Betsy DeVos has tense first visit to a school as education secretary as protesters temporarily block her from getting inside

  • Betsy DeVos got confirmed by the Senate Tuesday and is now President Trump's new Education Secretary
  • She only made it through on a tie vote that was broken by vice president Mike Pence
  • On a visit to a D.C. school on Thursday a small group of protesters blocked her from entering the building
  • Taunts of 'Shame!'
  • After driving away, she ultimately got inside
  • DeVos said afterward: 'No school door in America will be blocked from those seeking to help our nation’s school children' 

New Education Secretary Betsy DeVos got turned away and blocked physically as she tried to make her first visit to a public school Friday.

DeVos, whose nomination only cleared the Senate after Vice President Mike Pence broke a tie following a contentious process, was greeted by parents, retired teachers, and a small band of aggressive protesters as she visited a middle school in southwest Washington.

She ultimately made it inside, but not before having to retreat to her government SUV while getting shouted at by protesters who stood just a few feet away from her.

Things got heated as DeVos tried to enter the building through a back door.

After being physically blocked from getting inside, she turned away and left after being angrily confronted by a protester holding a 'Black Lives Matter' sign.

Education secretary Betsy DeVos got blocked physically by protesters from entering a Washington, D.C. middle school on her first school visit in her new post

Education secretary Betsy DeVos got blocked physically by protesters from entering a Washington, D.C. middle school on her first school visit in her new post

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'She does not represent anything that they stand for,' one woman yells as DeVos quickly walks away from the building, in video obtained by a local ABC affiliate. 

 'Keep giving money to senators and buying your way to the position,' says another unidentified man. 'You should be so proud of yourself,' the man says sarcastically.

'Go back. Shame!' a man yelled, while an escort, presumably an agent wearing an ear piece, places an arm on DeVos' back and helps her into a black SUV.

'Shame! Shame! Shame! Shame!,' the man continued. It wasn't known what group handful of protesters who blocked DeVos at the door were from.

A spokesman for the Near Southeast Community Partners Association, a D.C. education nonprofit, later tweeted a photo of DeVos inside the building meeting with the D.C. schools chancellor. 

DeVos issued a statement after the incident where she said she was 'honored' to meet with the school about 'our shared commitment to public education.'

She added: 'I respect peaceful protest, and I will not be deterred in executing the vital mission of the Department of Education. No school door in America will be blocked from those seeking to help our nation's school children,' she added.

The Washington Teachers Union organized a protest at the event outside the school that denied physically get in the new secretary's way.

DENIED: DeVos tried to enter the school from a back door

DENIED: DeVos tried to enter the school from a back door

She was escorted back toward an SUV, while protesters yelled at her

She was escorted back toward an SUV, while protesters yelled at her

One protester yelled 'Shame!' up until a man helped her to her ride

One protester yelled 'Shame!' up until a man helped her to her ride

Protesters yelled at President Trump's new cabinet member from just a few feet away

Protesters yelled at President Trump's new cabinet member from just a few feet away

Parents and retired teachers held a traditional protest at the front of the school

Parents and retired teachers held a traditional protest at the front of the school

Signs promoted public schools. DeVos is a staunch supporter of vouchers that can follow students to public and private schools

Signs promoted public schools. DeVos is a staunch supporter of vouchers that can follow students to public and private schools

Members of the crowd held signs that said 'Welcome to our public school. It's open to everyone!' and 'Ms Devos: Our children are not props.' DeVos was a major financial backer of vouchers that let parents use public funding at private schools as well as public schools.

DeVos was confirmed by the Senate after her nomination provoked fierce opposition online. The Amway heiress (she is married to Rich deVos) said at the hearing it was 'possible' she had given $200 million in campaign contributions to Republicans.

Republican Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted against her, fearful that her unqualified support for vouchers and charter schools would undermine support for public schools. 

She stumbled in her confirmation hearing, and Democrats held an all-night marathon against her before the final vote. 

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