Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Documentation Collection

The Documentation Collection includes single documents that have no connection with an archive, like flyers, broadsheets, sheet music, mimeographs. The documents may contain announcements of events, records of meetings, poems, strike calls et cetera. Such a document may be the one and only remaining vestige of the activities of an organization or person in the past. Usually it helps to create an image of such an an organization.
The documentation collection includes documents from all European countries, Russia, the American continent and many countries in Asia and Africa. International organizations form a separate category.


  • In the first stage, the documents were sorted out according to the country of their provenance. Documents from organizations in exile have been placed in the country where the organization was established.
  • In the second stage, the documents were arranged according to categories, e.g. France/solidarity movements.
  • In the third stage, the documents were arranged according to the organization or person of provenance, e.g. France/solidarity movements/Comité Antifasciste de Créteil. Anonymous documents have been placed in a general compartment within the country of provenance and category.


The IISH catalogue enables to search the documentation collection (as well as all other collections at the IISH) in different ways.

Admission to the documentation collection is free. Documents are to be consulted in the reading room only. See Services for information on how to consult collections.