

There is no real prospect that Malcolm Turnbull or Bill Shorten can create jobs

Both sides of our politics have declared jobs as their primary focus, as conveyed by the government's slogan "Jobs and Growth", and the Opposition's "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs".

Both prattle on wanting to create the impression that they are better than the other at "creating" jobs, and ensuring job security, but neither provides much detail as to just "how": which policies, which industries, at what pace, and over what time period. The government focuses on its "massive" corporate tax cuts, to stimulate investment, that in turn is claimed will create jobs and improve wages, while the Opposition emphasises education and training as fundamentally important. But, that's about all we are told.

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Turnbull v Shorten: Round 2

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has taken his attack on Bill Shorten even further, with the Labor leader landing a few of his own blows. Courtesy ABC News 24.

What if it is unlikely that either will ever succeed? What if there are structural shifts in our economy and society such that there won't ever be enough jobs to meet the desires of those who wish to work?

While today's unemployment rate of 5.8 per cent is still well above the 4 per cent we saw pre GFC, it is about half the peak of the early 1990s. However, there has been a longer-term drift from full to part-time work, and a considerable increase in underemployment, that is in those who can't find as much work as they would like, approaching double the unemployment rate.

There are some 740,000 unemployed, some 70 per cent of whom are looking for full-time work, although these figures are understated somewhat by many on disability benefits. The youth unemployment rate is still over 13 per cent. Indeed, unemployment is significant in both our youth and aged, where many of the latter have found it difficult to regain employment, especially those who have been retrenched, or forced to look for work as their superannuation has proved inadequate. There are also very significant regional disparities.

Wages, too, have been particularly constrained, with recent increases the lowest on record.


These figures are surprising to many, given sustained, historically low interest rates, and still significant budgetary stimulus, that had been expected to produce both stronger business investment and employment than we have experienced.

Clearly, our economy is in several transitions, most notably from one based on a mining and construction boom, to essentially a services economy, and to a more low carbon industrial structure and society, each complicated by significant improvements in innovation, technology and communications that tend to be heavily labour saving.

Improved company earnings have been driven more by cost cutting than by increasing the revenue numbers – that would only have occurred with significant business investment and the tax system has encouraged profit distribution, rather than reinvestment. We have a globally significant superannuation and funds management industry that is fundamentally conservative, just basically hugging the various stock market indices.

Many of our key domestic markets are uncompetitive, where a mere handful can exploit their market power in such areas as supermarkets, power, finance and communications.

Significant, and increasing, labour "on costs", and other labour market rigidities especially in relation to hiring and firing practices, have also discriminated against employment, and there are many, many inconsistencies in wage and salary structures and relativities.

Many had hoped that the new technology-based economy would be a significant employment generator, but the reverse has been the case, especially with artificial intelligence and the likes of driverless vehicles and other "Uber moments" quickly gaining momentum. Software and systems rather than people.

Our traditional manufacturing sector has had to recognise the realities of globalisation, specifically the significance of our uncompetitive cost base (in a recent survey we ranked as the most uncompetitive of the top 25 exporting manufacturers) and small market disadvantages. This has required another transition from large-scale, volume-based manufacturing to more specialised, "brain/brand" based production.

Power costs have also been a significant recent constraint on many traditional employers, as rising electricity and gas prices due, in many respects, to ill-conceived policies have clouded the sustainability of industries such as glass, paper, and steel manufacturing, mining and smelting operations, and so on.

And there are a host of other factors, such as housing affordability, failing transport and other infrastructure, inadequate childcare and other support services, and inadequate education and training, that too restrain employment opportunities.

The only hope is to seek to reverse many of these trends and structural constraints, with a broad-based reform agenda. Opportunistic populism will only compound the difficulties. For example, Trump-style "anti-ism" and protectionist policies won't restore jobs to the US rust-belt states, where technology and robots are the main reason for their demise, not "unfair" global competition.

It is grossly irresponsible of Turnbull and Shorten to continue to raise expectations of job creation and security when they are doing very little to deliver.

Are we in danger of moving on to a world where government will need to ensure a living wage to many who may never work?

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.