Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

South East Asia Blog

Antoinette M. Raquiza Collection
In 2014 Antoinette Raquiza donated her collection of documents on the Philippine Left to the International Institute of Social...
New Thai Collections
Recently two new Thai collections have been made available.First there's the Thailand's Red Shirt Movement (VCDs/DVDs) Collection...
Michael Bedford Papers
After having announced last September the availability of the Michael Bedford Collection, it is now time to announce the same for...
Thailand Surprises - 3
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Thailand Surprises - 2
Then the next day we got a postcard from 1993 (see below)It's a postcard to mobilise for the drafting of a new Constitution in...
Thailand Surprises - 1
A nice surprise from last thursday. A friend handed us a 2015 calender on the '10 Year Crisis of Thai Politics [2548-2558]',...
Collection on Thailand
is one of the new names of what formerly were known as the DOC or documentation collections (DOC Thailand in this case) The Asia...
Committee for Asian Women (CAW)
Also late last year we received the library and documentation collection of the Committee for Asian Women (CAW), a regional NGO...
Dignity Returns Collection
Late last year (2014) we received a collection of photographs (digital copies) from the Thai workers co-operative Dignity Returns...
Asian Students' Association (ASA)
It took more then a while before the ASA archive - or rather the remains of the archive, as there are many gaps in the collection...
Roel Burgler Papers
In 2013 and 2014 we received the first batches of the collection of Roel Burgler.Roel did his PhD on the Khmer Rouge regime in...
Michael Bedford Collection
Some time ago we received from Michael Bedford his documentation/research collection on rightwing vigilantes in the Philippines...
Karen National Union
The announcement comes with some delay but that's not to say we're less excited to be able to report that the archives of the...
Htein Win
Last week, just before the 25th 8-8-88 commemorations and with a little help from travelling friends, we were able to return to...
New Asia Collections Guide
It's finally there, the 4th edition of our Asia Collections Guide (
Ben Bavinck's diaries on Sri Lanka
Yesterday we received from Maarten Bavinck the diaries of his father Ben Bavinck (1924-2011)The diaries (23 notebooks) cover his...
Social Movements and Counterinsurgency in Negros Occidental, Philippines Collection
Two months ago we acquired a small collection on 'Social Movements and Counterinsurgency in Negros Occidental' (Philippines) This...
FIDOC Library
After having received parts of the FIDOC legacy already two years ago in the form of their periodicals and documentation, we now...
Welcome on the Southeast Asia blog of IISH
These blog pages will inform on new acquisitions and developments in the Southeast Asia desk. The information posted here can be...
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