Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Gedenkraam overgedragen aan Nationaal Glasmuseum
Op 1 mei heeft het IISG een gedenkraam van de bekende glaskunstenaar Willem Heesen (1925 - 2007) overgedragen aan Nationaal...
The International Social History Association (ISHA) was founded at the 20th International Congress of the Historical Sciences,...
Visual IISH collection material again online accessible
Starting this week, photos, posters, prints and drawings from the IISH collections are again digitally displayed in the catalogue...
Auke P. Jacobs (1952 -2016)
Op 29 april j.l overleed Dr. Auke P. Jacobs. Hij was bestuurslid van de Vrienden van het IISG van 2010 tot en met 2015.Dr. Auke P...
KNAW Humanities-cluster krijgt vaste vorm
Afgelopen maanden zijn belangrijke stappen gezet in de ontwikkeling van een KNAW Humanities-cluster. Bij dit initiatief zijn het...
Reading Room 2015
In 2015 32 nationalities visited the reading room of the IISH. They viseted the reading room more than 7000 times.  Please find...
Robbed Book Returned to IISH
Thanks to the alertness and good care of the Library Department "NS-Raub- und Beutegut” of the Freie Universität Berlin,  a book...
What are people visiting IISH for?
The IISH Reading Room was extremely popular last year. 6401 times visitors called upon the Reading Room desk, 800 more compared...
Volkskrant IISH Thesis Award Ceremony 2014
Wat moet het grote publiek eigenlijk van geschiedenis weten? Hoe zorg je ervoor dat nieuwe wetenschappelijke inzichten het grote...
Second Print 'A Usable Collection'
A second print of A Usable Collection, Essays in honour of Jaap Kloosterman on Collecting Social History has officially been...
A Usable Collection
The collections and archives of the International Institute of Social History contain evidence of a social and economic world...
2nd Prize IISH Developer for LinkedUp Challenge
IISH staff member Vyacheslav Tykhonov came second out of nine nominees for the” LinkedUp Challenge: Veni, Vidi, Vici, Three...
Leading IISH Collections made available online
Dozens of the IISH’s leading archives are now fully available to view free of charge via the Institute’s catalogue. Celebrated...
IALHI 2013 Conference
44th Annual Conference of The International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI)Opening up Social History...
Meeting Friends of the IISH
27th Meeting of Friends of the IISHA presentation of highlights from recent IISH acquisitions.This afternoon’s special topic is a...
Yiddish Letters
Yiddish letters can be found in several archives which were acquired by the IISH in the course of time. Some of these are from...
IISH Lends a Book to Kautsky's
The IISH had existed a scant three years when, on July 2, 1938, a celebrity visited the reading room. Luise Kautsky and her...
Abel and Kain
Trotsky's son Leon Sedov lived in Paris, where, in 1936, there was a branch of the IISH on the Rue Michelet. He arranged for the...
Meeting Friends of the IISH
26th Meeting of Friends of the IISH.A presentation of highlights from recent IISH acquisitions.In the lecture special attention...
Special Editions Academy Library
In 2005 IISH acquired the Academy Library (library of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences) - a collection of around 200,000...
Marx-Engels Papers
The IISH now has a thousand inventories available online. The serial number 1000 has been reserved for the Institute's best known...
The Libraries of Boris Sapir and David Batser
In the course of 2001, two private libraries were added to the Russian collections at the Institute. The original owners were...
Bij de herinneringen van Annie Adama van Scheltema
Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis jrg.4 nr.11, juni 1978. Voorwoord bij Annie Adama van Scheltema-Kleefstra, Herinneringen...
Biografische schets van Anneke Welcker
Overgenomen uit: Op een beteren weg. Schetsen uit de geschiedenis van de arbeidersbeweging (Amsterdam, 1985) p. 8-13.
La recherche en histoire mondiale du travail et de l’économie
La recherche en histoire mondiale du travail et de l’économie: Repères stratégiques pour une veille intellectuelle', in: Bulletin...
Het Internationaal Informatiecentrum en Archief voor de Vrouwenbeweging (IIAV) verhuist wellicht naar het pand van het IISG aan...
Two Million Visitors
On Friday, May 18, 2001, the Web server of the International Institute of Social History received its two-millionth visitor since...
One Million Visitors
On Friday, March 24, 2000, the Web server of the International Institute of Social History received its one-millionth visitor...
Erik-Jan Zürcher Director
From 1st April 2008, Erik-Jan Zürcher (54) will be the new director of the International Institute of Social History (IISG) in...
Images of aspiration
This book draws on pictorial images to illustrate what 'social movements' are. All these illustrations come from the...
Steef Davidson 1943-2010
The sad news reached us that Steef Davidson passed away on the 31st of May, 2010. Besides being a participant in many alternative...
Shahriar Kabir in prison
The detention of Shahriar Kabir, the IISH representative in Bangladesh, was declared "illegal" by the country's High Court,...
Shahriar Kabir Freed
Shahriar Kabir, the IISH representative in Bangladesh who was one of around 40 opposition activists arrested on December 8...
Patricia Grimsted Honoured
During the 2002 National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies in Pittsburgh, PA, Patricia...
