’s biggest scandal yet. If so, meet the Crown’s mysterious star witness: ‘Spiderman’ Erik Bornman.

By Bill Tieleman, 10 May 2005


Change Our Vote System! Leave it Alone!

A Green and an NDPer debate Euro-style elections. Good for British Columbia?

By Andrea Reimer and Bill Tieleman, 17 May 2004