Articles on energy technology

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Americans like big vehicles – a serious challenge to reducing emissions. chrisgold/flickr

Will cheap gas at the pump stall progress on car emissions?

American consumers just aren't prioritizing fuel efficiency in a time of low gasoline prices. Is there a way to reverse the trend and make progress on climate change?
Supreme Court ruling allows consumers and businesses to make money by reducing power and other grid services. wilks_photography/flickr

The Supreme Court saves the smart grid, but more battles loom

An obscure Supreme Court ruling paves the way for people and businesses to earn money with distributed energy technologies.
‘Decarbonizing’ the energy system is above all an infrastructure problem. m-i-k-e/flickr

How fast can we transition to a low-carbon energy system?

Dealing with climate change will require countries to 'decarbonize' their energy infrastructure. The history of infrastructure suggests this could happen quickly once the transition starts.
The Supreme Court will decide a case that will have a big effect on distributed energy technology, including batteries. Tesla

Will the Supreme Court kill the smart grid?

The Supreme Court hears a case that will decide whether homes and businesses can earn money from distributed energy technologies, including demand response and home battery systems.
Ready for more? Department of Energy

Are we ready for more offshore drilling?

Five years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the Obama administration is looking to expand offshore drilling. Is it any safer today?
The massive Ivanpah Solar Power Facility in California was partially funded by a large Department of Energy loan guarantee yet the policy has been harshly criticized. Gregg Tavares

Why is low-carbon energy innovation so slow? You can thank Economics 101

The world needs new energy technologies to meet global demand and slow emissions. Government plays an outside role in energy so what policies work best for innovation?

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