Hawks seek to sabotage Iran negotiations

(source: CASMII)
Monday, May 14, 2012

With the next round of talks between Iran and the P5+1 due to take place in Baghdad on 23rd of May, the hawkish policy makers in the EU and US, supported by Israel, are intent on sabotaging the positive spirit declared by both sides in their Istanbul talks last month. On Monday 7th May, the EU representative in Vienna demanded Iran suspend all enrichment and nuclear research, which would amount to a total surrender by the country of its inalienable rights as stipulated in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

We find ourselves in the astonishing position whereby states armed with nuclear weapons who have waged numerous devastating wars over the past few decades, always in defiance of international law, are sanctioning and threatening a country that has not launched a single war of aggression in the past 250 years. 

Unless the EU and President Obama , who is constantly warning that the window for a diplomatic solution with Iran is closing, are prepared to take the long overdue step of negotiating on the basis of good faith, trust and compromise rather than their usual stiff intransigence as demanded by Israel and the US congress, we will be in danger of heading for a war that may lead to the most tragic and disastrous consequences for not only the Middle East but the entire world and its fragile economy.  This will be a war of hitherto unknown magnitude.

Given the total failure of the single track policy of threats and campaigns of sabotage against Iran, including the assassination of Iranian scientists, the only solution for a viable and sustainable settlement of the current standoff is through the removal of all sanctions and military threats against this country.  With Tehran’s open willingness to provide full access for inspection of all its facilities, Western excuses for stalling negotiations while pushing ahead with increasingly draconian and irreversible sanctions are now utterly  untenable. 

The stakes are now sharply rising for people on both sides with the US and EU sanctions hurting the Iranian population and the oil embargo resulting in an increase in the price of oil that threatens a deep recession in the world economy.

The role that public pressure can play in influencing the outcome of this crisis becomes ever more vital.  The dangers of complacency cannot be underestimated.  Whilst the Israeli lobby and the Israeli government continue to commandeer Western government policies in furtherance of their own ends via increasingly menacing threats, there needs to be a strong counterbalance through a mass mobilisation of public opinion.  It is now time for the voices of reason to make themselves heard if they are to have an impact on the decision makers in Washington, London and Paris. 

Now, more than ever, public pressure must be brought to bear against the crippling sanctions and relentless military threats against Iran.  It is only greater public awareness that can prevent the senseless drive towards war. In particular we call for greatest mobilization in the rallies in the US and UK on May 19th and 20th against the NATO Summit in Chicago.

Do Not Iraq Iran!

Remove All Threats and Sanctions Against Iran!

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