Scott Morrison departs for talks about UK trade deal

Australia will want easier visas for business people relocating to the UK in a post-Brexit trade deal.
Australia will want easier visas for business people relocating to the UK in a post-Brexit trade deal. Bloomberg

Australia will want easier visas for business people seeking to work in Britain in any post-Brexit trade deal, High Commissioner to the UK Alexander Downer says.

Treasurer Scott Morrison is visiting Britain this week to begin "laying the foundations" for a bilateral free trade deal to come into force once it leaves the European Union.

The UK is Australia's fifth largest two-way trading partner. Speaking to BBC radio ahead of Mr Morrison's arrival, Mr Downer said a working group had been established and a "scoping paper" provided to the British government. Business visas are a key point.

"We would want to see greater access for Australian businesspeople working in the UK and that's often been a part of free-trade negotiations," he said.

British Prime Minister Theresa May will have talks with Scott Morrison this week.
British Prime Minister Theresa May will have talks with Scott Morrison this week. AP

"It might just make it a bit simpler actually. For example, an Australian company that invests in the UK might want to bring some of its executives to the UK. That can be done now with what are called tier-two visas, but maybe that could be made a little bit easier."

The Treasurer arrived in London on Sunday night, Australian time. He is due to meet Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond and officials from the Bank of England before travelling to Germany to give a speech at the G20 symposium on financial technology and digitalisation.

Australia's total trade with the UK was worth around $27 billion in 2015-16, with Australian exports worth about $12 billion and our imports from the UK around $15 billion.

Talks on deal

"Discussions during this visit will begin laying the foundations for Australia to strike new beneficial trade and investment arrangements with the UK that benefit our businesses, exporters and citizens," Mr Morrison said in a statement released on Sunday.

Alexander Downer says Australia wants easier access for business visitors in the UK.
Alexander Downer says Australia wants easier access for business visitors in the UK. Supplied

"Prime Minister May's comments earlier this week on her government's approach to Brexit underscore the UK's commitment to the benefits of open trade in noting that 'trade is not a zero sum game: more of it makes us all more prosperous'."

Mr Downer said talks had already taken place at a ministerial level between the two countries to "explore the scope" of a prospective free-trade agreement.

But nothing could be negotiated until the UK formally leaves the European Union, he said.

"We can't negotiate a free-trade agreement with the UK until the time is right. Obviously once the UK leaves the EU it can negotiate free-trade agreements, but not before then.

"But we can scope it out and we've provided a scoping paper to the British Government to explain what we think the scope of a free-trade agreement should look like."


Last September, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said she looked forward to more movement between the countries.

"It is something that we were able to achieve with the United States and I certainly look forward to an increasing number of business visas, student visas and work visas between Australia and the UK," she said.

Last week Trade Minister Steve Ciobo met six of the Trans-Pacific Partnership's 12 signatories at an international forum to discuss alternative deals after US President Donald Trump's vow to dump the trade pact.

The Turnbull government has promised to push ahead with ratification of the TPP as soon as possible.

"We, of course, have a very large proportion of our economy about jobs that are reliant upon opening up trade opportunities, export opportunities for Australians goods and services," Mr Ciobo told Sky News on Sunday.

"And one of the ways we can do that is through the TPP. So I made sure I had conversations this past week with ... Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Japan, New Zealand, to look at the opportunities to take the TPP forward even if it does not include the United States."