Posts Tagged ‘CitiBanamex’

Mexico City: Explosive-incendiary attack in solidarity with the prisoners in Aachen, Germany (Mexico)

Friday, February 10th, 2017

Mexico City: Explosive-incendiary attack in solidarity with the prisoners in Aachen

Reasons to fight, we have plenty. We have taken into account the need to act directly against Capital, every time we find more reasons to continue fighting. A few weeks ago for example some comrades were accused of armed robbery in Aachen, Germany; and understanding the bureaucratic process of the ‘legitimate justice’ of the bourgeoisie, they were deprived of freedom. We must not forget, as has already been mentioned in these spaces of diffusion, that expropriation is a just, direct action and part of the history of every revolutionary movement. Emphasizing the slogan: “What crime is it to expropriate or set fire to a bank compared to founding it?” (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action