Current publications by Interface editors

Laurence Cox (

We make our own history: Marxism and social movements in the twilight of neoliberalism (co-written with Alf Nilsen). Pluto, 2014.

Understanding European movements: new social movements, global justice struggles, anti-austerity protest (edited with Cristina Flesher Fominaya). Routledge, 2013.

Marxism and social movements (edited with Colin Barker, John Krinsky, Alf Nilsen). Brill, 2013.

Silence would be treason: last letters and writings of Ken Saro-Wiwa (edited with Íde Corley and Helen Fallon). CODESRIA / Daraja / Action Aid, 2013.

Movements making knowledge: a new wave of inspiration for sociology?Sociology 48/5: 954 – 971, 2014.

Changing the world without getting shot: how popular power can set limits to state violence“. 103 – 126 in Maximilian Lakitsch (ed.), Political power reconsidered: state power and civic activism between legitimacy and violence. Peace report 2013. Vienna / Berlin: LIT-Verlag, 2014.

“Gramsci in Mayo: a Marxist perspective on social movements in Ireland”. Helsinki: into-ebooks 2011. Online (free).

Radha d’Souza

Revolt and Reform in South Asia: From Ghadar Movement to ‘9/11’ and After’, Economic and Political Weekly Vol – XLIX No. 7, February 15, 2014), pp.59-73.

What can Activist Scholars Learn from Rumi?Philosophy East and West, vol. 64:1 2014, pp. 1-24.

Imperialism and Self Determination: Revisiting the Nexus in LeninEconomic & Political Weekly (Special Articles) April 13, 2013 vol xlvIiI no 15 p. 60-69

Imperial Agendas, Global Solidarities and Socio-legal Scholarship on the Third World: Methodological ReflectionsOsgoode Hall Law Journal, Summer 49:3 2012, p. 6-43.

Three Actors, Two Geographies, One Philosophy: The Straightjacket of Social Movements” in Alf Nilsen and Sara Motta (eds) Social Movements and/in the Postcolonial: Dispossession, Development and Resistance in the Global South (Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave, 2011, ch.10 p. 227-249).

When Unreason Masquerades as Reason: Can Law Regulate Trade and Networked Communication Ethically?” in G. Cheny, S. May and D. Munshi (eds) Handbook of Communication Ethics (New York, NY, Abingdon, Oxon: International Communication Association, Routledge, 2011 ch. 28 p. 475-493).

The Rights Conundrum: Poverty of Philosophy Amidst Poverty” in Banakar, R. (ed) Rights in Context: Law and Justice in Late Modern Society (Basingstoke: Ashgate, 2010 ch.3 p. 55-69).

Ana Margarida Esteves

Esteves, Ana Margarida. (forthcoming) “Encountering C.L.R. James Beyond the Factory Floor: Women’s groups as promoters of mobilization in the Brazilian Solidarity Economy movement. Forthcoming in The C.L.R. James Journal. (expected date of publication: August 2013)

Esteves, Ana Margarida. (forthcoming) “The Solidarity Economy Alternative and Movement in the USA: The experience of the United States Solidarity Economy Network (USSEN)”, in Vishwas Satgar and Michelle Williams (ed.). Beyond the Social Economy – Capitalism’s Crises and the Solidarity Economy Alternative. Universiy of KwaZulu-Natal Press, Durban, South Africa (expected date of publication: January 2013).

Esteves, Ana Margarida. (forthcoming) “Experiental and relational dimensions in the pedagogical practice of Solidarity Economy: Insights from Brazil” in Sara C. Motta and Mike Cole. Education and Social Change in the Americas. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan Press. (expected date of publication: January 2013)

Esteves, Ana Margarida. (forthcoming) “Decolonizing Livelihoods, Decolonizing the Will: Solidarity Economy as a social justice paradigm in Latin America”. In Michael Reisch (ed.). Routledge International Handbook of Social Justice. Milton Park, Abingdon, UK: Routledge (expected date of publication: March 2013).

Esteves, Ana Margarida. 2013. “Solidarity Economy as a labor movement strategy and ‘integral development’: Perspectives from Brazil” in Vibeke Andersson and Steen Fryba Christensen (ed.). “Latin American Responses to Changing Global Contexts: Development strategies, rights and identity formations”. Aalborg, Denmark: Aalborg University Press. (January 2013)

Esteves, Ana Margarida. 2008. “Processes of Knowledge Production in Social Movements as Multi-level Power Dynamics”. Sociology Compass. 2, 6: 1934-1953 (October 2008)

Cristina Flesher Fominaya (

Understanding European movements (edited with Laurence Cox). Routledge: May 2013 (forthcoming).