Megabytes of Marx
A new agreement has opened the door to the digitization of the oldest information sources on Marxism and anarchism.On 7 February...
Jan Lucassen Elected Academy Member
On May 18, Jan Lucassen was elected a member of the Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences. Dr Lucassen is a senior...
Web2.0 Platform for Cultural Heritage
IISH has been awarded a grant by the national digitization programme "Digitaliseren met beleid", funded by the Ministry of...
Veertig jaar Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (1935-1975)
Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis jrg.1, nr.3 1975. P. 372-384
Oude stukken in een nieuw jasje
Oude stukken in een nieuw jasje. Het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, 1935 - 1990. De tekst van deze brochure...
Geschiedenis van het IISG
Inleiding bij: Mies Campfens, De Nederlandse archieven van het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis te Amsterdam,...
In Bebels voetspoor: Wouter Steenhaut en de IALHI
Gepubliceerd in Paule Verbruggen (ed), Wouter Steenhaut en AMSAB-ISG (Brood & Rozen Special), Gent: Amsab, 2009, pp 27-35.Om...
KNAW 200 jaar
De Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) vierde in 2008 haar tweehonderdjarig bestaan met tal van evenementen...
International Review of Social History
>>view current issue.The International Review of Social History (IRSH) is one of the leading journals in the field of...
Jaap Kloosterman
Jaap Kloosterman, who was the Institute's deputy director from 1987 to 1993 and has been its director since, has decided to step...
Heritage of the People's Europe (HOPE)
IISH makes its digital collections available in the framework of an ambitious new EU project: Heritage of the People's Europe (...
Happening op het IISG
De Drijvende Tuinen van Robert Jasper Grootveld, voormalig provo en antirookmagiër, zijn op donderdag 19 april vanuit het...
Rare Book Restituted
Ms Lija I. L'vova, Director of the Gosudarstvennaia Obshchestvenno-Politicheskaia Biblioteka (GOPB, Socio-Political State Library...
Honorary Doctorate for Marcel van der Linden
The University of Oslo is awarding an honorary doctorate to Professor Marcel van der Linden, director of research at the...
KNAW Press moves to Aksant
Starting 1st January 2008, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has moved its publishing activities (which...
Mies Campfens 1940-2010
Op 22 oktober 2010 overleed Mies Campfens. Bij de opbouw, ordening en beschrijving van de Nederlandse collecties van het IISG...
Economic History at the IISH
Brochure with information on the economic history researrch programme and collections on economic history at the IISH
Charles Tilly 1929-2008
On 29 April 2008 the American sociologist and historian Charles Tilly died of lymphoma. For twenty years Professor Tilly served...
Africa Desk Opens
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: the African Union resides here, as does the United Nations' Economic Commission for Africa as well as...
Broeinest Amsterdam
Dinsdagmiddag, van 14-15 uur, kunt u luisteren naar het nieuwe radioprogramma 'Broeinest Amsterdam' over de sociale geschiedenis...
Russia, Archives and Restitution
Queen Beatrix's state visit to Russia in June 2001 provided an impetus for dealing with the restitution of archival materials...
Collecting Sources for Social History
A symposium dedicated to investigating what are/ought to be the most important considerations when collecting sources for Social...
The Institute and Annie Adama
On 25 November 1935 the International Institute of Social History was established. Although two gentlemen are known as the...
75 years IISH
The 75th Anniversary of the International Institute of Social History (founded 25 November 1935) was celebrated in 2010. It...
Nehemia de Lieme
Nehemia de Lieme, founder of De Centrale Arbeiders Verzekerings- en Depositobank and philanthropist of social-cultural...
A.C. Adama van Scheltema-Kleefstra
Kleefstra, Anna Catharina (known as Annie Adama van Scheltema), a librarian at the International Institute of Social History, was...
N.W. Posthumus
Posthumus, Nicolaas Wilhelmus, who founded the International Institute of Social History, was born in Amsterdam on 26 February...
Sponsored Projects
- 2016 -In 2016 the Friends spnsored the acquisition of:Spravočnik Gollandskoj promyšlennosti, torgovli i zemledelijaThe book...
Memory of the IISH project
The Memory project aims to capture the knowledge about the IISH collections, starting with the knowledge of staff members who...
About the Friends
The IISH is the largest institution for social history in the world. It attained this position thanks to its ongoing efforts...
Friends of the IISH
 The International Institute of Social History is supported by a large group of friends. A colorful troupe of former colleagues,...
History of the IISH
The International Institute of Social History (IISH) was officially established on November 25, 1935, but its history goes back...
Rebels with a Cause
Revolutionaries, anarchists, socialists, peace activists, sexual reformers, fundamentalists... 'rebels with a cause' have...
Revolutionairen, anarchisten, socialisten, vredesactivisten, seksuele hervormers, fundamentalisten... wereldverbeteraars zijn van...
Global Labour History
Brochure on the Global Labour History Programme and collections of the IISH
Turkeys Red Flank
A wealth of sources at the IISH provides context for the study of social history of Turkey, the Turkish Left, labour, and the...
Erik-Jan Zürcher Elected Academy Member
The new director of the IISH, Erik-Jan Zürcher, is one of the twenty-five newly chosen Members of the Royal Dutch Academy of...
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