What are the main email addresses which International IDEA uses in relation to tenders?
What are the main email addresses which International IDEA uses in relation to tenders?

International IDEA uses the following three email addresses:

a)  tender@idea.int--Use this address for general communication related to procurement and tender questions; and for clarification and information questions related to a specific tender. Note it should not be used to submit a Tender proposal.

b)  tendersubmissions@idea.int--Use this address for the submission of tender proposals (Technical and Financial).

c)  tender.complaints@idea.int--Use this address to lodge a complaint in relation to a specific tender.

Does a bidder have to be based in Sweden to submit a tender to International IDEA?
Does a bidder have to be based in Sweden to submit a tender to International IDEA?

No unless it is specifically stated in the RfP , International IDEA accepts bids from suppliers and service providers all over the world.

Is there a limit on the number of tenders which a supplier/service provider may apply for in any one period?
Is there a limit on the number of tenders which a supplier/service provider may apply for in any one period?

Currently there is no limit. Each submission is evaluated separately in accordance with the evaluation criteria outlined in the RfP.

Does International IDEA operate a supplier/service provider pre-qualification system or have a system whereby a supplier/service provider can register to become a vendor with International IDEA?
Does International IDEA operate a supplier/service provider pre-qualification system or have a system whereby a supplier/service provider can register to become a vendor with International IDEA?

Currently International does not operate such a system. Vendors are either selected through a competitive or direct-sourced process depending on cost thresholds.

How can a bidder make a complaint?
How can a bidder make a complaint?

Complaints should be made in accordance with the procedure outlined in the RfP. The address for complaints is:  tender.complaints@idea.int

Does a successful bidder have to use the International IDEA contract template?
Does a successful bidder have to use the International IDEA contract template?

In general, International IDEA requires a successful bidder to use the appropriate contract template of International IDEA. However in some circumstances the contract template of the supplier/service provider may be used where it is more appropriate. In all cases the general conditions of this contract cannot be less onerous than those of International IDEA.

Are Tender Awards published?
Are Tender Awards published?

Yes. International IDEA publishes the detail of contracts awarded through a tender process on its website. This is normally done on a quarterly basis.

How does International IDEA notify bidders of the result of a tender?
How does International IDEA notify bidders of the result of a tender?

International IDEA notifies all bidders (successful and unsuccessful) by letter sent electronically.

How long does the tender process normally take?
How long does the tender process normally take?

In general International IDEA aims to complete the tender process between 12-16 weeks. However in some cases the process may take longer due to unforeseen circumstances or when the tender process spans a holiday period.

Does International IDEA acknowledge receipt of proposals?
Does International IDEA acknowledge receipt of proposals?

International IDEA will only send an acknowledgement of receipt if specifically requested by the sender of a submission.

How can I submit proposals to International IDEA?
How can I submit proposals to International IDEA?

Proposals should be submitted in accordance with the procedure outlined in the RfP and Tender Notice. Proposals which are not in compliance with the submission procedures will be eliminated. International IDEA for the most part only accepts electronic submissions to the following email address:  tendersubmissions@idea.int

How are requests for clarifications or information on a specific tender handled?
How are requests for clarifications or information on a specific tender handled?

Responses to requests for clarification or information are sent to the requestor(s) and also published in the tender announcement section on the website.

Where can I find information on open tenders
Where can I find information on open tenders

Detailed information on a particular tender is to be found in the solicitation documents published in relation to the tender e.g. the Request for Proposals (RfP) and Terms of Reference (ToR). A request for clarification and information may also be sent to contact in accordance with the procedure outlined in the RfP.

Where does International IDEA advertise Tender Notices?
Where does International IDEA advertise Tender Notices?

International IDEA always publishes Tender Notices on its website. Depending on the nature of the procurement it may also advertise in the following forums:  Devex, Devnet and Eurobrussels websites; local press; and any other relevant trade websites or press medium.

Is International IDEA part of the United Nations?
Is International IDEA part of the United Nations?

No, International IDEA is a separate organisation that has been granted UN observer status.

Who started International IDEA?
Who started International IDEA?

International IDEA’s original 14 founding member states were: Australia, Barbados, Belgium, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, India, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, and Sweden. Today, it has 30 members. For more insight about International IDEA’s history and the relevance of its work, read The Birth of an Idea by Bengt Säve-Söderbergh, the first Secretary-General of International IDEA.

How is International IDEA funded?
How is International IDEA funded?

