Keresési eredmények
  1. febr. 2.

    6. when will white people learn to not say nigga

  2. febr. 2.

    I think it's dumb that there is a month that ŁłŦEƦλŁŁ¥ separates races. We are all equal!! 🙄

  3. febr. 2.

    Why Popo the muruku baby can grow up but some people cannot?

  4. febr. 3.

    17. all three white boys were nazis and one of them said something about African Americans

  5. febr. 2.

    POTUS speaking at and he just said "the hell with it" whatta leader we have

  6. 13 órával ezelőtt

    Nice job emboldening our enemies !

  7. febr. 9.

    Democrats actually think it is a GREAT IDEA to allow unvetted fighting age men from terrorist nations into America. Truly incredible.

  8. febr. 9.

    The Left claims tolerance, but are by far the most INTOLERANT. Listen to the attacks received👇

  9. febr. 9.

    Typical Media BS: "Headline - Rift growing between Kushner & Trump!" Then you read the article and there's no evidence at all.

  10. febr. 7.

    Nikki Bella's neck is causing her a lot of trouble. She's trooping through though. I forgot she had no passion for wrestling...

  11. febr. 7.

    The only thing the Republican Congress is good at is kicking the can down the road. They control EVERYTHING yet they still delay.

  12. febr. 6.

    The same media that told us every week during the election was Trump's "worst ever" are now telling us he is in trouble. .

  13. febr. 6.

    The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is hearing the argument for the lawful travel ban. Only one problem, the court is in San Francisco.

  14. febr. 6.

    All these snowflakes melting down from being told the immigrant story of Adolphus Busch.

  15. febr. 6.

    What did Bud Wiser ever do to you? , 😔

  16. febr. 6.

    Damn...The Atlanta strip clubs are going to be short on top talent tonight

  17. febr. 4.
  18. febr. 4.

    Right now, the entire Middle East is opening up their prisons and putting the worst of the worst on planes bound for the USA.

  19. febr. 4.

    POTUS is not on vacation! He's working! Libs meltdown calling it a vacation then melt again when they protest the work he's doing. 🤔

  20. febr. 4.

    Yooo show some respect. That's disgusting and disrespectful.

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