illary waiting in the wings: Previously unseen photos of Clinton's years as First Lady are released showing her nursing Bill through surgery, practicing on a FIRING RANGE and facing up to scandal 

  • 'The Making of Hillary Clinton,' a book of black and white photographs from her time as First Lady was published in January
  • The photos were taken by Robert McNeely, the White House photographer from 1992-1998
  • Photographs depict Hillary rearranging decorations, but also sitting in on White House briefings

Hillary Clinton is a public figure who bitterly divides the nation, perhaps more than any other politician, and she has done so since she came into prominence 24 years ago with the election of her husband.

And though she has been twice thwarted in her ambitions to enter the White House as President of the United States, she did live there for eight years, from 1993-2001, as First Lady.

Only a handful of people spent as many hours in close proximity to the Clintons as Robert McNeely, who spent six years with the family as the White House photographer, and whose photographic book, 'The Making of Hillary Clinton, photographs by Robert McNeely'; © 2017 by The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, published by the University of Texas Press, of the former first lady came out in January. 

For six years, Hillary Clinton barely noticed his unobtrusive presence, reported the Financial Times.  

Only a handful of people spent as many hours in close proximity to the Clintons as Robert McNeely, who spent six years with the family as the White House photographer

Only a handful of people spent as many hours in close proximity to the Clintons as Robert McNeely, who spent six years with the family as the White House photographer

Family: Chelsea smiles as her mother wearing dark sunglasses hugs her husband in the White House Diplomatic Reception Room 

Family: Chelsea smiles as her mother wearing dark sunglasses hugs her husband in the White House Diplomatic Reception Room 

Another showed Clinton's clear enjoyment of the celebrity glamour that comes with the first lady role. In the photo, she is being touched up for a shoot with Elle magazine in 1993

Another showed Clinton's clear enjoyment of the celebrity glamour that comes with the first lady role. In the photo, she is being touched up for a shoot with Elle magazine in 1993

Hillary Clinton shows her playful side with Chief of Staff Mack McLarty. Taken in the first few days of the Clinton presidency, this photo represents the high spirits and hopes of the early months, February 16, 1993

Hillary Clinton shows her playful side with Chief of Staff Mack McLarty. Taken in the first few days of the Clinton presidency, this photo represents the high spirits and hopes of the early months, February 16, 1993

He said: 'Hillary Clinton is an intensely private person - she gives away so little. If she weren't in politics, she could be a world-class poker player.' 

She has admitted before in speeches that she prefers the 'service' part of public service, compared with the public aspect which she has referred to as a 'necessary evil'. And in that way, it is hard to think of two politicians more different than Hillary and her husband. 

McNeely described the former president as someone who craves attention, while his wife does not care if people like her or not, reported the Financial Times. 

Returning to the White House with Chelsea Clinton through the Diplomatic Reception Room, July 13, 1998. The book contains the black and white photos that he developed in the dark room of the White House basement, and that chronicle the lives of Bill, Hillary, and their daughter Chelsea

Returning to the White House with Chelsea Clinton through the Diplomatic Reception Room, July 13, 1998. The book contains the black and white photos that he developed in the dark room of the White House basement, and that chronicle the lives of Bill, Hillary, and their daughter Chelsea

Greeding President Clinton with Chelsea after his surgery for a knee injury at the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, March 14, 1997

Greeding President Clinton with Chelsea after his surgery for a knee injury at the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, March 14, 1997

Showing off a new hat to an off-camera Bill and Chelsea Clinton in the guest quarters of the Kremlin, Moscow, January 14, 1994

Showing off a new hat to an off-camera Bill and Chelsea Clinton in the guest quarters of the Kremlin, Moscow, January 14, 1994

His book contains the black and white photos that he developed in the dark room of the White House basement, and that chronicle the lives of Bill, Hillary, and their daughter Chelsea. 

He followed the first couple almost everywhere, even into their private apartments, and was one of very few to receive an advanced copy of the presidential schedule. The final result is more than half a million photographs, taken from 1992 to 1998.  

One tells the story of Hillary Clinton's first event as first lady in which she was seated in the East Room to face the assembled media. 

The first couple at the state dinner in the White House for Chinese President Jiang Zemin, October 29, 1997

The first couple at the state dinner in the White House for Chinese President Jiang Zemin, October 29, 1997

A stop during Hillary Clinton's senate campaign, summer 2000. This photo also broke a 200 year precedent of a First Lady holding a political position while her husband remained in the White House 

A stop during Hillary Clinton's senate campaign, summer 2000. This photo also broke a 200 year precedent of a First Lady holding a political position while her husband remained in the White House 

A close family friend to the Clintons', Vince Foster, had just taken his life following revelations over the Clintons' failed Whitewater property deal. The first lady attempted to stop a firestorm, but it backfired. Whitewater led to the appointment of Starr as special prosecutor, whose investigations eventually led to the semen-stained dress of a White House intern. 

