Australia's FTA experience backs up Treasurer's Ausgrid decision

Updated August 15, 2016 15:48:02

It was a marvellous occasion: cheesy smiles at photo ops, the omnipotent presence of the since-departed trade minister Andrew Robb at signing ceremonies and the promises of endless bounty.

When the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement finally was inked in mid-June last year, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade described it thus: "China is Australia's largest export for both goods and services, accounting for nearly a third of total exports, and a growing source of foreign investment."

Maybe not any longer. The brakes suddenly have been slammed on that foreign investment growth after federal Treasurer Scott Morrison's slap-down of Beijing over the purchase of NSW power utility Ausgrid last week.

It was a decision that negated almost everything the so-called free trade deal was meant to represent and highlighted just how worthless these deals really are.

It's not that the Treasurer made the wrong decision.

On the contrary, in an interview last Friday with Michael Brissenden on AM, he pointed to the extensive existing ownership of vital Australian electricity infrastructure by Chinese interests, particularly the Government-owned State Grid and Hong Kong-based CK Holdings, controlled by Asia's second richest man, Li Ka Shing.

It's one thing for Australian federal and state governments to own monopoly utilities. It's quite another to allow a non-democratic government — or private interests associated with it — to amalgamate and bundle up all that infrastructure.

Remember, Beijing and Li Ka Shing were not creating anything here with their proposed investment. They were merely buying existing infrastructure.

Mr Morrison's critics argued his decision was inconsistent, given State Grid and CK Holdings already have substantial investments in the Australian power sector. That misses the point.

In effect, the Treasurer simply decided both parties already owned enough.

But in so doing, he's inadvertently driven a truck through the pretence surrounding the Government's federal election spin that it somehow achieved significant milestones in the free trade agreements with China, South Korea and Japan.

Last year, the now-retired Andrew Robb — who incidentally has taken up with investment bank Moelis and Co to push deals through with China — launched into a tirade whenever there was even a hint of scepticism about his FTA frenzy.

Anyone who questioned the wisdom, or effectiveness, of the drive was branded "anti-trade".

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop attacked independent Senator Nick Xenophon with the same argument during the election while the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull endlessly hailed the agreements as an economic cure-all.

Free trade, or preferential trade deals?

There's just one problem. Free trade agreements don't work.

That's because they have precious little to do with trade and almost nothing to do with free trade. They largely are political, diplomatic or defence constructs. And the benefits, if they exist at all, are largely illusory.

Don't take my word for it. Have a look at the numerous reports and studies from the Federal Government's own Productivity Commission.

It prefers to call them what they truly are: preferential trade deals. And it argues that they divert and distort trade, often to our detriment.

Rather than free-up commerce, they add to inefficiency and increase complexity.

Little wonder then that they are generally shunned by businesses. And as the commission repeatedly argues, the best way to secure the benefits of free trade is to reduce or eliminate your own protection policies.

We've largely done that.

The best, or perhaps worst, example was the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement signed more than a decade ago.

According to a study by the Australian National University's Crawford School, the much vaunted deal cost Australia around $US53 billion in 2012, with the losses accelerating each year from 2005 when the deal was signed.

You won't hear that from anyone in Canberra though. In fact, the US-Australia deal — which dealt a serious blow to our ability to negotiate deals for the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme — is still hailed as a success around the corridors of power.

It hasn't always been that way. Back in 1957 when Robert Menzies signed a historic deal with Japan's Kishi Nobusuke, Australia, like many developed nations, had ensconced itself behind a comfortable trade wall of tariffs, quotas and subsidies.

Reducing those barriers led to huge material gains as trade between the two nations ballooned.

Those trade walls are largely gone, meaning little is to be gained from preferential trade deals. In fact, as the US FTA demonstrated, much can be lost.

Perhaps that's why the Federal Government refused to engage the Productivity Commission to file a report on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a deal that even America — which proposed it in the first place — is likely to junk.

Meanwhile, a study commissioned by the Federal Government into the three most recent deals, with China, Japan and South Korea, found they were likely to have a negative impact on Australian trade, as Fairfax's Peter Martin noted last month.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade study found the deals collectively will boost exports by 0.5 to 1.5 per cent while boosting imports by 2.5 per cent.

Rather than being export deals that will create jobs and growth, they are import deals that potentially will have harmful effects.

Little wonder the Treasurer had no qualms calling a decision on Ausgrid.

Topics: electricity-energy-and-utilities, international-aid-and-trade, trade, foreign-affairs, china, hong-kong, nsw, australia

First posted August 15, 2016 12:44:16