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Jews observe Shabbat Shirah today, marking the Israelites singing praise to God after their escape from Egypt.

Why is sacred music such a universal feature of religious observance? An expert tells us how it can be used to unite people in joy, sorrow, and protest.

Sacred music joins people in a collective expression - whether of joy, sorrow or protest.|By David W. Stowe

Only 75 years ago, the first African-American was appointed full-time to the faculty of a predominantly white university – the University of Chicago.

W. Allison Davis was an accomplished anthropologist whose trailbreaking research into structural racism helped provide the groundwork for legal challenges to 'separate but equal'.

His landmark contributions to anthropology have faded from memory, despite real-world policy impact during the mid-20th century.|By David Varel
Why do Americans revere the Grand Canyon? It taught us to look at nature in a new way, and to respect iconic places by leaving them alone. #nationalparks100 Photos licensed under Creative Commons from Flickr users: usinterior (9270310154), hisgett (15542832335 and 15520615746), aigle_dore (5825561716 and 5824861329), and fundenburg (2614575323).
Today on The Conversation - July 5, 2016
Pluto is rapidly revealing its secrets, as scientists make discovery after discovery from the data sent back from NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration's New Horizons mission. A member of the science team explains these pictures:
69 Reviews
Tell people what you think
John W Flores
· January 22, 2017
MMMMFffff. Ahhhhh. You dirty rat you. Wait till my boys in Chicago study up on this here "Greek philosophy" and use what they find out in them books like weapons. Why, we'll wipe out every ignorant bootlegger in two years! Yeah, see. That's the ticket. Knowledge. Top of the world, ma!
Tina Teykl Parish
· January 26, 2017
This forum is a breath of fresh air. One of the best non-partisan forums I have read in a long time!
Francis Rupert Legge
· January 21, 2016
This Conversation Forum -- wherein Academics, Scientists and other thinkers may explore and express their impressions within the vast repositories of Data and p...rogressive research that never cease growing to enhance us, is a treasure. Benign exploration of the vision of leading, special mentalities in countless fields of Human Knowledge is, perhaps, the most valuable platform we have for educating the world of people with a need for knowing more than the simple pedestrian sense of our magnificent existence. Everything we learn is a revelation beyond its own singular substance, which is not limited to changing perspective but is very declarative of an ineffable inter-relationship and sometimes unexplainable harmonics with everything else -- focusing out attention in ready anticipation of the next Horizon of Discovery by the flexible, healthy, inquiring MIND.... See More
Adam Bonner
· December 5, 2016
I've been looking for unbiased non-political source of news. I think I may just have found it!
Cynthia McDonagh
· June 16, 2016
I learn every time I read your articles. Allows me to see both sides of an argument. For example Yesterday's story on 2nd amendment and how type of guns change since 2008. I share share share all that I read on your news. You are my "Go To" feed for all current topics. Thank you
Lisa Gann McCarville
· October 7, 2016
Great source of relevant information across the specectrum in science and arts and modern culture.
Wayne Mandell
· August 9, 2016
This site let's people write articles that are not fact based Kristen Barber wrote a article on the decline of the barbershop and her article did not have all the facts
Patty Smith
· January 10, 2017
I'm looking for truth in America. So far, I'm encouraged by this site.
Christopher Opurong
· May 12, 2016
Africans be advised. To avoid history to repeat itself be advised. Translate the Ten Commandments into your own community language. Mystery Babylon the great mo...ther of harlots, her daughters & her sons is in the mission of hunting innocent souls by first confusing them in their own language. Mental slavery in all areas of life. This is the devil has twisted God's word.What is really EDUCATION? Should one change her/his own language? Or should be enlightened within with what already the have? Or God given? To educate a person or a community, do change their language? Or do we trick them with the land they are living in /on?If really we are on the path on assisting, why do we keep the information secret from the community population ? Silos? What is the hidden motives behind all these? 2: If the International community were very sincerely from the depths of their heart to help in stopping corruption across the continent of Africa, how can they continue supporting the corrupt security personnel influenced by corrupt leaders? Should the international security counsel make a resolution to to identify all the communities including each minorities and to assist to establish a community college center within each community in their own language & support this kind of support should go directly to each community? Even if these minority only numbers only 50 people? They should be assisted to settle down and establish themselves. Should we all ourselves and those who disrupt a family and the community from their language and land what they are up to? See More
Glenda Corning
· January 15, 2017
Thought provoking, intelligently sourced and well written.
Tony Serio
· October 26, 2016
I love the Conversation. It makes me happyyyyyyyyy
Craig Joseph Ronan
· October 26, 2016
Informative and interesting articles. Intelligent writers.
Simone Batochio
· March 1, 2016
I'm an English teacher in my country, and this page helps me bring amazing subjets for my students to discuss. Thank you so much. Please keep on doing this wonderful job of spreading information.
Cynthia Harris
· July 15, 2016
I appreciate the opportunity to have conversations and reach the wider community...Dr. Cynthia Viola Harris CEO Hatch Coaching
Herbert Lewis
· June 22, 2016
Informative & excellent with keeping me up on matters relevant to the world
Padraeg Sullivan
· January 11, 2017
Good analysis, but same lame bias as most legacy media!
Arlene Rivera
· January 5, 2017
Finally, a fact-based news outlet. I look forward to learning more and more. Refreshing.
Evelyne Ortega Román
· May 3, 2016
This thing give me hope. I need a new world were the sun does not burn so much. Its getting to hot on this earth.
Ana Gomes
· September 21, 2016
Great news - You need to address immigration abuse by government employees.
I served as a USCIS Immigration Officer for nearly 13 years and in June 2009 emplo...yees became aware of substantial immigration irregularities occurring in USCIS District 9’s Oakland Park Field Office. Specifically when over 600 certificates of citizenship and naturalization were voided without due cause, were unaccounted for, had not been verified as issued, were issued as duplicate certificates, were unrecorded such that it was impossible to later identify counterfeit certificates, and were routinely left unsecured. There are major security issues that are constantly overlooked. In addition, there are abuse of power / profiling within the USCIS here in Florida. e.g. same-sex marriage cases "Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)." I've worked on the first "same-sex" case that according to USCIS/DHS FOIA made "World News" and was the first case ever granted in the U.S. History. Anti-same-sex USCIS manager(s) officials at the District 9 insist that such case should have never been granted. Further on May of 2016 a USCIS Attorney told me that granting that "one" Florida case was a mistake. Folks...Our main principles in America is that every man is equal. How are these laws treating everyone the same? They aren't. This is blatant discrimination and abuse against millions of Americans led by few.
See More
James Ayres LaMar
· January 20, 2016
What a marvelous fount of information, unlike any other I have seen. (Yes, I must get out more. LOL!)

