Interface volume 4 issue 2. For the global emancipation of labour.


Volume 4 issue 2, single file
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ISSN 2009-2431


For the global emancipation of labour: new movements and struggles around work, workers and precarity. Peter Waterman, Alice Mattoni, Elizabeth Humphrys, Laurence Cox and Ana Margarida Esteves (pp. 1 – 14)

For the global emancipation of labour: new movements and struggles around work, workers and precarity

Development in China and Germany: another world is possible? (action note) Wolfgang Schaumberg (pp. 15 – 21)

The neoliberal rise of East Asia and social movements of labour: four moments and a challenge (peer-reviewed article) Dae-Oup Chang (pp. 22 – 51)

Labour movements in the global South: a prominent role in struggles against neo-liberal globalisation? (action note) Joe Sutcliffe (pp. 52 – 60)

On working-class environmentalism: a historical and transnational overview (peer-reviewed article) Stefania Barca (pp. 61 – 80)

Mending the breach between labour and nature: environmental engagements of trade unions and the North-South divide (peer-reviewed article) Nora Räthzel and David Uzzell (pp. 81 – 100)

Coalitions of labor unions and NGOs: the room for maneuver of the German Clean Clothes Campaign (peer-reviewed article) Melanie Kryst (pp. 101 – 129)

Trade unions and the unemployed: towards a dialectical approach (peer-reviewed article) Jean Faniel (pp. 130 – 157)

Grasping new forms of unionism: the case of childcare services in Quebec (peer-reviewed article) Martine D’Amours, Guy Bellemare and Louise Briand (pp. 158 – 180)

“Inspire and conspire”: Italian precarious workers between self-organization and self-advocacy  (peer-reviewed article) Annalisa Murgia and Giulia Selmi (pp. 181 – 196)

Sobre la precariedad y sus fugas. La experiencia de las Oficinas de Derechos Sociales (peer-reviewed article) Alberto Arribas Lozano (pp. 197 – 229)

Liberation of, through, or from work? Postcolonial Africa and the problem with “job creation” in the global crisis (peer-reviewed article) Franco Barchiesi (pp. 230 – 253)

A common assembly: multitude, assemblies, and a new politics of the common  (peer-reviewed article) Elise Thorburn (pp. 254 – 279)

A new species of shark: towards direct unionism (action note) Godfrey Moase (pp. 280 – 295)

The Chilean student movement of 2011 – 2012: challenging the marketization of education (event analysis) Nicolás Somma (pp. 296 – 309)

Organizing process, organizing life: collective responses to precarity in Ecuador (action note) Tristan Partridge (pp. 310 – 316)

An emancipatory global labour studies is necessary! On rethinking the global labour movement in the Hour of Furnaces (article) Peter Waterman (pp. 317 – 368)

General articles

Connecting social movements and political moments: bringing movement building tools from global justice to Occupy Wall Street activism (peer-reviewed article) Jackie Smith (pp. 369 – 382)

Democratisation from Poland to Portugal, 1970s – 1990s and in Tunisia and Egypt since 2010  (article) Kenneth Good (pp. 383 – 423)

From terrorists to revolutionaries: the emergence of “youth” in the Arab world and the discourse of globalization  (peer-reviewed article) Mayssoun Sukarieh (pp. 424 – 437)

The abolitionist approach: critical comparisons and challenges within the animal rights movement  (peer-reviewed article) Corey Wrenn (pp. 438 – 458)

La desafección al sistema agroalimentario: ciudadanía y redes sociales  (peer-reviewed article) Ángel Calle Collado, Marta Soler Montiel, Isabel Vara Sánchez, David Gallar Hernández (pp. 459 – 489)

Power imbalances and claiming credit in coalition campaigns: Greenpeace and Bhopal (peer-reviewed article) Tomás Mac Sheoin (pp. 490 – 511)


Single PDF (EN)  (pp. 512 – 528)

Ben Selwyn, Workers, state and development in Brazil: powers of labour, chains of value. Reviewed by Ana Margarida Esteves.

Jai Sen (ed.), Interrogating empires and Imagining alternatives. Reviewed by Guy Lancaster.

Janet Conway,  Edges of global justice: the World Social Forum and its “others”. Reviewed by Mandisi Majavu.

Alan Bourke, Tia Dafnos and Kip Markus (eds.), Lumpencity: discourses of marginality / marginalizing discourses. Reviewed by Chris Richardson.

Craig Calhoun, The roots of radicalism: tradition, the public sphere and early nineteenth century social movements. Reviewed by Mandisi Majavu.

Call for papers volume 5 issue 2

Open call (p. 529)

List of editorial contacts

List of journal participants

Cover art

Photo credit: Peter Alexander, University of Johannesburg.

About Interface

Interface: a journal for and about social movements is a peer-reviewed journal of practitioner research produced by movement participants and engaged academics. Interface is globally organised in a series of different regional collectives, and is produced as a multilingual journal. Peer-reviewed articles have been subject to double-blind review by one researcher and one movement practitioner.

The views expressed in any contributions to Interface: a journal for and about social movements are those of the authors and contributors, and do not necessarily represent those of Interface, the editors, the editorial collective, or the organizations to which the authors are affiliated. Interface is committed to the free exchange of ideas in the best tradition of intellectual and activist inquiry.

The Interface website is based at the National University of Ireland Maynooth.

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