Cristina Flesher Fominaya and Laurence Cox “El Proyecto Interface: una reflexión sobre los movimientos sociales y el conocimiento”. Alberto Arribas Lozano, Nayra García-González, Aurora Álvarez Veinguer y Antonio Ortega Santos (eds.) Tentativas, Contagios, Desbordes. Territorios del Pensamiento. Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2012, Pp. 171-185.

Cristina Flesher Fominaya (2012) Youth Participation in Contemporary European Social Movements (Youth Partnership, European Union and Conseil de l´Europe)

Cristina Flesher Fominaya Social Movements and Globalization: Challenges, Possibilities and Dynamics, Palgrave MacMillan (2013, forthcoming)

Cristina Flesher Fominaya  2011 “The Madrid bombings and popular protest: misinformation, counterinformation, mobilisation and elections after ‘11-M’” Contemporary Social Science Vol. 6, 3, pp. 1–19. (November)

Elizabeth Humphrys (

Humphrys E (June 2013 forthcoming) ‘Organic Intellectuals and the Australian Global Justice Movement: The Weight of 9/11’, in Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky and Alf Nilsen (eds), Marxism and Social Movements, Brill: Leiden.

Humphrys E (April 2013 forthcoming) ‘After Seattle: Rearticulation and Realignment in the Shadow of the Twin Towers’, in Globalizations, Vol 10, No 3.

Humphrys E (2012) ‘The Birth of Australia: Non Capitalist Social Relations in a Capitalist Mode of Production’, in Journal of Australian Political Economy, Vol 70.

Humphrys E (2012) ‘Your ‘Terrorists’, Our ‘Lone Wolves’: Utøya in the shadow of 9/11’, in Journal of International Relations Research, Vol 1, pp. 72-80. 

Humphrys E (2012) ‘From Global Justice to Occupy Everywhere’, Overland Journal, Special Online Supplement, January 2012.

Kevin Lin

Lin K (2015) “Global Capitalism and the Transformation of China’s Working Class”, in Globalization and Transnational Capitalism in Asia and Oceania (ed. Jeb Sprague), Routledge: Singapore and London

Lin K (2015) “Recomposing Chinese Migrant and State-Sector Workers”, in Chinese Workers in Comparative Perspective (ed. Anita Chan), Ithaca: Cornell University Press

Lin K (2015) “Restructuring China’s State Corporatist Industrial Relations System: the Wenling experience” (co-authored with Xiaoyi Wen), Journal of Contemporary China, 24 (94)

Lin K (2015) “China’s Growing Labour Movement Offers Hope For Workers Globally” (co-authored with Tom Barnes), The Conversation (republished by China Policy Institute Blog, University of Nottingham & Business Spectator)

Lin K (2014)  “Expanding the Umbrella Movement”, Jacobin

Lin K (2013) “Contesting State Ownership”, China Story Journal

Lin K (2013) “China’s Coming Social Explosion”, Overland

Mandisi Majavu

Majavu, M. & Spannos, C. (Eds.). (2013 Forthcoming). Hope, Reason and Revolution.

Albert, M. & Majavu, M. (2012). Fanfare for the future: Occupy Theory. Boston: Z Publications.

Pissarra, M. Goniwe, T. & Majavu, M. (Eds.). (2011). Visual Century: South African Visual Art in Context, Book IV. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.

Majavu, M. (2008). Life After Colonialism. In C. Spannos (Ed). Real Utopia: Participatory Society for the 21st Century. California: AK Press.

Majavu, M. (2005). Debts, reforms and social services in Africa. In P.S. Rothenberg (Ed), Beyond borders: Thinking critically about global issues, (pp. 507 – 509). New York: Worth Publishers.

Alice Mattoni

Media Practices and Protest Politics. How precarious workers mobilise. Ashgate (2012)

Mediation and Protest Movements, Intellect, Bristol. Co-edited with Bart Cammaerts and Patrick McCurdy. (forthcoming 2013)

“The Contentious Field of Precarious Work In Italy. Political Actors, Strategies and Coalition Building” In Working U.S.A: The Journal of Labor and Society, 54(13/2). Co-authored with Hae-Lin Choi. (2010)

“Beyond Celebration: Toward a More Nuanced Assessment of Facebook’s Role in Occupy Wall Street”, in Hot Spot – Cultural Anthropology, August 2012. Edited by Jeffrey S. Juris and Maple Razsa.

“Towards a visual analysis of social movements, conflicts and political mobilization” in Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change. Volume 35. (forthcoming 2013). Co-authored with Nicole Doerr and Simon Teune

Sara Motta

Jiří Navrátil

Richard Pithouse

‘Fidelity to Fanon’ in Living Fanon, edited by Nigel Gibson, Macmillan, London, 2011

‘Move From, Not On the Occult Zone’ in Transnationalism and Urbanism, edited by Stefan Krätke, Stephan Lanz & Kathryn Wildner, Routledge, 2012

‘Thinking Resistance in the Shantytown’ in People, Place, and Space: A Reader, edited by Jen Gieseking, William Mangold, Cindi Katz, Setha Low, and Susan Saegert, Routledge, London, 2012

‘Frantz Fanon Fifty Years Later’, Social Dynamics, Vol. 37, No. 3, 2012

‘Thought Amidst Waste’, Journal of Asian & African Studies, Vol., 47., 2012

‘The Open Door of Every Consciousness’, South Atlantic Quarterly, 2013, Vol. 112, No.

