Trailer for 'racist' Netflix series Dear White People 'gets a million dislikes in just ONE day' - and sparks customer revolt 

  • Controversial new programme has garnered a huge backlash
  • Numerous subscribers have cancelled their Netflix service in response
  • Users slammed the forthcoming show as 'not reverse racism, just racism'
  • One of it's writers, Jack Moore, posted on Twitter: 'F***white people'
  • It's claimed the company deleted 100,000 negative comments from YouTube

The trailer for a controversial new Netflix programme has sparked a fierce race row - losing the entertainment company numerous customers in the process.

More than 250,000 'dislikes' were registered for the Dear White People preview on Friday, just 24 hours after it was officially uploaded to YouTube.

But the true scale of the discontent could be much higher after claims the online broadcaster deleted both a million views and 100,000 accompanying negative comments.

Race-baiting? The new Netflix series has caused an understandable commotion online

Race-baiting? The new Netflix series has caused an understandable commotion online

The 30-second clip opens with a collection of Caucasian stereotypes and the show's African American protagonist, Samantha, hectoring students at the fictional Winchester University.

'Dear white people,' she says. 'Here’s a list of acceptable Halloween costumes: pirate, slutty nurse, any of our first 43 presidents. Top of the list of unacceptable costumes: me.' 

It then shows a number of college students sporting so-called 'black face' and the violent responses that follow. 

The preview comes ahead of the series premiere on April 24.

Offensive? The 30-second clip opens with a collection of hackneyed Caucasian stereotypes

Offensive? The 30-second clip opens with a collection of hackneyed Caucasian stereotypes

Explosive: It then shows a number of college students sporting so-called 'black face' and the violent responses that follow

Explosive: It then shows a number of college students sporting so-called 'black face' and the violent responses that follow

Unsurprisingly, plenty of viewers expressed their displeasure in the YouTube comments section.

One wrote: 'Not reverse racism, it's just plain racism. Bye Netflix!' while another added: 'Amazon Prime is the new Netflix, and its better. Goodbye Netflix, enjoy your racism.'

A third chimed in: 'I say this as a black person...I find it racist as hell. People find it funny when a black person is racist to a white person, but when the roles are reversed, man you are a horrible! 

'Sh*t like this is EXACTLY the reason why there is so much division in this country.'

Unsurprisingly, the response on Twitter has been equally vociferous. 

Journalist Paul Joseph Watson wrote: 'If all the "white tears" over Netflix's Dear White People are so funny, why did you delete 100,000 comments?'

Doctoring the numbers? Some claim the online broadcaster have deleted both a million views and 100,000 accompanying negative comments

Doctoring the numbers? Some claim the online broadcaster have deleted both a million views and 100,000 accompanying negative comments

Revolt: A number of people have cancelled their Netflix subscriptions in protest of the show  

Revolt: A number of people have cancelled their Netflix subscriptions in protest of the show  

Lead: The programme stars African American protagonist, Samantha, amid race relations 

Lead: The programme stars African American protagonist, Samantha, amid race relations 

One of his followers responded with a screen grab of the trailer boasting different viewing statistics, saying: 'They pulled it and re-posted it - was over a million dislikes!'. Another uploaded proof of a membership cancellation, saying: 'Dear Netflix.......from a white person!'.

But others have praised the show's premise, saying: 'It's just a satire guys. Stop being triggered. There's no regressive elements'.

However, one of the programme's writers, Jack Moore, posted a Twitter message which seemed to contradict this, saying: 'F***white people'.

MailOnline have contacted a Netflix representative, but are yet to receive a response.

They describe the show as a 'witty comedy' and explain that it 'satirizes "post-racial" America as students of color navigate a predominantly white Ivy League college.'

Mixed response: Others have praised the show's premise, saying: 'It's just a satire guys. Stop being triggered. There's no regressive elements'

Mixed response: Others have praised the show's premise, saying: 'It's just a satire guys. Stop being triggered. There's no regressive elements'

Just good fun? Netflix describe the show as a 'witty comedy' and explain that it 'satirizes "post-racial" America as students of color navigate a predominantly white Ivy League college'

Just good fun? Netflix describe the show as a 'witty comedy' and explain that it 'satirizes "post-racial" America as students of color navigate a predominantly white Ivy League college'


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