Articles on EPA

Displaying 1 - 20 of 28 articles

An aerial view of workers at a factory in one of Kenya’s export processing zones near the capital Nairobi. Reuters/Thomas Mukoya

If Africa is serious about a free trade area it needs to act quickly, and differently

Africa needs to learn from the experiences of others who have negotiated free trade pacts. In particular it needs to ensure its process is inclusive and does not pander to a few special interests.
President Trump could withdraw from environmental treaties, but trade protectionism could be an opportunity for reform. EPA/TANNEN MAURY

Trump presidency presents challenges and opportunities for the environment

While Trump’s more extreme campaign promises may not eventuate, substantive changes in how the US engages with the world on environmental, and many other, issues are likely.
Residents of Flint, Michigan wait at a congressional hearing in Washington, D.C. on the water crisis. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Clinton seizes on environmental justice but progress requires deep reforms

Hillary Clinton has elevated environmental justice to a high level as a presidential nominee, but as the Flint water crisis demonstrates, the deeper problem lies in ineffective government agencies.
In addition to the Clean Power Act policy for climate change, the Supreme Court will be hearing cases on the extent of protections under the Clean Water Act. ex_magician/flickr

What Scalia’s death means for environment and climate

A look at Scalia's decidedly negative legacy on environment reveals how important the next Supreme Court will be on environmental questions, including the EPA Clean Power Plan.
Obama announces the EPA Clean Power Plan at the White House. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Obama builds legacy on climate change with EPA Clean Power Plan

A panel of scholars provide analysis of the Obama administration's EPA Clean Power Plan and its impact on the electricity sector, the climate and politics at home and abroad.

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