Today's Shows
Protestors demonstrate outside the house of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ahead of the Senate vote to confirm Sen. Jeff Sessions as attorney general. Protestors read aloud the 1986 letter from Coretta Scott King about Sessions after Sen. Elizabeth Warren was prevented from reading the letter on the Senate floor.

Protestors demonstrate outside the house of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ahead of the Senate vote to confirm Sen. Jeff Sessions as attorney general. Protestors read aloud the 1986 letter from Coretta Scott King about Sessions after Sen. Elizabeth Warren was prevented from reading the letter on the Senate floor.

Friday, Feb 10 10 a.m. (ET)

Friday News Roundup – Domestic

What's next for Betsy DeVos, Jeff Sessions and the travel ban. And does the president own a bathrobe? A panel of journalists joins Joshua Johnson for analysis of the week's top national news stories.

Head of France's Front National far-right party, Marine Le Pen is gaining in polls in the country's presidential race.

Head of France's Front National far-right party, Marine Le Pen is gaining in polls in the country's presidential race.

Friday, Feb 10 11 a.m. (ET)

Friday News Roundup – International

Most Recent
Beyonce is up for nine Grammys this year, more than any other artist.

Beyonce is up for nine Grammys this year, more than any other artist.

Thursday, Feb 09 11 a.m. (ET)

Do The Grammys Matter? Yes.

The awards are this weekend, and we'll look at whether they still play a role in setting musical tastes today.

Emmett Till was murdered in Money, Mississippi in 1955. He's buried in Aslip, Illinois.

Emmett Till was murdered in Money, Mississippi in 1955. He's buried in Aslip, Illinois.

Thursday, Feb 09 10:20 a.m. (ET)

The Blood Of Emmett Till

Timothy B. Tyson's "The Blood of Emmett Till" begins with a confession that most knew but few had heard.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearing to be the U.S. attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearing to be the U.S. attorney general.

Thursday, Feb 09 10 a.m. (ET)

What Will Attorney General Jeff Sessions Do Now?

After a bitter confirmation battle, the Senate confirmed Jeff Sessions yesterday 52-47, mostly along party lines. The Alabama Republican had been dogged by accusations of racism in his past. His supporters called those unfair characterizations of a man they said has deep respect for the law.

Wednesday, Feb 08 11 a.m. (ET)

A Bleak Read: Why Dystopian Fiction Is Popular Now

Orwell. Atwood. Huxley. Books by these authors and others are flying off the shelves as millions reach for fictional accounts of tyrants, new world orders and dark, futuristic landscapes. Is this the literature of our discontent?

An explosive is detonated at an A & G Coal Corp. surface mining operation in the Appalachian Mountains in 2012 in Wise County, Va. Critics refer to this type of mining as "mountaintop removal," which has destroyed 500 mountain peaks and at least 1,200 miles of streams while leading to increased flooding. The Appalachians are some of the oldest mountains on Earth.

An explosive is detonated at an A & G Coal Corp. surface mining operation in the Appalachian Mountains in 2012 in Wise County, Va. Critics refer to this type of mining as "mountaintop removal," which has destroyed 500 mountain peaks and at least 1,200 miles of streams while leading to increased flooding. The Appalachians are some of the oldest mountains on Earth.

Wednesday, Feb 08 10 a.m. (ET)

Bonfire Of The Regulations

President Donald Trump has signed an order to approve a massive rollback of federal regulations. The new rules mean for every new regulation passed, two others need to go. It's a bonfire of red tape and official paperwork. Joshua Johnson looks at how all of this could affect America's energy providers and those charged with looking after our environment.

Tuesday, Feb 07 11:40 a.m. (ET)

Sanford Now

Five years ago, Trayvon Martin's death turned national attention to Sanford, Florida, the community where he was killed. What's happened there since? We get an update on how conversations about race, policing and healing from tragedy have evolved in Sanford. Plus, a look at the current state of "Stand Your Ground" legislation in Florida and across the country.