International IDEA is financed through contributions from Member States and through complimentary funds obtained from a variety of other sources like for example, European Commission, Inter-American Development Bank, United Nations Development Programme, Ireland, University for Peace, United Nations Foundation, and the International Development Research Centre.

What is it that your organisation can contribute that the United Nations cannot?
What is it that your organisation can contribute that the United Nations cannot?

International IDEA is much smaller and has a mandate limited to democracy and electoral assistance. Because of its well defined mandate and its small size, and as expressed by Patrick Molutsi, executive secretary of the Tertiary Education Council (of Botswana and director of programs of International IDEA from 2000 to 2003 "IDEA cannot drive the agenda but can facilitate a dialogue process between the drivers of democracy--civil societies, research institutions, the custodians – parliamentarians, political parties, independent media and the promoters such as the interregional, regional organizations, IGOs and NGOs".

We work with UN agencies or organizations on several aspects of our work such as the Administration and Cost of Elections (ACE) Project in which the United Nations Development Programme is a partner.

Does International IDEA focus on emerging democracies?
Does International IDEA focus on emerging democracies?

International IDEA considers that democracy is a process which is never complete – long established democracies need to adapt their political systems to changing circumstances and new challenges, for example to enhance participation and accountability. International IDEA focuses on the problems faced by newer or emerging democracies, where problems of overcoming deep -ooted conflict are especially daunting or where there are particular needs to access comparative information and build capacity in public institutions. However, International IDEA’s work is often of relevance to all kinds of democracies, for example on the uses of quotas to enhance women’s political participation or the applications of direct democracy or the ways of achieving transparency in political party finance. International IDEA’s well-known methodology on Democracy Assessment was tested on various countries including Bangladesh and Italy, Malawi and New Zealand.

Does International IDEA work in countries other than its Member States?
Does International IDEA work in countries other than its Member States?

Much of International IDEA’s activity is not focused on an individual country. It works very often with experts from a range of countries and institutions, drawing on comparative experience and analysis to distill insights and guidelines as well as useful case studies and reference materials, which are made available at no cost on International IDEA’s website to political reformers and interested audiences across the globe. International IDEA works in cooperation with international and regional organisations, which can share their experience and act as good multipliers. When resources are available, International IDEA also makes strategic interventions at national level in countries which seek International IDEA’s particular expertise to assist the democratic reform process.

International IDEA has engaged in long-term activity in Burkina Faso, Georgia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Nepal, Nigeria and Peru. It has made shorter interventions in a wide range of countries, in non-members such as Bolivia or Bosnia, Bangladesh or Belarus, but also in International IDEA member countries such as Botswana and Sweden, India and Australia.

What role do International IDEA’s members play in the organisation’s activities?
What role do International IDEA’s members play in the organisation’s activities?

International IDEA has 30 member countries or Member States, which include large and small, older and newer democracies, sharing in the general objectives of International IDEA. Usually represented by ministries of Foreign Affairs or of Development, Member States make up the Council of International IDEA, the highest decision making body that directs the organisation’s policies and decides on membership. Though they do not directly approve the programme of work or the budget, members are frequently closely involved in the implementation of activities, especially through cooperation with public bodies such as election management commissions, with politicians and political parties, with NGOs and think tanks.

What are the key aspects of democracy that International IDEA seeks to support?
What are the key aspects of democracy that International IDEA seeks to support?

International IDEA is concerned about the process of building democracies as well the design and effective functioning of political systems and institutions. Establishing a new constitution, for example, especially after a conflict, requires an open debate to allow different views to be heard and accommodated in order to provide the best foundations for the future. As regards elections, International IDEA aims at ways of enhancing voter confidence and participation, which may involve modifying electoral system design, strengthening the independence and professionalism of election management, improving the oversight of campaign financing etc. Political parties are also a focus of International IDEA’s attention since they have a crucial role to play in the functioning of democracies, yet frequently do not measure up to public expectations.

How does International IDEA define democracy?
How does International IDEA define democracy?

International IDEA does not seek a single definition of democracy. Models of democracy can vary substantially. Rather than assuming a given set of democratic institutions, International IDEA tends to see democracy as a process involving political equality and popular control as basic characteristics as explained in State of Democracy. Preconditions for democracy include basic human security, rule of law and respect for basic human rights such as freedom of expression and assembly.

International IDEA is concerned about making democracy sustainable, which implies, that all groups in society feel they can make their voices heard, that democratic institutions can effectively channel and mediate conflicting interests, and develop and deliver policies which protect the freedoms and livelihoods of their citizens.

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