Felicity Caldwell인증된 계정


State political reporter . Opinions = my own. Tips: felicity.caldwell@fairfaxmedia.com.au

Brisbane, Queensland
가입일: 2010년 12월


@fel_caldwell 님을 차단했습니다

정말로 이 트윗을 보시겠어요? 트윗을 봐도 @fel_caldwell 님의 차단을 해제하지 않습니다

  1. 메인 트윗
    23시간 전

    Brisbane Times journalists vote to strike for seven days in solidarity with our Fairfax colleagues

  2. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    2시간 전
  3. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    3시간 전

    Stories appearing on with bylines of striking journalists were filed yesterday, or earlier, before we walked.

  4. 3시간 전

    Strategically holding that blanket ? Hope you are on the mend soon from the -induced injury.

  5. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    3시간 전
  6. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    3시간 전
    님, 님, 님에게 보내는 답글

    Well, thank you very much. Take good care of yourself and for God's sakes - be careful!

  7. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    5시간 전

    I am extremely here for Australia's houses of parliament roasting each other online with Star Wars jokes

  8. 4시간 전
  9. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    5월 3일

    SMH and Age staff walk out of Parliament House press gallery after voting to go on strike for 7 days.

  10. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    5월 3일

    Herald journos have voted to go on strike for a week.

  11. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    5월 3일

    SMH reporters just voted in favour of a week long strike. That includes our budget coverage.

  12. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    5월 3일

    BREAKING: Sydney Morning Herald journalists vote to strike for a full week in response to job cuts

  13. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    5월 2일

    It is such an important issue. Sadly, there are no obvious solutions to the issue of displaced people. But we need compassion.

  14. 5월 2일

    Brisbane asylum seeker Mojgan Shamsalipoor shares her story. She hopes it might help others understand.

  15. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    5월 2일

    Most-clicked today: 7,000 year old Qld story found to be true, two ways to get rid of Trump, 4 Corners.

  16. 5월 2일
  17. 5월 1일

    Only person on the bus, other than the driver. Quiet night in the city tonight.

  18. 5월 1일

    Car parks, schools, council parks & private land will become park 'n' ride sites for the Commonwealth Games

  19. 4월 29일

    The Facebook bot is the Terminator 😳

  20. 4월 28일

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