Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


  • Number: 2839 items (as of 1.1.2003)
  • Format: Banner, flag, vane, clothes and various small textile.
  • Access: Textiles are accessible through the catalogue. Search for 'banner', 'flag' or 'textile' plus organisation, person, or subject.
  • Consultation: Available for exhibitions only. Originals can be consulted in the reading room by previous arrangement.
  • Reproductions: High resolution scans can be ordered - see rates.

Some important collections

The Netherlands:
Flags from socialist and communist parties. Neutral, as well as Roman Catholic and Protestant trade union banners.

Banners and flags from the temperance movement and the peace movement and campaigns on Angola and Chile.

Other countries:
Banners of organisations for women's suffrage from the Sylvia Pankhurst archive and women peace organisations from the Dora Russell archive, Esperanto flags, an old banner of the Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei Russlands.
Flags and banners of the Demokratische Sozialisten and the Vereinigte Sozialistische Partei Hamburg.
Banners of the student rising in Beijing 1989.
Flags from the USSR, for achieving high production goals.
Flags from Burma 1999-2000.

Small textiles: Vanes, ribbons, emblems, scarfs, T-shirts, armbands, caps, and bags

The Nederlands:
Many vanes, ribbons, emblems from socialist parties and unions.
Ribbons peace movement, 'uniform' squatter-movement.

Other countries:
Ritual scarfs International Order of Good Templars (Temperance movement).
T-shirts and vanes of the elections and reformasi-movement in Indonesia 1998-2000.
Hair-ribbons of the student rising, Beijing 1989.
Vanes Turkish unions 1980s and 1990s.
T-shirts Amnesty International, Greenpeace and Act Up USA.
Uniforms Freie Deutsche Jugend and Junge Pioniere (GDR).