Senior Lecturer in French & Comparative Literature, Queen Mary University of London

I am currently writing a book entitled Reading Sade, which goes against the grain of Sadean criticism by exploring this notorious author's works from the reader's point of view. It focusses on what it is actually like to read Sade, and on the many questions - about authorship, readership, literature, violence, ethics - that reading Sade raises.

With Thomas Wynn (Durham), I have translated Sade's 120 Days of Sodom for Penguin Classics (September 2016), and my next projects include a critical biography of Sade for Reaktion Press and further work on the translation and reception of Sade in the English-speaking world. My translation of Philippe Brenot's The Story of Sex: From Apes to Robots was released by Particular Books in October 2016.

My research interests include French and English eighteenth-century fiction, comparative literature, the history of sexology, fictional representations of sexuality, and translation studies.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer in French & Comparative Literature, Queen Mary University of London