Douglas Huntly Gordon Distinguished Professor of French, University of Virginia

Before joining UVA’s French department in Fall 2015, Gary Ferguson held the Elias Ahuja Professorship of French at the University of Delaware. He has been a visiting professor at the Université Paris 13–Paris Nord (2005), the Université Rennes 2­–Haute Bretagne (2010), the Université Jean Monnet–Saint-Étienne (2012), the University of Pennsylvania (2013), and the University of Virginia (2014-2015), as well as a Visiting Fellow at Trinity College, Dublin’s Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (2010).

His latest book, "Same-Sex Marriage in Renaissance Rome: Sexuality, Identity, and Community in Early Modern Europe," appeared with Cornell University Press in 2016. He has published two earlier monographs, "Mirroring Belief: Marguerite de Navarre’s Devotional Poetry" (Edinburgh, 1992) and "Queer (Re)Readings in the French Renaissance: Homosexuality, Gender, Culture" (Ashgate, 2008); a critical edition of Anne de Marquets’s Sonets spirituels (Droz, 1997); five edited or co-edited collections of essays, including "A Companion to Marguerite de Navarre," with Mary McKinley (Brill, 2013); and over thirty journal articles and book chapters.


  • –present
    Douglas Huntly Gordon Distinguished Professor of French, University of Virginia