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De Nederlandse kranten kennen een lange traditie van politieke prenten, tekeningen die commentaar leveren op het nieuws. Hier zijn prenten verzameld van diverse tekenaars uit diverse Nederlandse... [Image gallery]
De Koude Oorlog en de strijd in Vietnam hebben een enorme hoeveelheid propaganda-posters opgeleverd. China, Sovjet-Rusland en Cuba, de communistische landen die Noord-Vietnam steunden, stelden de... [Image gallery]
General Vo Nguyen Giap, who died in Hanoi on 4 October 2013, at the age of 102, was a brilliant military strategist. 'The Volcano', as he was nicknamed by his troops, obtained this reputation in 1954... [Collection highlight]
In 2011 the IISH acquired the papers of the late Ngo Van. Van, who was born in Tân Lô, a Vietnamese village near Saigon in 1913. He left his village at the age of fourteen and moved to Saigon to work... [Collection highlight]
After having completed his military service with the rank of lieutenant, Kurt Steinhaus (1938 Stettin-1991 Heidelberg) studied economy in Hamburg and sociology and political science in Marburg am... [Collection highlight]
The IISH received an important addition to the archive of David H.D. Truong, formerly known as Truong Dinh Truong. Truong was born in 1945 as the son of a South Vietnamese presidential candidate and... [Collection highlight]
In 2001 the IISH received a collection of 26 Vietnamese posters, an important addition to its current collection.Interesting to note is the emphasis on health issues: five posters are warnings... [Collection highlight]
General Vo Nguyen Giap, who died in Hanoi on 4 October 2013, at the age of 102, was a brilliant military strategist. 'The Volcano', as he was nicknamed by his troops, obtained this reputation in 1954... [Item of the Day]
Diplomatic relations between communist Czechoslovakia and Vietnam officially started on 2 February 1950. A number of Vietnamese students and workers came to Czechoslovakia in the 1950s and 1960s.... [Item of the Day]
Ngo Van was born in a Vietnamese village near Saigon in 1913. He left his village at the age of fourteen and moved to Saigon to work in the metallurgical industry. Van became involved in... [Item of the Day]