Another image shows Clinton standing in the Roosevelt Room near her husband, seated with aides. Mandy Grunwald and Michael Sheehan are both in the frame. They were working on her healthcare reform bill, whose demise in 1994 triggered the second-biggest crisis of the Clinton years. 

The photo shatters a 200-year precedent, as Clinton was the first first lady to take charge of a serious policy initiative, and it was her husband's top priority, reported the Financial Times. 

'After Hillarycare failed, she did not sink into gloom, as Bill was prone to do at times,' said McNeely. 'She divided into the next project with the same workaholic zeal. Nobody should underestimate how tough she is. There aren't many men like her.' 

A moment of levity between Hillary Clinton and vice-president Al Gore (at right) in the Oval Office, as President Clinton speaks with aides in 1994 

A moment of levity between Hillary Clinton and vice-president Al Gore (at right) in the Oval Office, as President Clinton speaks with aides in 1994 

One photo shows Clinton listening on the edge of a presidential huddle on a MD80 plane during her husband's 1996 re-election campaign. IT was she in 1988 who convinced him it was too early to run for president. She also persuaded him in 1993 to hire David Gergen, a former Republican adviser, to bring perspective into a the White House

One photo shows Clinton listening on the edge of a presidential huddle on a MD80 plane during her husband's 1996 re-election campaign. IT was she in 1988 who convinced him it was too early to run for president. She also persuaded him in 1993 to hire David Gergen, a former Republican adviser, to bring perspective into a the White House

Hillary Clinton rearranging Christmas decorations during one of the many Christmases celebrated in the White House

Hillary Clinton rearranging Christmas decorations during one of the many Christmases celebrated in the White House

One photo shows Clinton listening on the edge of a presidential huddle on a MD80 plane during her husband's 1996 re-election campaign. IT was she in 1988 who convinced him it was too early to run for president. She also persuaded him in 1993 to hire David Gergen, a former Republican adviser, to bring perspective into a the White House. 

Another showed Clinton's clear enjoyment of the celebrity glamour that comes with the first lady role. In the photo, she is being touched up for a shoot with Elle magazine.

The same enjoyment can be seen in a photo in which she is surrounded by Diana, Princess of Wales; Anna Wintour; editor of Vogue, and Katharine Graham; owner of the Washington Post, at a breast cancer awareness event in the White House. 

The same enjoyment can be seen in a 1996 photo in which she is surrounded by Diana, Princess of Wales (far left); Anna Wintour,(center) editor of Vogue; and Katharine Graham (far right); owner of the Washington Post, at a breast cancer awareness event in the White House. Ralph Lauren (center left) is also in the frame, and McNeely described Clinton as 'in her element'

The same enjoyment can be seen in a 1996 photo in which she is surrounded by Diana, Princess of Wales (far left); Anna Wintour,(center) editor of Vogue; and Katharine Graham (far right); owner of the Washington Post, at a breast cancer awareness event in the White House. Ralph Lauren (center left) is also in the frame, and McNeely described Clinton as 'in her element'

Another photograph shows her relaxing with the Blairs, and Cherie Blair is kicking off her shoes, somewhat to the surprise of the Clintons

Another photograph shows her relaxing with the Blairs, and Cherie Blair is kicking off her shoes, somewhat to the surprise of the Clintons

Ralph Lauren is also in the frame, and McNeely described Clinton as 'in her element.' 

Another photograph shows her relaxing with the Blairs, and Cherie Blair is kicking off her shoes, somewhat to the surprise of the Clintons. 

One of the most telling photos in the bunch shows the first lady at the Secret Service firing range in Beltsville, Maryland. A trainer steadies her shoulder as she fires the sniper rifle at a target. You can just make out the haze of an exploding glass bottle at the other end of the range.  

One of the most telling photos in the bunch  was taken in 1997 and shows the first lady at the Secret Service firing range in Beltsville, Maryland. A trainer steadies her shoulder as she fires the sniper rifle at a target. You can just make out the haze of an exploding glass bottle at the other end of the range

One of the most telling photos in the bunch  was taken in 1997 and shows the first lady at the Secret Service firing range in Beltsville, Maryland. A trainer steadies her shoulder as she fires the sniper rifle at a target. You can just make out the haze of an exploding glass bottle at the other end of the range

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