Andy Fleming


Insouciant anarchist. Slack. Bastard. Likes cats. Usual disclaimers.

Se unió en julio de 2009

@slackbastard está bloqueado

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  1. hace 2 horas

    wow, not new but i had no idea - more than half of french police and military voted Front National in 2015.

  2. hace 1 hora

    Murdered backpacker's mother writes angry letter to Trump after daughter's killing appeared on White House list

  3. hace 2 horas
  4. hace 2 horas
  5. hace 2 horas

    Go Fund Me page for a true hero, Chelsea Manning, to help her get settled once she's finally released from prison

  6. Andy Fleming siguió a y a
    • @pnjackson101

      Paul Jackson is a historian and researcher interested in examining the extreme right and anti-fascism.

    • @SearchltArchive

      The Searchlight Archive collection at the University of Northampton is a leading collection of primarily British postwar extreme right and anti-fascist material

  7. 7 feb.

    . are brilliant. This is their horrifying reconstruction of the Saydnaya prison run by butcher Assad.

  8. hace 18 horas

    Liberal tears, 70+ years ago

  9. 7 feb.

    republicans are the true snowflakes (they're all white, they're cold, and if you put enough of em together they'll shut down public schools)

  10. hace 3 horas

    Wrote a thing on russophobia in the US A Genealogy of American Russophobia

  11. hace 3 horas

    Non-violence was also stressed as a prerequisite for the movement to grow, gain mainstream acceptance, and attain power.

  12. hace 3 horas

    At this meeting leading U.S. Neo-Nazis and white nationalists agreed to maintain "a high tone in our arguments and public presentations"

  13. hace 3 horas

    In 2004 he urged white nationalists not to mark themselves as white supremacists/racists but instead devoted to a "white civil rights cause"

  14. hace 3 horas

    In 1991 he was almost elected as Governor of Louisiana. Critics warned that his campaign had developed a new vocabulary for an old ideology.

  15. hace 3 horas

    David Duke wearing a Nazi brown shirt and a swastika armband carrying a placard that says “Gas the Chicago 7" (1970)

  16. hace 3 horas

    BREAKING: Six Red Cross workers killed by ISIS in northern Afghanistan -

  17. hace 3 horas

    LOS FASTIDIOS - Kids Are Ready (2017 - Official Videoclip) via

  18. hace 5 horas

    antifa notes (february 8, 2017) : Milo Yiannopoulos, Daddy, STRAYA (AFP, PFF, UPF) … & anTEEfa!

  19. hace 5 horas

    Trump fears terrorists, but more Americans are shot dead by toddlers | Gary Younge

  20. hace 5 horas

    under the guise of "freedom of speech", while the words of Coretta Scott King are silenced to defend the white nationalist AG Jeff Sessions.

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