Cameron AtfieldConta verificada


journalist. , and nut. Opinions expressed are yours, not mine. Swearing not endorsed by Fairfax.

I live by the river
Participa desde março de 2009


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  1. retweetou
    há 8 horas

    The Turnbull government will be thrilled if there's no Fairfax coverage of the budget. Those in power love escaping scrutiny.

  2. há 9 horas
  3. retweetou
    há 10 horas
  4. retweetou
    há 13 horas

    . staff walk out of the Parliamentary Press Gallery, joining their colleagues on a week long strike

  5. retweetou
    há 12 horas

    Please sign & r/t the form letter calling on Fairfax to invest in journalism.

  6. retweetou
    há 16 horas

    This is about real people who work hard to tell you valuable and important things about your nation and community

  7. há 11 horas
  8. há 11 horas
  9. retweetou
    há 12 horas

    Brisbane Times journalists vote to strike for seven days in solidarity with our Fairfax colleagues

  10. retweetou
    há 11 horas

    ., & staff strike for a week over cuts, will affect coverage

  11. retweetou
    há 11 horas

    Good luck to the BT and wider Fairfax team

  12. retweetou
    há 12 horas
  13. há 12 horas

    The house committee has just passed this motion.

  14. retweetou
    há 13 horas
  15. há 13 horas
  16. retweetou
    há 15 horas
  17. retweetou
    há 20 horas
  18. retweetou
    há 20 horas
  19. há 20 horas

    And yes, that's totally a Blues Brothers reference.

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