Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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An international workshop aiming to focus on responses to global commodity production both in terms of resisting or adapting to changing social (labour) relations as well as resisting or adapting to... [Event]
The Institute of Culture and History (Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam) and the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam) organised an international seminar about the impact... [Event]
Kong Yee Sai Mau! [Say No to WTO] was one of the battle cries of the anti-global protesters who gathered in Hong Kong to protest the Conference of the World Trade Organization in December 2005. The... [Image gallery]
'Disobedient Objects' is a powerful exhibition in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London (26 July 2014  - 1 February 2015). Many 'disobedient objects' in the present exposition are on loan from the... [News]
Kong Yee Sai Mau! [Say No to WTO] was one of the battle cries of the anti-global protesters who gathered in Hong Kong to protest the Conference of the World Trade Organization from 13 until 18 ... [Item of the Day]
The World Trade Organization (WTO) had its convention in Seattle from 30 November till 2 December 1999. Some ten thousand demonstrators blocked the entrance and paralyzed the city during a week of... [Item of the Day]