Did Trump nod along and LAUGH to Japanese prime minister without listening to translation? President faces claims his earpiece wasn't on during part of Friday's press conference

  • Trump laughed and nodded as Shinzo Abe delivered his opening remarks - even though he did not appear to have his translation device in while Abe was talking
  • CNN's Jeff Zeleny, who was seated near the front of the room and had a clear view of the president, said Trump wasn't wearing his earpiece
  • NBC's Peter Alexander said on Twitter a 'WH official says Trump previewed text of speech & he & Abe spoke extensively about it beforehand' 
  • The president was seen picking up a device off his podium and putting it in his ear so he could listen to the English translation later 

President Donald Trump may not have been wearing an earpiece during the first part of a news conference on Friday with Japan's PM.

Trump laughed and nodded as Shinzo Abe delivered his opening remarks - even though he did not appear to have his translation device in while Abe was talking.

CNN's Jeff Zeleny, who was seated near the front of the room and had a clear view of the president, reported on the network that Trump likely didn't understand what prime minister was saying.

NBC's Peter Alexander said on Twitter a 'WH official says Trump previewed text of speech & he & Abe spoke extensively about it beforehand.'

President Donald Trump may not have been wearing an earpiece during the first part of a news conference today with Japan's PM

President Donald Trump may not have been wearing an earpiece during the first part of a news conference today with Japan's PM

Trump laughed and nodded as Shinzo Abe delivered his opening remarks - even though he did not appear to have his translation device in while Abe was talking

Trump laughed and nodded as Shinzo Abe delivered his opening remarks - even though he did not appear to have his translation device in while Abe was talking

Trump fiddled with the device later, when a Japanese reporter asked the leaders a question

Trump fiddled with the device later, when a Japanese reporter asked the leaders a question

He eventually put the device up to his ear as the Japanese reporter spoke to Trump in his native tounge

He eventually put the device up to his ear as the Japanese reporter spoke to Trump in his native tounge

Several minutes later, when a second Japanese reporter, questions him, Trump repeats the motion. He was not observed putting it in or taking it out earlier in the event

Several minutes later, when a second Japanese reporter, questions him, Trump repeats the motion. He was not observed putting it in or taking it out earlier in the event

Trump eventually put the device up to his ear as a Japanese reporter asked him a question in his native language after two American reporters take their turns, back to back.

The president was seen picking up a device off his podium and putting it in his ear so he could listen to the English translation.

Several minutes later, when a second Japanese reporter, questions him, Trump repeats the motion.

He was not observed putting it in or taking it out earlier in the event. 

The White House was unable to say after the news conference whether Trump had his device in when Abe was delivering his first set of remarks in response to an inquiry from DailyMail.com.

Abe had poured praise on the U.S. leader and the American people in the opening remarks that Trump reportedly reviewed but could not understand. The president is not fluent in Japanese.

'This is the fourth time in six months for me to visit the United States,' Abe said through a translator. 'I am, indeed, sincerely grateful for the always heart warming welcome afforded to me by the American people.'

The Japanese PM then expressed his 'sincere gratitude' to Trump, who he said must be 'very busy in this very important period of 100 days after your inauguration' for inviting him to the White House and to Florida for the weekend.

'Donald, president, you are excellent businessman, but you have never been in the Congress or been a governor,' he said. 'You have not sir, experienced of being in a public office but, you have fought the up hill struggle and fight for more than a year in the election campaign to become a new president, and this is the dynamism of democracy. 

'I would like to celebrate and congratulate Donald being sworn in as the President.' 

 The White House was unable to say after the news conference whether Trump had his device in when Abe was delivering his first set of remarks in response to an inquiry from DailyMail.com

 The White House was unable to say after the news conference whether Trump had his device in when Abe was delivering his first set of remarks in response to an inquiry from DailyMail.com

NBC's Peter Alexander said on Twitter a 'WH official says Trump previewed text of speech & he & Abe spoke extensively about it beforehand'

NBC's Peter Alexander said on Twitter a 'WH official says Trump previewed text of speech & he & Abe spoke extensively about it beforehand'

Several moments later Abe made a comment about Trump's famous New York City tower that the former real estate mogul seemed to laugh at.

Abe said, 'With President Trump taking on the leadership, I'm sure there will be -- major scale infrastructure investments will be made, including the high-speed train.'

'With the latest magnetic technology from Washington, D.C. up to New York where Trump Tower exists, only one hour would it take if you ride the... train from Washington, D.C. to New York,' he said.

Trump grinned as Abe talked about his property, but he may have taking cues from the room. The line had aides and journalists also laughing.

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