ACT News

RSPCA ACT seizes more than 200 overheated animals from Ainslie property in soaring temperatures

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In oppressive heat, RSPCA ACT inspectors this week seized more than 200 animals from an Ainslie property, many of which were overheated without proper water, food or shelter.

The animals included chickens who were so distressed they had started to eat each other.

Rabbits and guinea pigs crammed into cages were also rescued.

The RSPCA ACT inspectors were responding to a complaint on Thursday about a large number of animals at a property in Ainslie.

Upon arrival, the inspectors found hundreds of poultry, rabbits, guinea pigs and a cat at the suburban residence.

Despite the high temperatures, many of the cages lacked basic food, water and shelter.


The majority of the animals were lethargic and overheating with signs of cannibalism amongst the chickens.

Many of the animals were in cramped conditions sharing small cages.

RSPCA ACT staff members worked late into the evening to provide veterinarian checks and assistance for the more than 200 animals with six chickens having to be euthanased due to cannibalism. 

RSPCA ACT chief executive officer Tammy Ven Dange said it was " a very, very long day for the team to have so many animals arrive at once". 

"It's clear that these owners needed our help as they could no longer properly care for so many, and because the owners chose to surrender the animals, we have already started the rehoming process," she said.

A spokeswoman for RSPCA ACT said the owners would not be prosecuted.

"Every case is different and the decision to prosecute varies case to case. In this instance, we've decided that it's not appropriate to take the proceedings further," she said.

"[The owners]  have agreed to surrender the animals into our care with some of the rabbits already being sent out to foster to get to full health. The remaining animals will be available for adoption shortly.