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Home - Open Place

Welcome to the Open Place web site.

On this web site you will find information about the services we provide and how Forgotten Australians can access these services.

We are committed to continuing and expanding our outreach capacity in order to better serve isolated Forgotten Australians and isolated communities.

Please click on any of the tabs below for information about the services provided by Open Place.

Please visit our
Royal Commission News page under "What's On & Latest News" for information and updates about the work of the Royal Commission.

On this web site you will find information about the services we provide and how Forgotten Australians can access these services.


Records, Find & Connect
Social Support Groups
Co-ordinated Support
Royal Commission Support



Long Term Outcomes for Forgotten Australians (LOFA)

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) recently launched its study on long term outcomes for Forgotten Australians. The link to this report is here.

Despite the quality of this report, there are some rumours circulating about this research that was released on Monday.

Allegations are being made that personal details of those who may have completed the survey or participated in interviews or focus groups have been passed onto staff members within the Find and Connect services, including Micah projects (Lotus Place) and Berry Street (Open Place). THIS IS INCORRECT.

The survey was completed by participants anonymously online, and where individuals completed paper versions of the survey they were returned directly to the University in a reply paid envelope.
Information from surveys, interviews and focus groups could be accessed by the UNSW research team alone. The University has very strict policies about confidentiality.

Open Place was not involved in any interviews or focus groups. Open Place has no access to any of the data collected through the survey, interviews or focus groups.

The role of Open Place along with Berry Street was/is to act as a partner organization. Open Place provided information to the public (posters, fliers, web site and newsletter) about the research. Open Place believes the research IS A CRITICAL COMPONENT OF GETTING PERSUASIVE DATA TO CONVINCE THE POLITICIANS AND THE COMMUNITY that the health and aged care needs of Forgotten Australians ought to be a priority for government, at both a state and federal level.

The LOFA study is the first credible piece of research that actually supplies some quantitative data about the health and aged care needs of Forgotten Australians. It has long been the vision of many Forgotten Australians that the childhood abuse suffered, and that has led to long term health problems in adulthood, would be recognised by access to priority health care (accessed possibly by a version of the Veterans gold card). Such a vision can only be realised if those with the power are persuaded that something terrible happened to children in “care” and that these terrible happenings are directly connected to complex health problems in adulthood.

This is what the LOFA research has been able to demonstrate. The research offers a wonderful opportunity for advocates to lobby and argue for a gold card.

If we want politicians to take seriously the circumstances of Forgotten Australians we have to find some common ground. This research provides it. As the manager of Open Place I am proud that we have made a contribution to this ground breaking research. We have an environment, with the recent redress announcement and the continuing work of the Royal Commission, that makes change a possibility. This research adds to this momentum.

Completely unfounded rumours about breaches of privacy and confidentiality do nothing for the cause of Forgotten Australians. Collectively we can do better.

Simon Gardiner
Manager, Open Place

We Hope

The purpose of this publication launched in November 2016 at the anniversary of the National Apology is to say that Forgotten Australians matter. Their lives and their stories matter. In this publication it is the Forgotten Australians themselves speaking; of hope, recognition and justice, which many still seek as a result of childhood experiences and the struggles in adult life as a consequence of these experiences.

Click here to download the booklet

Royal Commission Submissions

Open Place has provided the Royal Commission with a number of submissions. Please click on link to access these submissions.

Comments on the Salvation Army
Open Place Response to Royal Commission Consultation Paper
Principles Trauma Approach
Royal Commission Therapeutic and Support Submission
Redress Paper
Response to Royal Commission Consultation Paper on Records

Update About Melbourne Response

You will have seen the media release (here) from Truth Justice Healing Council about additional payments via the Melbourne Response. Open Place has written to Melbourne Response seeking clarifications. The questions put to Melbourne Response are below:

  • Are additional Payments available only to those who have been sexually abused? What is available to those who have been criminally abused while in "care" but not sexually abused?
  • What process exists for those who have not previously been a part of the Melbourne Response? What do survivors need to do to get access to this redress scheme?
  • If survivors accept this additional payment will they be obliged to sign a deed of release preventing them from taking any civil action?
  • How is the Melbourne Response disseminating this information about a review and additional repayments? Will those who are on your books be contacted individually?
  • Will all those who apply (under the conditions) be "topped" up to the maximum of $150,000?