Sarah Raymundo

Bjarke Risager (

“The Eventful Places of Occupy Wall Street and Tahrir Square: Cosmopolitan Imagination and Social Movements.” Globalizations.

Risager, B. S., & Thorup, M. (2016). Protesting the Neoliberal University: The Danish Student Movement, ‘A Different University’. Interface 8(1).

Eduardo Romanos

2014. “Emotions, Moral Batteries and High-Risk Activism: Understanding the Emotional Practices of the Spanish Anarchists under Franco’s Dictatorship”, Contemporary European History 23(4): 545-564.

2014. “Evictions, Petitions and Escraches: Contentious Housing in Austerity Spain”, Social Movement Studies 13(2): 296-302.

2014. “Radicalization from Outside: The Role of Anarchist Diaspora in Coordinating Armed Actions in Franco’s Spain”, in Lorenzo Bosi, Chares Demetriou, and Stefan Malthaner (eds), Dynamics of Political Violence, Ashgate: Farnham, pp. 237-254.

2013. “Collective Learning Processes within Social Movements: Some Insights into the Spanish 15-M/Indignados Movement”, in Laurence Cox and Cristina Flesher Fominaya (eds), Understanding European Movements, London: Routledge, pp. 203-219.

2013. “Anarchism”, in David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam (eds), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, Blackwell, Oxford.

2011. “Factionalism in Transition: A Comparative Analysis of Ruptures in the Spanish Anarchist Movement”, Journal of Historical Sociology 24(3): 355-380.

Asia Rutkowska

Heike Schaumberg

El “desarrollo desigual y combinado” de la crisis neoliberal: Argentina como marcadora de las tendencias generales. Revista Herramienta, July 2016 (in press).

Argentina’s 2001 Crisis: The lessons for Greece. Socialist Review, Sept. 2015.

Argentina since 2001: From spontaneous uprising to ‘transition’, or a crisis intermezzo? In Argentina since the 2001 crisis: Recovering the Past, Reclaiming the Future (eds) C. Levey, D. Ozarow & C. Wylde. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 2014, p. 135 – 154.

Disorganisation’ as Social-Movement Tactic: Re-appropriating Politics During the Crisis of Neoliberal Capitalism. In: Marxism and Social Movements. Edited by: Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky, and Alf Gunvald Nilsen. Brill.  2013, p. 377 – 400.

J’accuse…!’ Crisis in the Reproduction of Anthropological Scholarship. Anthropology in Action, Volume 16 [2], Summer 2009, p. 51-62

In Search of Alternatives: The Making of Grassroots Politics and Power in Argentina. Bulletin of Latin American Studies. 27 [3], July 2008, p. 368 – 387.

Recuperating Dignity: Labour Restructuring and Productive Alternatives in Argentina. In ‘Questions contemporaines’, Volume: ’La mondialisation au risque des travailleurs’. Edited by: E. Baumann, L. Bazin, P. Ould-Ahmed, P. Phélinas, M. Selim, R. Sobel. L’Harmattan, 2008.

Anna Szolucha

Peter Waterman

World Social Forum: Critical Explorations. Edited by Jai Sen and Peter Waterman. OpenWord, New Delhi, 2012. and

Recovering Internationalism, Creating the New Global Solidarity: Labour, Social Movements and Emancipation in the 21st Century. (Compilation covering 2000-10), November 2012. Helsinki: Into-Ebooks.

For the Global Emancipation of Labour: New Movements and Struggles around Work, Workers and Precarity’ (Co-edited Special Issue of Interface, No 4:2, 2012).

The Second Coming of the World Federation of Trade Unions’ (2012).  Unionbook

Marikana, South Africa, The March of the Undead’ (2012). Unionbook

Itinerary of a Long-Distance  Internationalist (1936-20??):  London, Prague, Zaria, The Hague, Barcelona, Durban, Porto Alegre, Cyberspace… (working title of autobiography). Forthcoming 2013-14.

Lesley Wood

Diffusion, Deliberation and Direct Action: Collective Action after the WTO Protests in Seattle. Cambridge UP, 2012.

Social Movements 1768-2012. with Charles Tilly. Paradigm, 2012

‘Revolt and Reform in South Asia: From Ghadar Movement to ‘9/11’ and After’, Economic and Political Weekly Vol - XLIX No. 7, February 15, 2014), pp.59-73.

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