Published on Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (http://www.campaigniran.org/casmii)

Muslim Women's Quest for Equality: Between Islamic Law and Feminism

Ziba Mir-Hosseini
August 15, 2006 - 11:00am
Critical Inquiry, Volume 32, Number 4 (Summer)

EXCERPT (pp. 640-641):
To understand a movement that is still in formation, we might start by considering who its opponents are; in other words, we might consider theresistance against which it has had to struggle. Opponents of the feminist project in Islam fall into three broad categories: Muslim traditionalists, Islamic fundamentalists, and secular fundamentalists. Muslim traditionalists resist any changes to what they hold to be eternally valid ways sanctioned by an unchanging sharia. Islamic fundamentalists — a very broad category — are those who seek to change current practices by a return to an earlier, “purer” version of the sharia. Secular fundamentalists — who can be just as dogmatic and ideological as religious fundamentalists — deny that any religious law or social practice can be just or equal.


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