Open Place will place the answers to these questions (if responded to) on our website.

Commonwealth Media Release Regarding Redress

Below is the media release from the Commonwealth Government. The media release provides little detail of eligibility and time lines. As more details become available these will be posted on the web site. This is encouraging news but more needs to be known.

You can view this media release here.

Royal Commission closes registrations for private sessions

"The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is closing registrations for private sessions on 30 September 2016...

...The closing date applies only to new applications for a private session. People who have already been accepted for a private session or who apply before 30 September 2016 will have an opportunity to meet with a Commissioner. The Royal Commission will still accept written accounts after 30 September 2016...

...'There can be no exceptions for any application received after that date. I know this will mean that some people will be disappointed. For that the Commissioners are sorry,' Justice McClellan said."

Open Place encourages anyone thinking about attending a private session registers before the deadline. If you change your mind later you don't have to take part.

Treasure Trove

Treasure Trove is a collection of small creative writing pieces that were produced by Forgotten Australians with the support of Open Place.

With just a few well-chosen words - brought alive with the soulful power of visual imagery - these six-word stories, three-line poems, unsent letters, single sentences and other creative writing gems open up a treasure trove of stories and experiences. Some of the pieces of writing sparkle with wisdom, some are filled with humour, and still others intrugue with the uniqueness of their vision. Many provide a glimpse of lives unimaginably altered by traumatic childhood experiences. All demonstrate an astonishing depth of resilience and courage.

Click here to download a copy of the booklet.

We Believe You Booklet

We Believe you is a compilation of the feedback given during the INSIDE Exhibition.

This booklet celebrates the fifth anniversary of the National Apology to Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants that was provided by the Honourable Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister, and supported by the Honourable Malcolm Turnbull, former Opposition Leader, on 16 November 2009.

Click here to download the booklet.

We Remember You Booklet

We Remember You is a booklet published by Open Place, for Forgotten Australians to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the unveiling of the Memorial to Forgotten Australians on Southbank. The stories contained in this booklet are part of the history of Forgotten Australians; a history that must never be forgotten. These stories tell us about suffering, endurance and resilience. Despite continuing struggles with their past experiences each, in their own way, has made a life with meaning and purpose. If you are a registered service user of Open Place and would like a copy of the booklet, please contact us on 1800 779 379 or email us at and we’ll arrange a copy to be forwarded to you.

Alternatively, you can click here to download the booklet.



Activities available at Open Place

Quilting Group - Every 2nd Monday from 10.00am - 2.00pm
Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP if you wish to attend by calling 1800 779 379

Leatherwork Group- Every 3rd Tuesday from 10.00am - 1.00pm
Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP if you wish to attend by calling 1800 779 379

Women's Walking Group - Every second Thursday at 11am. Come and join us for a stroll along the Yarra River or parks in the surrounding area.
Don't forget to bring a hat, walking shoes and a drink bottle. Open Place will provide sunscreen and an umbrella.

Men's Walking Group - The last Tuesday of every month at 1.00pm. Come and join David for a relaxing walk together. The aim is to get out of the house, exercise, chat and have fun.
Don't forget to bring a hat, walking shoes and a drink bottle. Open Place will provide sunscreen and an umbrella.

Singing Group - The 1st Friday of every month from 1.00pm - 2.30pm. Come along and sing and dance to old favourites and pick songs of your choice with Annabell.

Friday Cook-Up - A lunch is provided every Friday and served from 12.00pm - 12.30pm. All registered users welcome.