Life Top Stories
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In a land far from Tinder lives a different style of dating site, where one thing is definitely off the table.
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President Trump has exempted Australians with dual nationality from the US travel ban. But can the hurt felt by many Australians on dual citizenship, at the...
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Rather than celebrating intersectional feminism, the New Yorker's recent reimagining of iconic poster girl 'Rosie the Riveter' as a woman of colour is a slap in...
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Otonamaki, or adult wrapping, is taking off around the country as a form of stress-therapy for new mums.
A new study reveals that Aussie women’s abortion choices are being restricted by high cost, long distance and lack of knowledge.
Research shows that by age six, girls already think boys are smarter than them. As parents, it can be hard to accept that we are unwittingly contributing to...
With a new school year comes a new parental challenge: ensuring your child's teachers motivate, inspire and build resilience. But that's easier said than done.

Stairway to Spirituality

We celebrate and explore a multiplicity of spiritual beliefs from around the world. Don't miss Shaun Micallef's  #StairwayToHeaven, airs from 18 Jan, 8.30pm.


Why I became a Buddhist nun

After 49 colourful years working in theatre and academia, Venerable Thubten Chokyi became a Buddhist nun so she could devote the rest of her life to the service of others. This is her story.
Comment: What does it mean to be Jewish? You might have a Jewish mum, go to Temple regularly and avoid pork? Nope. There’s a lot more to Judaism than you think, and often, it doesn’t even involve ...
At a time when faith is at its least popular, Australian social commentator Tim Costello is urging us to hold onto it – no matter what our religion is.
SBS asked young people of different religions what their faith means to them – and the answers were fascinating.
From motorcycle shrines to Prince Philip being hailed as a god of the South Pacific and alien deities, the world’s religions come in a rainbow of hues.


Optimism and eats to nourish the mind, body and soul. No empty calories here.

When you’re lying awake on a sweltering night, sleep can feel like worlds away. But there are ways to stop the heat from spoiling your slumber.

I quit alcohol

When does a social drink with dinner turn into a health concern? According to Jo Hartley, when one glass merges into two and television is always watched with a...
A proposed linguistic change could temper a cultural obsession with body weight.
The summer holidays have been known to increase childhood obesity levels, but parents can turn this around by taking a few simple measures.
If you've made a resolution to slim down, arm yourself with the knowledge that it's not hot yoga or endless bowls of kale that will get you there – it’s the...


Meet our columnists. They've got strong views on all things. Their words may (or may not) change the world.

You don't need an economics degree to understand that the wealth inequality gap has dangerously widened again, writes Helen Razer.
Washington D.C’s Women’s March was in stark contrast to Donald Trump’s Inauguration. Writer, Scarlett Harris, tells all from the frontline of both events.
Australia Day is becoming increasingly controversial, and the reasons why are completely valid, writes Amal Awad.
The statues and landmarks that dot our cities symbolise a culture that denies women the right to public spaces, writes Neha Kale.
Comment: Selfie drones are creepy intrusive gadgets that may soon destroy our peace and privacy. Jill Stark explains why.


Stories bringing Indigenous into Australia’s identity. Celebrating inspiring groups and individuals. #WalkWithUs

"I had a hard life growing up as a Sistagirl but that was a journey that I had to take to be who I am now."
For many Australians, January 26 is a massive booze-fest. But at a time when alcohol is linked to so many social ills, our national sport of drinking must stop, writes Jill Stark.

Indiginous Languages at risk

Australia's Indigenous languages could be completely wiped out by 2050 according to experts. The number of traditional languages has dropped from 250 to 120 over the last two hundred years.And the one...

Indigenous Languages at Risk

Australia's Indigenous languages could be completely wiped out by 2050 according to experts.

How to make a healing garden

Your garden can deliver a lot more than just outdoor decoration. SBS Life spoke to Charles Solomon, Indigenous plant consultant and founder of Garawana Creative, to find out how we can bring some Abor...


Let's talk about sex, love, dating, marriage, coupledom.

Johnny and Charlotte really hit it off on their date when all of a sudden, the love bubble burst. Was it Johnny's disability?

How to ask someone out #IRL

The art of asking someone out in real life may be a dying practice, thanks to the popularity of dating apps. But why not be brave and give it a go?
Power couples are a rarity. Instead, many high-achieving women have husbands who do their own opting out.
Empathic accuracy - where you can read your partner's unsaid thoughts or feelings - is not only is it real, it has important implications for our relationships.
Convenience dating via swipe apps like Tinder has singles no closer to finding 'the one’.

Health check

Breaking down the latest medical news, global health issues, research and analyses.

The fear of immigration raids can harm children’s brains and health, potentially for life.
People with cancer are exposed to many, often misrepresented, ideas about cancer. These can induce stress and even shame for the sufferer who might feel they've...
Johanna Watkins' allergies are so extreme that she's been confined to a sealed room, shielded from natural light, and her husband.

The big meditation myth

We have 70,000 thoughts every day – are we really expected to clear them in meditation?

Is grief a disease?

A new theory is challenging the way psychologists understand mourning.
Women who have raised a child with autism may have the ability to spot subtle signs of the condition in their grandchildren.
Trying for a baby? When it comes to fertility, it's not just a woman's age that matters.


Parenting for modern families: new rules for a new age.

More dads are open to trading hours at work for time at home with their kids - so why aren't more workplaces supporting them?
Two new children's books are helping kids understand modern alternatives to the birds and the bees story.
A judge has ruled that mothers and fathers can try to recover wages they lost from staying home to take care of their kids.
After being diagnosed with crippling postnatal depression, 33-year-old Barkindji woman Shantelle Thompson took up Brazilian jiu-jitsu to help her heal. Little did...
"My lady pals know to keep their miracle news away from me for fear I will lose my mind."


Experts and passionate individuals weigh in on Life topics. Share your story at

Because of the alleged actions of 22 Lebanese-Australian youths, the Minister of Immigration has said it was "a mistake" to have allowed Lebanese refugees into the...
Should we always say what we think and just deal with the consequences? Writer and performer Koraly Dimitriadis shares how learning to speak her mind was the best...
Comment: Islamic terrorism and diplomatic relations with Russia have become divisive points in all three US presidential debates. But is the racially and...
I am forever a tourist in my homeland and a foreigner in my birthplace.
Sunil Badami reveals how winning a popular game show helped him in the untrivial pursuit of leading a happy life.

More dispatches from Life
