

Power politics don't get hotter than this

Watching politicians fight about energy policy is at once intriguing and confounding. On one hand, as South Australian residents last week will have gathered – or at least those of them with kerosene-fuelled ham radio sets conveniently at hand – there is a recognisable human dimension to the fight.

The federal and state governments' barney about whose fault it is that South Australia no longer has what would satisfy the ordinary person's understanding of a reliable power supply has all the elliptical savagery of a married couple arguing in the car about who left the oven on.

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Health insurance premiums are going up on average 5% and Malcolm Turnbull says while it'll hurt, people should keep their private cover. Courtesy 3AW.

"Well, you used it last."

"Yeah but I was cooking you dinner, you jerk. And if we'd spent that extra $200 and got the one with the timed automatic off-switch like I wanted, do you think we'd be even having this argument right now?"

And so on.

On the other, political arguments about energy so quickly dive down into the weedy depths of complex technical detail that the inexpert listener is entirely unable to detect who's winning. This seems likely to continue, as all linguistic signs are present that the Prime Minister has devoted much of his summer break to reading dense technical tracts about power generation and storage. Terms like "synchronous baseload supply" and "load shedding" trip unbidden off the prime ministerial tongue. Now, more than ever, we pity his poor family.


Parliament House itself runs largely on wind power, of course.

And there is such bounteous local supply in that eventful 30-odd hectares – such an inexhaustible resource of puff and bluster and filibuster – that there is no reasonable fear of it ever running out, unlike everywhere else in Australia where we are all quietly resigned to the prospect of at some point having to burn our pets for fuel.

Sometimes a single fearsome oratory blast will light the place up like a Christmas tree. Which is what occurred on Wednesday, when the Prime Minister – tired of Bill Shorten constantly pointing out that Turnbull is very rich – reared back and unleashed such a gust of verbal contumely upon the Opposition Leader that every toaster in the place blew a fuse and the vending machines in the press gallery involuntarily started spitting out free Twisties.

(It is true that Mr Turnbull is very rich. Just last year he gave the Liberal Party $1.75 million; an unthinkably large sum, probably even nearly enough to buy a two-bedroom flat in Sydney. And it is equally true that Bill Shorten hangs out with billionaires. It's just that neither man much likes to be reminded of either truth.)

"This is what people miss about Malcolm," one colleague observed happily after the spray.

"They think he's a repressed social moderate. Actually, he's a repressed bastard."

There is no doubt that for the Prime Minister's weary comrades, Wednesday's speech was a battery-charging event. But the big thing about energy supply, as we all are increasingly aware, is reliability.

Which brings us to the other headline political development of the week – the abandonment of the Liberal Party by its prodigal son Cory Bernardi.

Now, if I remember my high school physics accurately (and if I don't, Mr Leesong, it's not your fault) there are basically two forms of energy: kinetic energy and stored energy.

Kinetic energy – expressed in the movement of molecules or electrons or waves or even objects – is what the Turnbull blast was.

But stored energy is also important in politics. This is the potential energy of the stretched rubber band, of the spring-loaded trap. Of the unsplit nucleus, or the boulder perched atop a precipice.

It's energy that is able to be deployed strategically, but typically it can be used only once. A disgruntled minister can only storm out once. A leadership challenger, lurking in the wings and collecting signatures, doesn't have many opportunities to burst out and make a lunge; this potential energy can dissipate very quickly.

For years, Senator Bernardi has stored power within his 195-centimetre frame. The threat of his defection has constituted much of the man's significance – would it signify the long-feared fissure of the Liberal Party into staring-eyed rightwingers and soft-headed lefties?

How many would go with him? Such conjecture fired the bellows of Bernardi's potency.

Having converted this stored power into a blaze of publicity on Tuesday when he finally hurled himself off the precipice, Senator Bernardi now faces – just like his own home state – an uncertain energy environment.

Like any other crossbencher, he will from now on have to generate his own power supply every day. Sometimes the wind will blow, and sometimes it won't. If you expend the power that you have stored up, you'd better hope there's another source.

Whether we're talking about political power or the other, kettle-boiling kind, this is the lesson of the week.

Annabel Crabb is an ABC writer and broadcaster. Twitter: annabelcrabb