Nadia Prupis, staff writer
Protesters briefly blocked Betsy DeVos from entering a Washington, D.C. school Friday morning in her first visit as Education Secretary, one woman shouting, "She does not represent anything that [public schools] stand for!" The crowd followed DeVos as she...
Deirdre Fulton, staff writer
Two new polls reflect poorly on President Donald Trump's brief tenure in the...
Nadia Prupis, staff writer
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) was confronted by angry crowds at a town hall in...


Shocker: Seems the Trumpster Fire isn't going to deport all those "rapists," "violent criminals" and "drug dealers." Instead, his first victim is a 36-year-old mother who came here at 14, was once caught working without proper papers, and was locked in a van and driven away last night by immigration officials as her children cried and protesters chanted "This Is Wrong" and "Set Her Free!" She has reportedly now been deported to Nogales, Mexico. Feel safer yet?
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