Contributing to the journal


To submit a paper please read our information for contributors. Contact us for more detailed information about content or style at

Please ensure your submission adheres to the guidelines below.

Send all submissions to


All major articles will be peer reviewed. Research reports, comments, book reviews and review articles will be copy-edited but not peer reviewed.


AAS values ethical research. Please ensure that your submission complies with AIATSIS’ ethical research framework, as set out in the GERAIS.


  • Research articles can be no longer than 10,000 words; preferred length is 5000 to 6000 words.
  • Research reports: up to 3000 words.
  • Comments, book reviews and review articles: up to 1500 words.


Because the journal is multidisciplinary, we urge authors to write using the principles of plain English where possible to allow their work to be understood by a wide audience.
Refer to the Aboriginal Studies Press - Publishing Style guide for Authors and Editors.

What to include

Article submissions should include an abstract, a short biographical note, and a contact address - including an email address.

Style and formatting

Text and tables

Please submit your content as an electronic file in Microsoft Word format. Use the Word default margins in A4, with the font set to 12pt Times New Roman, and use double-spacing throughout.


  • lllustrations should not be included in the body of the text. Instead, include an instruction about where to include the image, with the illustrations provided as separate low-res files, TIFF, EPS or JPEG. (High-res files will be required from you at the point of printing).
  • Provide captions for all illustrations, including the artist’s name, medium, date and name/s of copyright holder/s.
  • Single column images must be at least 73mm wide, double column images at least 152mm wide.
  • All scanned images should be at appropriate size and at 300dpi or higher.
  • Preferably no stippling/shading is to be used in figures (e.g. maps).

Referencing system

AAS uses the name–date (Harvard) system. Textual references should include the name of the author/s and the year of publication (e.g. Neale and Kleinert 2000). All directly quoted material should include relevant page number/s (e.g. Neale and Kleinert 2000:69–70). All references are then listed alphabetically and in full at the end of the article. Please see our page of referencing examples to make sure your references meet the AAS referencing system.

Copyright clearances

Once material is accepted for publication, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to include any third party copyright material (for example, text, photos, tables, graphs). Permissions should be for the same use as stipulated in your author’s agreement for publication. Before you submit your material, double-check you have met your copyright obligations:


Australian Aboriginal Studies
GPO Box 553
Canberra ACT 2601
P: 02 6246 1162 | 02 6129 3918