'She threw me off!': Maria Shriver gets flustered after Lena Dunham says the word penis during live interview on Today show

Lena Dunham sat down with veteran journalist Maria Shriver to talk about the final season of Girls when she said a single word that threw off Maria so badly there was no recovering.

The talented writer, producer and actor was visiting NBC's Today when things didn't go according to plan. 

The interview started out seemingly well with Maria paying the Girls star a compliment and asking some very deep and profound questions. 

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No recovering: Lena Dunham flustered veteran journalist Maria Shriver on The Today Show Friday morning with a single word when she sat down to discuss the final season of Girls

No recovering: Lena Dunham flustered veteran journalist Maria Shriver on The Today Show Friday morning with a single word when she sat down to discuss the final season of Girls

As she was ending her interview and thanking the star for joining her, things started to go off the rails.

'Thank you so much for stopping by. I had a chance to look at three shows for this new season, and it looks terrific,' she complimented the star. 

In true Lena fashion, she replied in a deadpan voice: 'You saw a penis, right?' 

'You saw a penis, right?': The Girls star threw the journalist off guard with her deadpan comment

'You saw a penis, right?': The Girls star threw the journalist off guard with her deadpan comment

She was taken aback: A flustered Maria had no idea what to say, but tried to recover

She was taken aback: A flustered Maria had no idea what to say, but tried to recover

A flustered Maria had no idea what to say, but tried to recover:

'Yeah. Well, I saw more than that! You caught me there for a second. I am not sure if you are allowed to say that on television—but you did!' 

She continued: 'You can actually see a lot of things.' 

Lena appeared confused by the journalists reaction, throwing up her hands and joking: 'I won't be coming back!'

The actress, who seemed confused by the reaction, then joked that she's 'going out with a bang!'

The actress, who seemed confused by the reaction, then joked that she's 'going out with a bang!'

The actress then joked that she's 'going out with a bang!'

'Going out with a bang,' Maria repeated. 'We're just going out.'

It appears Maria thought the network would cut after Lena's choice of words, but that wasn't the case. 

The journalist looked to co-host Matt Lauer who was standing off camera. 

He appeared to be just as confused by Maria's flustered reaction, who shook his head and said, 'What?'

'Matt, help!': Maria pleaded for co-host Matt Lauer to help get her out of the sticky situation

'Matt, help!': Maria pleaded for co-host Matt Lauer to help get her out of the sticky situation

'Matt, help!' Maria pleaded to her co-host. 'She threw me off!'

'I'm so sorry!' Lena apologized reaching over to try to make her interviewer feel better.

Maria tried to explain her reaction, telling the star:

'That's OK. That's the difference between generations: I wasn't brought up talking like that.' 

Lena apologized to Maria again, though she balked at the idea that she had never uttered the word 'penis' in her youth.

Are we still going? Dunham seemingly thought she was actually off the air and started getting up, saying, 'Thank you so much for having me'

Are we still going? Dunham seemingly thought she was actually off the air and started getting up, saying, 'Thank you so much for having me'

Lena seemingly thought she was actually off the air and started getting up, saying, 'Thank you so much for having me.'

But Maria quickly informed her they were still on the air, to which Lena was surprised.

The camera then pans over to Matt when Maria again asks him to help her. 

'Matt, are you supposed to be saying something?' Maria asked.

Matt threw the ball back to Maria and told her he was done with his segment, so he was off the air, but she wasn't. 

'I'm thrilled by what's just happened here': Lena seemed excited by the whole blunder

'I'm thrilled by what's just happened here': Lena seemed excited by the whole blunder

Lena seemed excited by the whole mishap.

'I'm thrilled by what's just happened here,' she laughed. 

Before Maria lost her footing, she got in a few questions, asking the Girls' creator what she hopes viewers will get from this final season. 

'I think that this year for us was really about trying to counteract the television notion that everybody has to have a happy ending,' she explained. 'It doesn't mean they have to have a tragic ending—this isn't Breaking Bad—but we did really want to show just how messy your twenties are and that growing up doesn't always mean growing into yourself.

The talented star continued:  'It just means shift and change and challenge. If you're a fan of the show, you'll find the ending anticlimactic in just the right way, and if you're not a fan of the show, you'll be just as annoyed as you've ever been.'

The creator, writer, producer and star of the hit HBO show says she hopes fans will find the ending 'anticlimactic in just the right way'

Pushing boundaries: Lena has always said she wanted to push boundaries with the show and hopes it 'makes women feel like perfection isn't the goal'

Pushing boundaries: Lena has always said she wanted to push boundaries with the show and hopes it 'makes women feel like perfection isn't the goal'

Girls is about a group of girlfriends who are navigating life in their 20s in Brooklyn and co-stars Allison Williams, Jemima Kirke and Zosia Mamet. 

Ever the provocateur, Lena told Shriver she hopes she has made room for 'prickly characters on television.'

She told Maria: 'I hope that the girls of Girls make women feel like perfection isn't the goal and that we're allowed to contain as many multitudes as our male counterparts. 

She also wants to make it clear that her show is a love story to friendships:

'The other thing I think about a lot is that I really want it to have told an accurate story about female friendships, because my female friendships have been the most beautiful, complicated and painful parts of my life so far. This is really a love story to those.'

Girls premieres on HBO on February 12.  

Going out with a bang: Girls premieres on HBO on February 12.

Going out with a bang: Girls premieres on HBO on February 12.




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