'Pocahontas is now the face of your party': President Trump 'attacks Elizabeth Warren's ancestry again and says her only claim to a Native heritage are her high cheekbones'

  • Trump insulted Warren while meeting with senators, sources told CNN Saturday
  • Referred to her as Pocahontas, like he has during the campaign, on Thursday 
  • The president's insult came the day after GOP senators silenced Warren
  • Invoked a little-used rule to rebuke her as she spoke out against Jeff Sessions
  • Silencing has prompted a wave of support for Warren among Democrats 

Donald Trump referred to Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas again as he attacked her ancestry during a private meeting with senators, sources said Saturday.

The president, who previously used the insult on the campaign trail, told Democrat lawmakers Thursday: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party,' CNN reported. He then claimed that the only reason she said she had Native American origins was due to her 'high cheekbones', a source told the network.

Trump's comment came the day after GOP senators silenced Warren on the Senate floor by invoking a little-used rule while she spoke out against Jeff Sessions during his confirmation hearing to become attorney general.

The rebuke has prompted a wave of support for Waren among outraged Democrats.

Donald Trump referred to Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas again as he attacked her ancestry during a private meeting with senators, sources said Saturday
The mogul has previously referred to Warren as Pocahontas and attacked her over her heritage repeatedly

Donald Trump referred to Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas again as he attacked her ancestry during a private meeting with senators, sources said Saturday

The president used the 'Pocahontas' insult several times during the closed-door meeting with senators, making it 'equal parts bizarre and completely awkward', a source told CNN.

His renewed use of the insult came as Trump reflected on the current state of the Democratic Party.

The mogul has previously referred to Warren as Pocahontas and attacked her over her heritage repeatedly.

'Pocahontas is not happy. She's not happy. She's the worst,' he said in June at a rally in Richmond, Virginia. 'I'm doing such a disservice to Pocahontas, it's so unfair to Pocahontas. But this Elizabeth Warren, I call her goofy Elizabeth Warren, she's one of the worst senators in the entire United States Senate.'

His insult referred to Warren's previous statements saying she has Native American origins, which her opponents challenged during her run for Senate in 2012, when she became the first woman to hold the office in Massachusetts.

Warren had at one point referred to her grandfather's high cheekbones to support her comments.

Trump's comment came the day after GOP senators silenced Warren on the Senate floor by invoking a little-used rule while she spoke out against Jeff Sessions

Trump's comment came the day after GOP senators silenced Warren on the Senate floor by invoking a little-used rule while she spoke out against Jeff Sessions

The Massachusetts Senator's rebuke during Sessions' confirmation hearing Wednesday has drawn outrage among Republicans.

She was reading a letter by Martin Luther King Jr's widow, Coretta Scott King, opposing Sessions' ultimately unsuccessful nomination to a federal judgeship in 1986.

The GOP majority voted to silence her under a little-used Senate regulation, Rule 19, which bars any senator from impugning the motives of any other or imputing 'any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming of a senator.'

Several male Democratic senators stood up and read from the same letter but without drawing objections, leading Democratic activists to proclaim that Senate Republicans were interested only in silencing a woman.

Democrats accused Republicans of selectively enforcing Rule 19. They noted the GOP did not apply it when, for example, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas accused Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of lying in relation to a dispute over the Export-Import Bank two years ago. 

The moment inspired a Twitter hashtag, #LetLizSpeak, and clips from C-SPAN2 went viral.

'ShePersisted' trended on Twitter after Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said: 'Senator Warren was giving a lengthy speech. She had appeared to violate the rule. She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.'

 Hillary Clinton picked up on the quote on Twitter, adding: 'So must we all.'

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said: 'Senator Warren was giving a lengthy speech. She had appeared to violate the rule. She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted' - and Hillary Clinton aired the quote on Twitter

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said: 'Senator Warren was giving a lengthy speech. She had appeared to violate the rule. She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted' - and Hillary Clinton aired the quote on Twitter


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