Dad receives hilarious letter from school: "Funniest thing I've ever read."

"Wildo the Dildo." The very funny letter one dad received from his son's school.
"Wildo the Dildo." The very funny letter one dad received from his son's school. Photo: Twitter/@pahunt1978

A dad has taken to twitter to share the hilarious letter he received from his child's school - and we can't stop laughing.

Paul Hunt of Somersest, England, posted the note, along with the caption: "This letter, that was sent home from school today, is the funniest thing I've ever read."

Written about Mr Hunt's ten-year-old son, the letter begins, "Although this is not a behaviour letter as such, I am writing to inform you of something that has come to our attention."

The teacher explains that Mr Hunt's boy - and his friends - often make up characters, give them funny names and have "exciting adventures" during playtimes.

"This in itself is an imaginative and creative pastime and causes no harm," the note continues. "However, it has come to our attention that one of the characters has the name 'Wildo the Dildo' and this has, I am sure you can understand, raised some concerns with us."

Wildo the Dildo ...

"On further discussion," the letter reads, "none of the children said they knew what it meant, but were aware that it was an inappropriate word to be using. One of the children said they picked up the word on the playground, so we will be following this up further and dealing with it accordingly."

Just like Mr Hunt (and our office), the internet also found the letter hysterical.

Some tweeters praised the poor teacher, tasked with writing the letter, for her professionalism.

Kids, hey? Never a dull moment...

Have your kids ever created inappropriate names for their imaginary characters? We'd love to hear them!
