
Universal Periodic Review - Central African Republic

Only contributions submitted in one of the United Nations official languages are admissible and posted on this webpage

Date of consideration: Monday 4 May 2009 - 10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.

National report 1 :
 A | C | E | F | R | S
 Compilation of UN information 2 :
 A | C | E | F | R | S
Summary of stakeholders' information 3 :
 A | C | E | F | R | S

Questions submitted in advance


Outcome of the review   :


Report of the Working group   :

 A | C | E | F | R | S

Decision of the outcome   :

 E only

Report of the 12th session of the Human Rights Council   :

 AC | E | F | R | S

Corrigendum  :

 E only

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