Let’s stand together against torture: Join #HumansAgainstTorture

Torture can hit anyone, anywhere – women, men and children. It causes pain that will never go away. Governments have the means to stop torture but fail to use them. The onus therefore is on each and everyone of us to demand that torture stops. [Read more …]

Human Rights Defenders news


Egypt:  Administrative closure by the police of El Nadeem Center

The Observatory has been informed by reliable sources about the administrative closure by the police of El Nadeem Center for the Rehabilitation for Victims of Violence and Torture (“El Nadeem Center”),based in Cairo.

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February 9, 2017  |   Human Rights Defenders  |  Urgent Interventions  |  Egypt

Mexico:  International mission conclusions - Three defenders arbitrarily detained since more than 3 years must be released!

February 8, 2017  |   Human Rights Defenders  |  Urgent Interventions  |  Mexico

India:  Ongoing judicial harassment of human rights defenders Ms. Teesta Setalvad and her husband, Mr. Javed Anand

The Observatory has been informed by reliable sources of the ongoing judicial harassment of human rights defenders Ms. Teesta Setalvad and her husband, Mr. Javed Anand. Ms. Setalvad is the founder of Sabrang Trust, a non-governmental organisation that works to promote conflict resolution and support peace building, as well as of Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP).

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February 8, 2017  |   Human Rights Defenders  |  Urgent Interventions  |  India

Thailand:  Continued arbitrary detention of student and pro-democracy activist Mr. Jatuphat Boonpattaraksa (aka Pai)

The Observatory has been informed by reliable sources about the continued arbitrary detention of student and pro-democracy activist Mr. Jatuphat Boonpattaraksa (aka Pai), a member of the Dao Din group and the New Democracy Movement (NDM).

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February 8, 2017  |   Human Rights Defenders  |  Urgent Interventions  |  Thailand

Guatemala:  Assassination of the land rights defender Sr. Sebastián Alonzo Juan

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February 7, 2017  |   Human Rights Defenders  |  Urgent Interventions  |  Guatemala

News on Torture


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United States: Torture will make terrorism – not America – great again, OMCT warns

Torturing suspects is illegal, ineffective and will only heighten the risk of terrorism, the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) warned after Donald Trump again condoned torture on his first televised interview yesterday as United States President.

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January 26, 2017  |  Statements  |  United States

Egypt: A year after Regeni’s death, still no justice or steps to end torture in Egypt

On the first anniversary of the death of Italian student Giulio Regeni, Egypt still has not brought before justice those responsible for his enforced disappearance, torture and killing.

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January 25, 2017  |   Monitoring Protection Mechanisms  |  Statements  |  Egypt

Turkmenistan: Open Letter: Civil Society request to vote against the CMI Offshore Project in Turkmenistan

I​n addition to its grave environmental risks, this project is not in line with the EBRD Country Strategy for Turkmenistan, as well as EBRD’s Transportation Strategy for the region. Unfortunately, reform by the government of Turkmenistan has been largely absent and any changes have been purely superficial, designed to appease international institutions without providing any benefit to the citizens of the country. Members of the political opposition inside the country have been pushed into exile or imprisoned, with political prisoners often subject to torture and enforced disappearance.

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January 23, 2017  |   Monitoring Protection Mechanisms  |  Urgent Interventions  |  Turkmenistan

How children can survive torture

Report on the Expert Workshop on redress and rehabilitation of child and adolescent victims How children can survive tortureof torture and the intergenerational

transmission of trauma

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January 20, 2017  |   Assistance to victims, Rights of the Child  |  Reports and Publications

Communications specialist volunteer

January 20, 2017  |  Statements

Joint written statement to the 34th session of the UN Human Rights Council (27 February – 24 March 2017)

January 18, 2017  |   Monitoring Protection Mechanisms  |  Statements

The Child Justice Advocacy Group calls on the government of the Philippines to reject proposals to lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility

Civil society organizations call on the Senate and Government of the Philippines to refrain from adopting reforms to lower the age of criminal responsibility from 15 to nine.

This reform would be an abdication of the Philippines’ commitment under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and would not be an effective way of addressing crime committed by children. The

Committee on the Rights of the Child has called on States to progressively raise the age of criminal responsibility, and has made it clear that a minimum age of criminal responsibility of nine is not internationally acceptable. 

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January 17, 2017  |   Rights of the Child  |  Statements

Volunteering opportunity: Social Media Specialist

The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) is seeking a full- or part-time volunteer for at least four months and up to a year to join its Geneva headquarters team as soon as possible.

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January 13, 2017  |  Links

Volunteering opportunity: Digital Content Specialist

Want to make a difference by putting your skills in the service of human rights? We need you!
This is an opportunity for an enthusiastic professional with honed filming/editing skills and marketing acumen to join our Communications Department, at the OMCT Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland. Our team will make you feel at home; we offer plenty of significant work and learning opportunities, and the corporate culture is international, collaborative and stimulating.

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January 13, 2017  |  Links

Azerbaijan: Rights Groups Demand Justice for journalist Mehman Huseynov Tortured in Azerbaijan

The undersigned organisations strongly condemn the abduction and torture of Azerbaijani journalist Mehman Huseynov and call on Azerbaijan’s authorities to immediately investigate the case and to hold those responsible accountable. Moreover, Huseynov’s conviction should be overturned and the travel ban against him lifted. We further call upon the Azerbaijani authorities to immediately and unconditionally release all journalists, bloggers and activists currently imprisoned in Azerbaijan solely for exercising the right to freedom of expression.

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January 13, 2017  |   Monitoring Protection Mechanisms  |  Urgent Interventions  |  Azerbaijan