Do immigrants succeed because of their traditional values, or because of plain hard work? Research from Malaysia sheds some light on this issue.

Past studies point to traditional Confucian values and a refugee mentality as a reason for the business success of Chinese people living overseas, our research ...|By Robert Hoffmann

Hundreds or thousands of red-breasted nuthatches have left their typical ranges in Canada this year and gone far south. Ornithologists are working to understand these irruptions with the help of a network of birdwatchers across the United States.

During bird irruptions, hundreds or thousands of a single species show up outside their normal territory. Most of what we know about irruptions comes from data collected by citizen scientists.|By Archer Larned

“It does seem a little bizarre to have Hawaiian records competing with polka” and other ways the Grammy awards make no sense.

After winning his Grammy in 1996, Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder said, 'I don't think this means anything.' Was he right?|By Alex Lubet

Why President Trump is hurting himself by forcing out civil servants who disagree with him: “If the administration continues down this path, we may witness more botched implementation of orders like the travel ban.”

The Trump administration may do well to make a friend of the federal bureaucracy it's so intent on gutting, according to an expert who studies the role of civil ...|By Adnan Rasool

Understanding why some people reject climate science offers insight into how they deny science. They often miss the gorilla in the room because they pick at a little problem with one study or a small area of disagreement.

Laser-like focus on a tiny, unimportant detail can mean you miss the gorilla in the room – a tactic climate change deniers use to cast doubt on the science.|By John Cook

A million African-Americans fought for democracy around the world in segregated units - and then many came home and fought for change.

When war broke out, black Americans fought in segregated units to serve their country. The breath of freedom they experienced in Europe flamed the fight for ...|By Maria Höhn

President Trump just announced his cabinet, and the chairman of the Council of Economic advisers won't be part of it. Nor has he named anyone to that position yet.

Who will he turn to for economic advice?

President Trump downgraded the chair of the Council of Economic advisers from its perch on the cabinet. Should we care?|By Jay L. Zagorsky

The promise of immunotherapy: "Armed with new insights into the interactions between cancer and the immune system, research teams are developing novel treatments to harness the full potential of the body’s natural defenses." Here's some of the latest research explained.

Armed with new insights into the interactions between cancer and the immune system, research teams are developing novel treatments to harness the full potential of ...|By Balveen Kaur

About a quarter of doctors in graduate medical training come from countries other than the U.S. They often fill positions in primary care, and rural and safety net hospitals that might otherwise go vacant, according to researchers from the University of Michigan.

About one in four physicians in graduate medical education is from another country. Here's how a travel ban could harm them, and our health care system.|By John Burkhardt

A sad correlation: new research shows that as traffic jams increase in any zip code, domestic violence incidents increase too.

Traffic wastes time, creates pollution and costs money. But can it also affect us psychologically? A new study suggests that unexpected traffic can increase the ...|By Louis-Philippe Beland

President Trump campaigned on making the government run more like a business. Well, a 2010 law actually requires the executive branch to do that: to set measurable goals and evaluate progress regularly.

A focus on goals of increasing insurance coverage and improving healthcare could provide a bipartisan way to make progress.

A 2010 law that requires the executive branch to set goals and an obscure Senate rule may be the Democrats' best chance to influence GOP plans to repeal and ...|By Roy T. Meyers

"Mercy begins by opening oneself to those with whom one might strongly disagree. Mercy doesn’t end there, of course, but it begins with such small acts of understanding, which can lead to life-changing experiences of love."

Does the world need more mercy now?

A scholar explains how mercy could be a simple act of opening oneself to those with opposing views.|By Mathew Schmalz

Universities need to encourage even hateful speech (but still must protect public safety).

UC Berkeley had a duty to protect the free speech of right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos and those protesting his appearance. But what are the limits of free ...|By Howard Gillman
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