The New Family Therapy


Fifth Estate # 282, April-May, 1977

“The development of capital is delinquency and madness. Now everything is permitted; there are no longer taboos, bans. But, in living out various ‘perversions, men and women can lose themselves, destroy themselves, and no longer be operational’ for capital; out

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Anything new in the “Revolt Against Work?”


Fifth Estate # 280, February 1977

Charles Reeve has raised a number of important questions in his critique of John Zerzan’s “Unions Against Revolution.” [See The “Revolt Against Work” or Fight for the Right to be Lazy (FE 279, December, 1976).] These questions should not be

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Fifth Estate # 278, November, 1976

Zerowork No. 1; Available from P.O. Box 515, Station C, Toronto, Ontario, Canada or through Ammunition Books (see further in this issue). The last few years have seen the appearance of few new journals, even fewer of which are worth

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Westinghouse Wildcat


Fifth Estate # 276, September 1976

By the beginning of the second shift on Monday July 12, the huge East Pittsburgh Works of the Westinghouse Electric Company was shut tight by a wildcat strike of production workers.

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The Emergence of a UAW Local


Fifth Estate # 275, August, 1976

A review of The Emergence of a UAW Local, 1936-1939: A study in class and culture by Peter Friedlander

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Haymarket Square Riot (response)


Fifth Estate # 274, July 1976

Response to: A Bicentennial moment: Haymarket Square Riot by Bob Nirkind, Fifth Estate #272, May, 1976, Vol. 11, No. 8, page 10

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