High School



School issues 21-page rule book on prom dress choice

The combination of teenage angst and questionable fashion trends makes choosing a school formal dress a difficult enough task - but what if graduating girls had to abide by a 21 page rule book when picking a frock?

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Brittany Murray, a student at the Flexible Learning School in North Melbourne.

The student no school wants

Students who have dropped out of school or been expelled, are waiting months or even years before they can re-enrol. Some are locked out forever.

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Greater curiosity might lead clever teens to experiment with cannabis.

Clever teens twice as likely to smoke cannabis

CLEVER children are twice as likely to smoke cannabis as teenagers due to their curious minds and students who were high academic achievers at 11 are also more likely to drink alcohol in their teens, according to a nine-year study by University College London.

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Supporting your teen through the transition to high school

Surviving the first week of high school

As a former high school teacher, year coordinator and counsellor, as well as a mother of four sons and an aunty to many, I have witnessed the transition from primary to high school heaps of times.

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