Richard Gere and his co-star Laura Linney cosy up to each other on the red carpet for new film The Dinner at the 67th Berlinale International Film Festival

Their new thriller is tipped to be a tense and scintillating piece of feuding family drama.

But Richard Gere and Laura Linney were nothing but the best of friends as they arrived on the red carpet for The Dinner premiere in Berlin, on Friday.

Arriving at the 67th Berlinale International Film Festival Berlin at the city's Grand Hyatt Hotel, the two stars cosied up to each other and shared some bonhomie.

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Chummy co-stars: Richard Gere and Laura Linney were nothing but the best of friends as they arrived on the red carpet for The Dinner premiere in Berlin, on Friday

Chummy co-stars: Richard Gere and Laura Linney were nothing but the best of friends as they arrived on the red carpet for The Dinner premiere in Berlin, on Friday

Arriving at the photocall before the film's screening, the two A-Listers were full of smiles as they posed for the cameras.

As flashbulbs went off Richard, 67, wrapped his arms around his co-star, 53, and the two enjoyed a joke.

The two stars were certainly in high spirits as they posed for pictures together, whispering jokes to each other.

Hug it out! Arriving at the 67th Berlinale International Film Festival Berlin at the city's Grand Hyatt Hotel, the two stars cosied up to each other and shared some bonhomie

Hug it out! Arriving at the 67th Berlinale International Film Festival Berlin at the city's Grand Hyatt Hotel, the two stars cosied up to each other and shared some bonhomie

They were joined on the red carpet by the films director, the Oscar-nominated Oren Moverman.

Laura, who has worked with Richard on the likes of Primal Fear (1999) before, went for a chic yet understated look.

Opting for a chic slim-fitting black pants teamed with an embroidered blouse, Laura cut a sassy sartorial figure on the red carpet.

Cosy: As flashbulbs went off Richard, 67, wrapped his arms around his co-star, 53, and the two enjoyed a joke

Cosy: As flashbulbs went off Richard, 67, wrapped his arms around his co-star, 53, and the two enjoyed a joke

She rounded her look off with a pair of towering stilettos shoes, which subtly accentuated her slender figure.

Keeping things simple she opted for a smattering of jewellery, leaving her look uncluttered by excessive faff.

Wearing her long blonde locks loose and gently tousled waves, Laura let her locks tumble down around her shoulders.

Richard meanwhile looked dapper in a charcoal suit which he teamed with a white open-neck shirt and black brogues.

Lots of laughs: The two stars were certainly in high spirits as they posed for pictures together, whispering jokes to each other

Lots of laughs: The two stars were certainly in high spirits as they posed for pictures together, whispering jokes to each other

Chic: Laura, who has worked with Richard on the likes of Primal Fear (1999) before, went for a chic yet understated look

Chic: Laura, who has worked with Richard on the likes of Primal Fear (1999) before, went for a chic yet understated look

Dapper dude: Richard meanwhile looked dapper in a charcoal suit which he teamed with a white open-neck shirt and black brogues.

Dapper dude: Richard meanwhile looked dapper in a charcoal suit which he teamed with a white open-neck shirt and black brogues.

They were also joined by co-star Steve Coogan, who rocked a quirky twist on a tailored look.

The mysterious and dramatic thriller takes a look at how far parents will go to protect their children. Feature film based on a novel by Herman Koch.

The Dinner is due to hit big screens in May 2017, opening in cinemas across the US first. 

The cool gang: They were also joined by co-star Steve Coogan, who rocked a quirky twist on a tailored look, and director, Oren Moverman

The cool gang: They were also joined by co-star Steve Coogan, who rocked a quirky twist on a tailored look, and director, Oren Moverman

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