
Oil falls to two-week low

The trading boom that cushioned the profits of Royal Dutch Shell and BP through the price slump appears to be over.

Oil dropped to the lowest in more than two weeks amid estimates that US crude and gasoline inventories continue to climb.

Economists believe commodity run is probably done

China's role in giving a boost to commodity prices is clear enough, but is it enough?

It is rare to find much unanimity among economists, but one of the few things they agree on is that the trough in commodity prices of 2016 will not be repeated. The question for now is how far will prices retreat, especially following the March quarter, which often marks a cyclical high.

Downer shares soar on higher full-year forecast

Downer EDI workers work on building new rail carriages.

Shares in Downer EDI soared to a seven-year high on Thursday morning after the contractor lifted its full-year profit forecast following a lack of any bad news in its December-half earnings.

Solar uptake more popular in outer suburbs

New research shows lower income households are most likely to install solar panels.

A Queensland researcher has identified the kind of people most likely to install solar panels on their homes, and it was not the latte-sipping, inner-city greenies of political lore.

OPEC compliance 'very high'

OPEC members have cut production by 958,000 bpd of the pledged 1.164 million bpd, equating to 82 per cent compliance.

OPEC's oil output is set to fall by more than 1 million barrels a day in January, a sign of strong adherence to agreed cuts.

Resource spending downturn yet to bottom

The gas pipeline for Inpex's Ichthys LNG project. Deloitte says completion of the Gorgon, Prelude and Ichthys projects ...

The collapse in resource sector investment has yet to run its course, with the looming completion of as much as $100 million of spending on gas export projects to slash the level of engineering construction to the lowest level since 2009, a report by Deloitte Access Economics has found.

BHP lifts iron ore output, limits oil

BHP Billiton has been able to cash in on surging iron ore prices.

BHP has boosted output of iron ore to record levels while prolonging its curtailment of oil and gas output in the US as it waits for prices to improve, its latest production report shows.

Trump opens door for Keystone

Trump is wasting no time to rescind some of his predecessor's key policy initiatives.

​President Donald Trump moved assertively to further dismantle his predecessor's policies: the Keystone XL pipeline is back.

Energy retailer fined after targeting elderly

Energy retailer pinged for alleged sales breaches

Residents of a nursing home and a retirement village were among consumers switched by energy retailer Simply Energy to new supply contracts without obtaining their consent, resulting in a stiff fine.