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O jovem tenista português Duarte Vale, 18 anos recém completados, e o neozelandês Finn Reynolds ganharam em Melbourne e vão à final do Australian Open Junior de duplas...

Quais são as vantagens de obter a cidadania australiana?

Milhares de pessoas, vindas dos quatro cantos do mundo, tornam-se cidadãos australianos no dia 26 de janeiro, o Dia de Austrália. Você sabe quais são as...
Valmor Morais believes that it will be very hard for the students - around 150 Latin Americans, one Portuguese and some Spanish, to whom the Tu Futuro en...
Wesley Alves Bezerra tells SBS Radio Portuguese Program from São Paulo that he paid more than 5,000 dollars to the Tu Futuro en Australia student agency, that he...
Brazilian students in Brisbane and in Brazil - also a Portuguese and some Spanish amongst 150 Latin Americans - lost their money in an alleged scam by the student...

Immigration to Australia

Everything you need to know about migrating to Australia.

Quais são as vantagens de obter a cidadania australiana?

Milhares de pessoas, vindas dos quatro cantos do mundo, tornam-se cidadãos australianos no dia 26 de janeiro, o Dia de Austrália. Você sabe quais são as vantagens da...
Brazilian students in Brisbane and in Brazil - also a Portuguese and some Spanish amongst 150 Latin Americans - lost their money in an alleged scam by the student...
Being able to drive in a car is a necessity for many new arrivals to Australia.Yet, knowing if you need an Australian driver's licence and how to get one can...
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton says revamping the test is a debate worth having.
The federal government is facing growing calls to suspend Centrelink's automated debt recovery system, amid reports of wrongly-issued notices
My Grandmother's Lingo

A unique voice-activated interactive tells the story of one woman’s fight to save her endangered Indigenous language.