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Lecythis fruit compose.jpg
Lecythis fruits and seeds.
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Ericales
Family: Lecythidaceae
Genus: Lecythis
  • Bergena Adans.
  • Cercophora Miers
  • Chytroma Miers
  • Holopyxidium Ducke
  • Sapucaya R.Knuth
  • Pachylecythis Ledoux

Lecythis is a genus of woody plant in the Lecythidaceae family first described as a genus in 1758.[2][3] It is native to Central America and South America.[1]


  1. Lecythis alutacea - Pará, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela
  2. Lecythis ampla - from Nicaragua to Ecuador
  3. Lecythis barnebyi - B Amazonas
  4. Lecythis brancoensis - Guyana, Roraima
  5. Lecythis chartacea - Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, N Brazil
  6. Lecythis confertiflora - Guianas, N Brazil
  7. Lecythis corrugata - Venezuela, Guianas, N Brazil
  8. Lecythis gracieana - B Amazonas
  9. Lecythis holcogyne - Amapá, Fr Guiana, Guyana
  10. Lecythis idatimon - from Suriname to Maranhão
  11. Lecythis lanceolata - Brazil
  12. Lecythis lurida - Brazil
  13. Lecythis mesophylla - Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia
  14. Lecythis minor - Venezuela, Panama, Colombia
  15. Lecythis ollaria - Venezuela
  16. Lecythis parvifructa - B Amazonas
  17. Lecythis persistens - Amapá, Fr Guiana, Guyana
  18. Lecythis pisonis - Brazil, Peru
  19. Lecythis pneumatophora - French Guiana
  20. Lecythis poiteaui - Fr Guiana, Suriname, N Brazil
  21. Lecythis prancei - B Amazonas
  22. Lecythis retusa - B Amazonas
  23. Lecythis schomburgkii - Guyana, Roraima
  24. Lecythis schwackei - Bahia, Rio de Janeiro
  25. Lecythis serrata - N Brazil
  26. Lecythis tuyrana - Ecuador, Panama, Colombia
  27. Lecythis zabucajo - Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Ecuador, N Brazil


Several species produce edible seeds and referred to by a variety of common names including paradise nut, monkey pot, cream nut, and sapucaia nut. Lecythis zabucajo is one perhaps the most important edible species, but the seeds of L. ollaria and L. pisonis are also used.


  1. ^ a b c Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. ^ Loefling, Pehr. 1758. Iter Hispanicum 176–189
  3. ^ Tropicos, Lecythis Loefl.

External links[edit]