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Peter James Fray
journalist, editor, prof of practice Uni Tech Sydney. Prev. dep ed of the Oz, founder PolitiFact Oz, ed-in-chief SMH. Tweets = me. X pig farmer
Peter James Fray 7h
There is a war on media, and it’s time for journalism teachers to suit up
Peter James Fray 10h
Vimeo now supports 360 video
Peter James Fray 11h
Trump Aides Address His Wiretap Claims: ‘That’s Above My Pay Grade’, via
Peter James Fray 13h
Another Tool to Fight Misinformation: Our Academic Partner Network
Peter James Fray Mar 7
Updated version of Trump, spooks and journo information warrants. Thanks to more to come, no doubt
Peter James Fray Mar 6
Google Home caught spouting fake news on Obama 'coup' - via
Peter James Fray Mar 6
DataLounge: How UTS is bridging the Machine Learning knowledge gap for industry and academia
Peter James Fray Mar 6
I just published “Wire taps are Nixon, metadata Putin. Mr President get with the program”
Peter James Fray Mar 1
The secrecy surrounding Brandis' 'journalist information warrants' threatens our democracy
Peter James Fray Mar 1
A new study says young Americans have a broad definition of news » Nieman Journalism Lab
Peter James Fray Feb 27
Fixing the “fake news” problem means fixing what’s broken about journalism itself » Nieman Journalism Lab
Peter James Fray Feb 27
can u stop scaring the kids?
Peter James Fray Feb 27
Peter James Fray Feb 27
I absolutely don't want my@MP to live with me
Peter James Fray Feb 26
Smart machines, propaganda and Trump. ICYMi, it's all in this piece by
Peter James Fray Feb 26
Peter James Fray Feb 25
Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds - The New Yorker
Peter James Fray Feb 24
Fact Check: Trump Blasts ‘Fake News’ and Repeats Inaccurate Claims at CPAC, via
Peter James Fray Feb 20
What does “The Death of Expertise” mean for fact-checkers? – Poynter
Peter James Fray Feb 20
Forget Anna, just do your job
Peter James Fray Feb 15
Hanging with an expert on drones and privacy he is taking in ten. Come along
Peter James Fray Feb 15
Marty Baron explains what it will take for the Washington Post to call a Trump lie a lie - Recode
Peter James Fray Feb 13
How The New York Times Is Clawing Its Way Into the Future via
Peter James Fray Feb 9
tks for being here. wish you and team best. trump great for journalism world over.
Peter James Fray Jan 29
I just published “Journalists, editors and publishers, let’s not squander the gift of Donald Trump”
Peter James Fray Jan 23
The traditional way of reporting on a president is dead. Trump’s press secretary killed it.
Peter James Fray Jan 22
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain
Peter James Fray Jan 21
Trump may be the news industry’s greatest opportunity to build a sustainable model via
Peter James Fray Jan 12
Is this Steve? Saw him in Rotto after Xmas. Did seem like a rogue one
Peter James Fray Jan 9
The Future of The Times: A View From the Top