Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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Een goede oudedagsvoorziening is een teken van beschaving. Maar kunnen we er op vertrouwen dat deze ook in de toekomst behouden blijft? Of keren we terug naar de tijd waarin oud zijn vaak betekende... [Event]
Manufacturer J.C. van Marken was one of the first Dutch entrepreneurs who took care of the social welfare of his employees. This photo album from the archive of Jules Prudhommeaux shows pictures of... [Image gallery]
Dennie Oude Nijhuis has been working  as senior researcher at the IISH since early 2016.His research focuses on social inequalities, protection against labour market risks and the development of the... [News]
Despite labour history's flourishing since the 1960s an essential aspect of workers' lives has been virtually overlooked: their constant struggle for protection from threats to their way of life,... [Publication]